The Dalai Lama on Lust, Aging, Why Women Should Rule the World + Power of Gun vs Power of Truth

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[Released on July 13, 2015]
His Holiness the Dalai Lama joins Larry and gives his opinion of world leaders, thoughts on aging, and why he believes the world would be more peaceful if more women were in charge. Plus, what’s behind his #WithCompassion campaign.

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Floyd Gonzales says:

Everyone, particularly world political leaders, should be more compassionate. But, voters are not attracted to this characteristic. They want tough guys. Sad. The dali lama introduced Buddhism to America and I am happy he did. Slowly, this belief system is spreading. It is very close to indigenous beliefs for living. The respect for all life should be universal, but it isn't. Our civil and religious institutions are failing us. Instead let's ban books and a broad education, a nonsensical solution.

Mansville hermit says:

Is he in the red shoe club?

Trevor Or says:

Great respect for the man but he has not spent enough time around the corrupted western women to know what he is talking about because they are EVERY bit as evil as any man just in a different way

Tr7b says:

In the movie;7 years in Tibet-Mr Harrier was shown bragging about his Olympic Gold medal.The Tibetean women's response"We Tibeteans would never think to pit ourselves against another person to feed the ego.We work for one another's happiness."
BTW-We are moving into a Matriarchal age, replete with a more social networking environment and the use of dialog to solve our problems,not force of arms.

MsJoybird1 says:

Dalia Lama and his beliefs means nothing! I pray he makes his peace with his maker before his death!

Mark Holt says:

Nearly as I can tell, I do not disagree with the Dalai Lama on anything, but someone within his hearing should inform him that women mostly rule the world already.

Reacts2Females says:

thanks for the secular broadcast … anyone have the suicide hotline number?

Imran Haibat Khan says:

Crap. What makes his thoughts any brighter or better than a 10th grade student?

keke andrei says:

Some other buddhist monk said is not ok for this kind of mariages because they come from greed. I wonder if Dalai Lama is still a Lama anymore. In ancient times same sex mariages were in general not permited and this should not change unless the Gods change with people plans.


24:40 Hilarious moment !

Sonam Palmo says:


SnowLand Man says:

Long live the God King of Tibet 👑

Wayne Jones says:

I think this man has an amazing sense of humor and it is going so far over Larry's head that its sad! I feel like I'm the only one who laughed about his question to Christ!

Maserati Upgrades says:

Women ARE ruling the World. Dalai is brown nosing them to get their donations.

Gigi’s Trails and Tales says:

His skin is amazing!

William Oarlock86 says:

The so-called 'Dalai Lama' is a mindless mouthpiece for powerful, rich and famous Westerners.

Cure Wish says:

Its politicised education in a capitalist system; it thrives on contrast, difference, competition. Its not interested in common values, social cohesion or humane considerations. The more influenced one is by his environment the less he is able to shape it. That is why the Buddha said ' be a light to yourself' first – then see that all humankind is suffering one way or another. I mean childhood, teen years do not last long. Sooner or later…….Love Dalai Lama, Krishnamurti, Davi Bohm et al.

satya mevjayate says:

Whole buddhism is a science… If you learn definitely you will learn to love live more healthy.
My advice learning buddhism or meditation should b added in each school university is not a religion , but it is a way to live ur life successfuly in positive way.
But i know afraid religious people despite of its benefits will not do this..not for sake of humanity too.
Long life HH ….we all love you..pray for you. Try to meditate.. Try to be on path of humanity, love, live with altruistic attitude. Its hard yet working for it.
Namo buddhaya, may we all have peace. 🙏🏻🇮🇳

Daniel X says:

“Those people who got married, and divorced, married and divorced…” I wonder who that was… lol

ten desh says:

His holiness predicted that he will live for 113 or more to serve all the beings as he has been doing all his life tirelessly. No one can live calm and happy after facing this much hard tough troublesome life. Defending all negative emotions like a solid rock. His vast ocean like wisdom and limitless space like compassion inspire us and give us courage to be like him. May I never be detached from you. Thank you for everything.

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