The Clearing Effect – Dr Joe Vitale teaches the missing secret

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Video describes how you can use the clearing effect and Emotional Freedom Techniques to get what you need in life.

Site is all about money beyond belief which is about taking the steps for wealth.


Kil20K says:

another limiting elements!! be gone lol!! you know what you say have no
sense at all..

MoCuishle06 says:

Adil! My man! Awesome vid dude keep it up!

786285 says:

Thanks Adil

pauldguyon says:

good explanation of the funnel and eliminating limiting thoughts. Looking
forward to the next video explaining the Ho’oponopono process. Thanks!

Adil Amarsi says:

Thanks guys, really appreciate it, and I’ll be adding more every other
day…or so 😛

Adam And Eve says:

Mistake! God/Universe is not sending you anything especially: $ and
happiness. Please do not spread false hopes. Happiness and $ is what you
make and earn, only YOU can make it happen. It is true, to get successful,
in any situation, you have to clear your subconscious mind of the LIES they
planted by others and the media. A clear untainted mind works better. So I
do agree with you, but only partially.

Adil Amarsi says:

@adamsochLA That’s all opinionated that God/Universe does or doesn’t. I do
believe God does but that again is my own belief. I agree wishy washy crap
doesn’t work but action and strategy does. Though this video is just
showing people what’s inside Joe Vitale’s course.

julie edwards says:

u explained this brilliantly,short but 2 the point,which is what peops

Shamrockrancher says:

I am seriously concerned. Your white board shows: You (me) SO (significant
other?) PERISH I’m putting on Ozzy’s Crazy Train and waiting…

Florin Ilea says:

hello , i m from romania , i made the hooponopono course 2 mounth ago in
Bukarest ,and is working ,it s true ,logic, and works. i m working in MLM
industry as well ,and my team are growing,and the sales as well after i
made this course..good luck.thank you

rene29200 says:

Thank You!!!

Mercy Quarello says:

I love it thx for sharing

Travis Hickey says:

I like the funnel analogy here. It is very effective for explaining why
people don’t get what they want.

megaplextv says:

I initially thought what could this guy know? But your explanation was
actually quite good. Thank you

priyankasvideos says:

such a great way to explain clearing!!!! Thank you!!:)

mr bad example says:

if you believe all this crap, why do you have a shitty camera and a tiny
board? you should have tons of money to hire a professional crew to make an
outstanding video… i was going through my wife’s notes (she left me 5
years ago) and found one with joe vitale scribbled on it, so i went here
and looked up joe and found you, a total LOSER!

Janice Reece says:

Great thanks…………………

Saber ahadi says:

haha you are an idiot lol. Of course god does not send you anything because
there is no god. The universe makes it happen and this was known in ancient
asia, buddhism, egypt and shamanism. And those people at that time were way
wiser than stupid weak minded fools of today

Prabinesh Bajracharya says:

good job. very appreciative.

Ncreasepeace says:

I was surprised that i actually understood that! thanks!

endlessposs873 says:

Thanks for the simply explaination

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