The Dalai Lama on the state of the world

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The 14th and current Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, like previous Dalai Lamas, is a figure of unification of the state of Tibet. He represents Buddhist values and traditions.


He has just released a new book, ‘Our Only Home’, which is a call to action for leaders and individuals to move now to combat climate change.

He speaks to Krish about his worries for our planet, Tibet’s relations with the rest of the world and his views on the global pandemic.

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Jer0090v says:

China's ongoing shame that they invaded peaceful Tibet and forced this wonderful man into exile.

TianYi Jiang says:

Definitely he has much in common with the Europeans. Both have a lot of experience in torturing slaves.

ten desh says:

European doesn't belong to King or queen or leaders. He said same thing to America, China, India. Refugees shouldn't forget their land and people facing difficulties.
Nalanda University was in Bihar state India. Tibetan Buddhism derived from Nalanda University.

Sonam Jordan says:

How sad he can't even spell Nalanda properly that was originated from India. It's not Nalander it's Nalanda Institute or thoughts of Institute.

michael buddah says:

he isnot the dalai lama and he knows it,hes as fake as his title,he says all live simply,yeah thats easy to say when you have 150million pounds worth of gold bars and gold coins ina bank vault in india

Alja Peterka says:


achan2727 says:

just a note: when the Dalai Lama refers to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition coming from Nalanda Buddhist tradition he is referring to Nalanda University which was in India not Tibet (the archaeological ruins are just north of Bodhgaya). The Cultural Revolution was responsible for the destruction of many ancient Buddhist monuments and temples – but Nalanda, being in India, was not one of them. Thanks for this interview; beautifully done.

Marlene Cauldwell says:

The Dalai Lama is an amazing human being. He is truly inspirational..

Christian Reinisch says:

at first, I really could not understand him well. But take your time, be patient, and you will get used to his way of talking in English language. Very kind of him to talk to us in in such manners, many people are able to understand his message 🙂

Russell Duffy says:

The man never ceases to inspire. His being is the essence of what we are. He respect for all others then promotes that knowledge so we all can share it. Quite wonderful.

Arsenic says:

Q: Could it really be that you are the last Dalai Lama?
A: As long as I live, it should be something useful, to help other people. Then after that – not my business.
Simply epic. The epitome of a wise man.

Vivette says:

He is a fraud.


Yes I agree with Manhunter below. I don't normal y add comments but in this case I feel the need to. What happened to the editing.?! The speech was out of sync, the cuts jumped around and the whole thing was a mess, including the mic in K.G.'s face. As it was an iconic interview with HH Dalai Lama i would encourage you to undertake a red-edit. Luckily I was familiar with the content but for those who were not the unprofessional standard of the interview would have served asa distraction. Thank you for the opportunity to have a wee rant, may it benefit other viewers. (Am available for work!))

SadHappy says:

I agree with the Dalai Lama that Europe should be for the Europeans

Mark L says:

Don't try and tell us what to do and how to move forward with these difficult matters…

g00gleyes says:

if i wanted a breakdown of the state of the world i'm not going to ask a monk who has divested himself of worldly possessions and lives in the mountains thinking really hard about not thinking.

Not Me says:

Nalanda was/is in India and is over 2000 years old

The Cute Club! says:

'Europe is for Europeans' – Dalai Lama.

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