The Dalai Lama Gets Angry | Forgotten History

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#shorts #history #comedy

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  • Categories: Dali Lama


Adrian Gray Comedy says:

Hey guys! If you enjoyed this video then check out my Forgotten History movie, 'Britain's Worst Gangster':

Larry Floyd says:

It's funny bc it's true. Seriously.

Thorneisdrawn says:

Ok but if they made pizza crust out of pizza what'd you grab onto without contaminating the pizza

Dr.Don G says:

Superman exposed

125% Discipline says:

keep doing this bro, bring down internet's credibility, keep the politics out from the net

Boylieboyle says:

Haha too funny.

Bisphurok Baruah says:

I wonder .. if this is true or deepfake …..

salman hassan says:

"Sorry am I dreaming!

Storeshearman1 says:

Dalai Llama's posit of "why does pizza even have crust" arouses a very interesting revelation: why does pizza have crust? Board (the flat pizza) doesn't need crust to "cup" the sauce (the sauce is barely more than a normal pizza) in, so… why?

Joseph P says:

Is this channel true or just comedy?

just a dude on YouTube lol says:

I'm laughing so hard

Snakerakt says:

Bruh I don’t even know if these videos are real or fake

Michael Petras says:


Now says:


Алпамыс Рустембек says:

Is that a Garnts grandfather?

Neki tamo Lik says:

The last one is an avarge conversation when baked

Greg Hester says:

It's all about the karma, no I mean it's the bullshit.

Official Turanese Press says:

I get the feeling the Dalai Lama would love this

Ks Y says:

"No. I mean it's bullshit."

Frazzle F says:

I know this seems obvious, but you're really funny dude

fx editors says:

In the garbage lol

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