The Dalai Lama and Cardinal Wuerl in Washington DC

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Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington DC, greets His Holiness the Dalai Lama during the second day of the Kalachakra Empowerment held in Washington DC, on July 14, 2011. (

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Durgesh Bahuguna says:

i imagine buddha by looking at you.

ks tang says:

Though the Dalai Lama does not speak good English, but he was able to put across the messsge of true humanity behaviors. I respect him for his sincere good heart. No hypocrisy.

Rizel micro-of-macro says:

Holy cow. Is the dalai llama aware of all the satanic worship of the vatican ?

Jose Hernandez says:

Don't be,worried lama

Jose Hernandez says:

Oh that dirt

John McClellan says:

Wuerl will you please resign and let a good man replace you. No more protecting predatory homosexual priests. Stop McCarrick from living in a luxurious mansion owned by the Church. We should no longer be supporting this monster who raped altar boys and seminarians. McCarrick should be in jail and not living in the lap of luxury in Washington DC. Send him to a monastery.


DALAI LAMA is an AVATAR of most Ancient Spirit. Dalai remembers his ancient reincarnations. Christian Popes and others do not! The Ancients of Tibet are the last of the Inheritance of the Most Ancient World of Atlantis..the Forgotten Civilisation of 20.000 years BC. The time of the Great Flood of that time swamped the old people. The Great Manu took the people to the Roof of the World..i.e. Tibet! Jai sat Chit Ananda!

John McClellan says:

Wuerl is a homosexual front man for the gay mafia in the Church. He should resign and let far better men rise to power in the Church, Only by cleaning out the homosexual mafia will the Church regain the respect of the world.

Rajesha R S says:

Recognition of another goodness and responding to them with gratitude make this a beautiful place.

Rajesha R S says:

8:25 to 8:35 yes, really they have done a great job by spreading education to all.
I am very greatful for it.๐Ÿ™

Long Name Long Name says:


Zille Zille Tum tam tum says:

Love love love

Johnny Hard Steel says:

This is apostasy

hemsfa victor says:

He has nothing but compassion in & out.

Ras Mark says:

Tibet has a history of servitude and brutality and also Roman Catholic has history of mass murder including the blessing of Mussolini to invade the Christian empire of Ethiopia , Lama does not give thanks and praises to Jahovia and does not condemn world leaders for their immorality and whores to the Rothschilds , he is weak an a false prophet mixing with the Whore of Babylon priests as described in scripture

Zamin says:

I wonder If every individual start thinking like him then there will be peace all over the worldโค๏ธ

johannesnicolaas says:

This opens my heart.

Aldo Alfaro says:

T always hate this fake cardinal… is so superficial!! He loves power and politics… so far form Christ!

nabin lama says:

so much respect and love he say true people are blind they don't have heart you are my gratest techer dalai lama

crazybastid83 says:

Heretic. He is a politician, not a Priest.

madmanjshum says:

Two man of cloth supporting each others' bullshit.

Aulรฉ the Battlemage says:

I dnt understand why ppl r so angry with this video. The cardinal called him His Holiness out of respect not devotion! His Holiness is not god nor a deity he is a spiritual leader, I'm so glad he accepted the khata. May Buddhist and Christian come together in peace and harmony. Happy trails

Sherza says:

Leaders of different religion have crossed the boundaries of their faith to accept and pay respect to each others religion, and here we all are judging men who have devoted their lives to their respective faith.Who are we to judge if these men of god had exchanged hands to respect each others faith. If we can accept white man lives in a same earth as a black men, can we not accept people of this earth have always chosen different path to seek for spiritual awareness?

GottmitunsAlex says:

What a joke…. I doubt the good cardinal would have the courage to give "his holiness" a crucifix.
And unlike the Cardinal, the buddhist would not have accepted it.
He would most likely place a budda on top of a Catholic altar first. Oh, my bad, they did that already at Assisi.

Amanda Grace Wohltman says:

That so called "Cardinal" should be excommunicated. Unfortunately he won't be because Benedict XVI is an anti-pope.

Amanda Grace Wohltman says:

What a disgrace. What an abomination.

TV 2 FILM says:

Your Video Is Very Useful Sharing The Dalai Lama and Cardinal Wuerl in Washington DC

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