The Believing Brain: Evolution, Neuroscience, and the Spiritual Instinct

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God, they say, is in the details. But could God also be in our frontal lobes? Every culture from the dawn of humankind has imagined planes of existence beyond the reach of our senses, spiritual domains that shape our Earthly experiences. Why do beliefs of the fantastic hold such powerful sway over our species? Is there something in our evolutionary history that points to an answer? Does neuroscience hold the key? Straddling the gap between science and religion, Brian Greene is joined by renowned neuroscientists, anthropologists, and evolutionary biologists, to explore one of the most profound mysteries of our existence.

PARTICIPANTS: Lisa Barrett, Barbara J. King, Zoran Josipovic, Steven Pinker

MODERATOR: Brian Greene


This program is part of the BIG IDEAS SERIES, made possible with support from the JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION.

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01:05 – Overview of religious beliefs
12:15 – Panelist intros
14:27 – Panelists share personal religious beliefs
18:28 – Broadening our views of belief
19:15 – Do other animals have a sense of spirituality?
20:50 – What is evolutionary psychology?
27:51 – Are humans wired for belief?
32:36 – Is there evidence of an internal predilection of religious belief?
37:46 – Searching for the origin of religious belief
45:21 – Is there an adaptive value of religious belief?
49:31 – Advantages of religious belief relating to the nervous system
55:24 – Why has religion persisted for so long?
1:00:30 – Religion as an emotional response vs a social mechanism
1:08:20 – The future of the role of religion
1:14:15 – What would aliens think of our religious beliefs?

– Produced by John Plummer
– Associate Produced by Laura Dattaro
– Opening media created by Josh Zimmerman
– Music provided by APM
– Additional images and footage provided by: Getty Images, Shutterstock, Videoblocks

This program was recorded live at the 2018 World Science Festival and has been edited and condensed for YouTube.



Any thought comes from someone else thoughts, so your thoughts are not yours at all

Mary Karen Solomon says:

This was an interesting conversation, but I wish a religious somebody (Father Guy? A Tibetan Priest?)had been included to round out viewpoints with their understanding and insight.

Theodore A Hoppe says:

@ 11:51 Do people actually have a "need" to believe, or is this need simply one of many core beliefs that are instilled in us at an early age and built upon that then requires a conversion of sorts to reorient one's thinking?

Curt Coller says:

the wiring of a new born brain is not finished! "We" wire it after birth to give a mind (a purpose) to many things (some including cars). So does church early in childhood, to "wire" our brains. I'm not saying it's a bad idea to give "purpose" and "hope" to a young mind, but the dark sides are obvious: We bless weapons before they are used in wars and kill people – just one example. And when you ask a priest why – he is completely perplexed and clueless. Bad the final result is – you are the bad guy for asking that question, not the church for blessing violence! So why are we confused and disgusted about radical Muslims? They have been trained much harder to believe and now do the same: They bless violence. I don't see a difference – I see a way to find a common ground.

KD Unity says:

Geese are loyal. So crazy how such alleged educational people can see or have such variety of perception whereas those of us who do not have such expensive pieces of paper. Can get a better grasp just from common sense. The more you think and look into it. The less you see. The dead to have emotions. Those who have not crossed over are the ones with a real strength of emotions. But to not believe in spirit's. Whelp!! I surely hope they don't show how wrong those who do not believe the hard way!!

Inner Knowing says:

Well that was disappointing! Makes me wonder if there isn't some kind of agenda running. All four speakers atheists and not one religious speaker or believer of any kind. A pretence of ignorance while carefully constructing answers to appear learned. I would expect more of a balanced argument and reference to the latest discoveries and findings at the very least. With the question of why belies hold such a powerful sway you would think perhaps those with the beliefs might have something of importance to add. It was pretty brazen to think you could just bundle religious, spiritual and metaphysical or paranormalĀ beliefs together as though they are one and the same and think it would go unnoticed. It hasn't. So what's the agenda and why?

Mr69elco says:

It's not that people want to believe, they were lead to believe at a young age by ignorant adults who love to make shit up. And once these children become adults, they prefer entertainment over knowledge and so they never break free. The brains of the masses prefer to feel rather than know.

The Mask of Innocence says:

Live in the 5D world and above. Always have usually have an oil and water lifestyle with people. Am a Gold child with Absence and right frontal lobe Epilepsy.

The Mask of Innocence says:

I'm Spiritual not Religious etc. The Ect. is the to except things on a wider view too. Not God. Excepting the 5 elements. So outside is would be my refuge for and natural world. I have a unique personality. It has many layers.

Constantine says:

The first few minutes i see Brian acting exactly like a preacher :)))

Ra JoBa says:

I once sat in a plane next to a woman from Berlin and while on our way to the Caribbean I said to her
"did you know that on one of the neighboring islands where our destination is, lives a man that actually did punch a knife all the way through his head and still lives?"
She was totally appalled and flat out denied that this could be the case and kept on ranting for a while about those bronze age bible fairytales and such.
In the end, she said, "… and after all, we all know how this is been done!"
Well not quite, it actually happened. Its part of a ritual were few people in this group during this event allow a spiritual being of some kind to use their bodies.
In order to demonstrate that they are now indestructible, they do all kinds of harm to their bodies.
Cutting their tongues off, putting it later back on. Without any negative consequences.
Punching needles, bamboo sticks, and others through arbitrary parts of their body, but that's actually quite common, so punching a knife through the head
is only a variation of that self-inflicted injuries.
Some of those incidences are even well documented by doctors walking along with those people.
So what is that?? This perception of spirituality will never be acknowledged by science, even though it exists and is part of our common reality!

scott miller says:

most people are spiritual not atheistic. they not bailing their organized religions for nada and those that do usually end up flailing around in other belief systems.

the general trend is to reject organized things political/religious groups and do your own thing. in religion that takes a sort of milktoast generalized form of whatever. nothing extreme typically.

and another point i thought was rather in error. what exactly does the one academic think the totality of catholic beliefs entails? the catholics are ONLY concerned with jesus's teachings there is nothing from the OT to bring but the 10 commandments and a few other things jesus refers to.

the added stuff is just that added has NOTHING to do with catholics who believe in jesus as the son of god and the savior of humanity. he told you CLEARLY to judge not and to turn the other cheek less you were a saint in essence clean your room or stfu.

also of note that religious systems are concerned with morals with is one of the both positive and negative things about them but the catholic faith itself is the positival "morality' of a taoist jesus christ.

and the scientists cant even discuss certain topics honestly because of political correctness like not all populations break down equal at all there is GREAT variation among all sorts of metrics some the political elite do not like uttered.

so how is science to guide people morally at all? your idiots on the issue might as well ask blind men to guide you to the store. if yourr going to lie and bend to politics and uncomfortable facts and are not honest you cannot tackle ANY issue never mind moral ones.

clean your room academics.

Alisaba E says:

I can never get through any of this guy's talks. He exudes an unpleasantness. I can't take what he says more so because of how he says it. He just seems like such an ass. And that's my scientific opinion. lol.

A Stru says:

Maybe no ones faith is wrong. Just misguided.

Young Tang says:

Want to know how reincarnation works?

When one takes the last breath, whatever the bit of the memory he/she is ABLE to retain at that moment gets converted into the Higgs Boson. Then, depending on the condition; such as time and place of the unborn living animal/human, the Higgs Boson gets embedded into the new brain.

derdagian1 says:

The trick is simple. Hypothesize that humans interact with the energy fields, via entanglement.

If an unknown person A prayed, and unknown person B prayed and Person A was struck with what they claim is Action directed by God to help person B, who was praying to God.

Both recognize Clearly Imbued Thoughts that God Had Interacted, at the proper time.

Science informs that a Realm within a realm is Plausible, where the Unseen is operating in the background of the Larger Reality. One Reality! Letā€™s have the sense to be Dealing with these Energy fields and Entangled quark mess, in a way that shows Compassion to Humanity.

I keep expecting to see a B-1 Lancer BLAST OFF, after circling Kennard.

ezza88ster says:

For Steven Pinker to equate belief or faith in a creator god or soul to that of belief or faith in genies or devils is really quite disingenuous. The historical arguments made for the former are really quite subtle, challenging and informative, in comparison, whatever side you come down on. Years ago I used to go in for the same cheap dismissals but it's nothing more than ego-istic, ill-informed, put-downs; that too many naturalists lazily indulge in. Come on naturalists raise your game – I dare ya! You might want to start with St Augustine or Hegel; assuming you've the brain for it.

Floyd Armstrong says:

We know of nothing that lives who would not want to feel good about themself,if it takes religion to get one their,glory to designer for that purpose

Floyd Armstrong says:

OK; Slit less than or greater than the balance of waves or partials entangles observer or observers/ believe it or not.Sometimes you got to move or be moved

staninjapan07 says:

Some interesting videos on this channel.

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