The Dalai Lama: A Profaning, Nazi-Loving Muslim Dictator? | China Uncensored

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The Dalai Lama gets accused of things you wouldn’t believe. Is he profaning Tibetan Buddhism? Is he a Muslim and does he associate with Nazis? The obvious answer, in a word, is of course, no. But in the murky battle for control of Tibet, China goes to some pretty incredible lengths. You won’t believe what happened after the Dalai Lama’s recent announcement that he doesn’t have to reincarnate and might be the last Dalai Lama.

Thumbnail: FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/GettyImages

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AmazighStarNet. says:

About his "holiness" he is for a fact a nazi loving dictator he was a personal friend of Heinrich Harrer who was an austrian SS sargent mountain climber who also was a personal friend of Adolf Hitler.
His "holiness" was also a personal friend of Miguel Serrano who was the chilean ambassador in India and Serrano was a devoted nazi and a personal friend of Pinochet who harboirded nazis in Chile among them Walter Rauf Aribert Heim and Paul Schäfer.

And Tibet was the LAST non arabic country in the world to abolished slavery in 1959 and Tibet was also called the last theocracy until Iran overtook that title in 1979.

Game Master says:

long live the Dalai Lama

Alt Centrist Lilly says:

Geeze!!! I'm an Athiest, but at least I'm grown up enough to realize that it doesn't really matter if people believe in imaginary beings. Good grief!!! Why can't we all just be happy? Let the poor Buddhists alone CCP!!! Chill!!!!!

Sumesh Sudhakaran says:

tibet was always influenced by india. not by china

tenzin sangpo says:

Long live His Holiness THE DALAI LAMA and bless all the living being.. May the peace prevail on the earth. Recite – OM MANI PAD MAE HOON…

tenzin sangpo says:

How illicit they Chinese Govt is is the dharma not the dictatorship I think the Chinese Govt has gone mad.

Dennis White says:

Hmmmm, who is sponsoring these rabble rousers? Could it be ……… George Soros?

Ageofbullshu Ageofwushu says:

Dalai Delusion of Grandeur. Reincarnation? That's like saying the Jesus the Christ lives again! Well, people in the past, the Jews, killed the true messiah, or the son of God, and when you're burned once, you never ever will come back again.

Organic Beast says:

"The Dalai Lama: A Profaning, Nazi-Loving Muslim Dictator" ahahahaahahah

rah aw06 says:

Chinesse are dickheads just like CCP

Samsher Ansari says:

Dalai lama is fake baba

Will Sirius says:

The whole Lama thing is made up to control the people anyway. Nobody should give a damn. lol

Chitranjan Kumar kushwaha says:

free Tibet from communist chinese .they killed million tibet

TameTusker Silly says:

Chris, please provide Mandarin/ Cantonese subtitles. That opens China Uncensored to Chinese the world over who don't understand English? :):):)

Alien Nations says:

Whoever smelt it, dealt it ! Talk about the kettle calling the Pot black. Your so lost in double speak you are the living the 1984 dream ! LMAO
These Ham-chins are drinking their own water again! They need to know that it has lead and is probably radioactive. Notice the glow you see from the beijing crowd ,that's not just the shiny Pork ball look, they are literally emitting radiation they are so TOXIC. Oh, China, you will never out smart the real foxes, we know your game and your playing it like a pig, greedy, selfish, dumb, uncreative backwater, your an embarrassment to real pig's worldwide. Imperial Japan beat 'big' china how many times ? Have you ever won any conflict in history? Did you not cry for us a few decades ago to come save your tiny pork ass's form the Japanese? Have you ever one anything, maybe back in 1200's. Please put you heads back in the sand and kiss your ass's goodbye, this party is over! Maybe you should take a look in the mirror and you might see the shiny light emitting around your body, this is not enlightenment, but a sight of an early passing, Then you'll be looking to Buddhism to help you, but no one will, as you will be joining Hitler and Stalin in a one-way ticket HELL.!

Greeting from the UK !(your old master- and we ain't coming to help you this time).
PS stop killing people for their organs and poisoning the world with illegal drug's ! YES, we all know what you've been doing! Oh, yeh, get the fuk out of the disputed area's or I'll come kick your tiny ass myself. Our Navy should headed your way very soon, so LOOK OUT !!

OWL TV says:

In Buddhism we respect all religion so the dalai lama did don't call him Nazi or Muslim
He is our Buddhist monk providing the message of Buddha . How China can be so down to lie shits abt him
May Buddha provide you some brain Chinese government

Kopan Apso says:

Dalai Lama is a pure Buddhist monk. Genuine and a simple individual who practices Buddhism simply to help all sentient beings. The Communist Chinese propaganda will never win whatsoever. Truth always prevail. The Chinese people from the mainland China are the topmost followers of the Dalai Lama with increasing numbers. He quotes : whether you believe in religion or not, whether you believe in rebirth or not; there is no one who does not believe in love and compassion therefore, it is extremely important to love everyone, be it the Chinese Communist officials…

The Xeno says:

Next Dalai Lama will be from Tawang, India.

keanoa kiro says:

this time cat didn't Just got the reds tongue but shit on it and ripped it off from there mouths…..Indians are waiting for opportunity when reds slip on sino indo border issues …and India will unveil hell on china….if they don't stop supporting terrorist pakistan ….and we Indian's had enough with peace talks if India can teach a lesson to china …pakistan and n.korea will fall

SEAN PAN says:

Dalai Lama is a secret admirer of Falungong founder Master Li– the creator of this universe.

opinionvoice says:

dalai lama the holiness? he's nothing more than just a politician hide underneath the monk robe to fool everyone. this channel and the host just want to spread hate and lie against china, and that's their job.

འཇིགས་མེད་ རྣམ་རྒྱལ says:

You HAVE to reincarnate, but lamas and such high minded individuals can choose what they reincarnate AS. So the Dalai Lama can just come back as a normal kid. Don't listen to that boar-faced traitor of a "governor".

འཇིགས་མེད་ རྣམ་རྒྱལ says:

Thank you for covering, we love you Chris ☸️☸️☸️

Quq Balam says:

Honestly, this description is not that off the hook. Nazis made expeditions in Tibet, used the Hindu-Buddhist swastika, used the term Aryan that appears in Buddhist sacred texts and had an enormous interest in Indian and Chinese religion and mysticism in general. The Buddhist lamas also were collaborators with the British rulers that had reduced Tibet to a colony of Britain, the same British rulers who also promoted Aryanist racism and said Buddhism is a good religion because it is Indo-European and created by the beautiful White Caucasian people that populate Europe, in contrast to Islam whose Negritude and Semitism bar it from being considered a civilised religion.

The Dalai Lama is also allied with the same United States that has funded the Wahhabi Muslim militias of Xinjiang, so his description as a "Muslim" is not that far off the hook as well. Not to mention that Arab Gulf monarchies like Saudi Arabia, the same ones that collaborated with the US to create Al-Qaeda, have promoted the same Buddhaised Sufism that the Dalai Lama and other Buddhist figures praise and use in the Buddhist meditation centres they build in the West.

Finally, the Dalai Lama has definitely profaned Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan militias he helped arm with the United States destroyed countless temples and monasteries during the Tibetan insurrection of 1959, on top of killing over 1 million people as well and causing the Great Leap Forward famine.

Collateral Damage says:

we Indians love and respect Dalai Lama… and always protect him…

SEAN PAN says:

Fake news by Chris Chappell.

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