The Dalai Lama talks about dying at the University of Lausanne – Part 2 [VO]

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On April 15th 2013, the Dalai Lama met scientists at the University of Lausanne.

The afternoon session was dedicated to the topic of “dying”. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has talked with the panelists Francesco Panese, Claudia Mazzocato, Jelena Martinovic, Maya Burger, Stephanie Clarke and Alain Kaufmann. Moderator: Philippe Moreillon.

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Angelia Bell says:

dalai lama

Jennifer Ring says:

He just found me, thus teh cycle is broken. When he said he was the last he
was right, depending on how you choose to see things. Yet I cannot choose,
for I have cut my wings to live eternity as a human. Willingly. There is no
need to thank me. This is what I wanted. You’re most welcome.

Marie Suryachandrama says:
Michael D says:

I don’t want to die in a hospital, it is not a peaceful environment. maybe
in the future they will have gardens within hospitals where patients can
pass away, this is how it should be…imo

drugstorerecords says:

wise words. as usual!

Swis rya says:

Very interesting. Though, to the University, why invinting female
Scientists only to deal with Tenzin Gyatzo? This is a very profoundly
meaningful Question, when it comes to the Meeting of two different Cultures
and I would say, Ideals: that of the so called East and that of so called
West [or West-and-Middle East]. Not to allow Men to deal with him, or the
other Way ’round; or to give more Value to Women, where the female Side of
the Being in Buddhist is much more appreciated [see the green Tara] than it
is in so called Middle Eastern religious Traditions [which have affected
the West]? Inner Happiness and Goodness and outer Happiness and Power to

Jean-Jacques HUGAND says:

Oui il est vrai que l’on doit déplorer fermement toutes ces guerres et
persécutions des peuples ! Toute ma compassion est adressée au peuple
Tibétain !

Cho Ten says:

Who asked Chinese to build roads and buildings in Tibet?actually no Tibetan
invited Chinese in Tibet but they invaded our land in 1950 and destroyed
Tibet and killing millions of truth you Chinese will know but
sad thing is you Chinese don’t know about anything because u are just like
animals in zoo due to censorship by your own goverment 

Tenzin Dolma says:

Talking truth about Tibet and HH the Dalai Lama by brain a washed communist
Chinese regime. Give me a break please. Makes me laugh. 

Kyaw Oo says:

thanks for uploaded this video

Tenzin Dolma says:

Greatest 14th recarnation HH the Dalai Lama. May all being free from the
Samsara. Om mane padme hu. May all being free from suffering.

Tenzin Dolma says:

HH the Dalai Lama is true peace. He is the greatest 14th re carnation. May
all being free from samsara. Om mane padme hu. 

kyoko tago says:

The visor is used not for promotional reasons, but HH uses it to overcome
the brigntness of the light directed to the stage, this has been explained
by him on numerous occassions. So it has a reason based on practical reason
not merchadological ones

impreprex1979 says:

If more people could be like this man, the world would be more awesome. His
book is incredible!!

瑞甫 张 says:

Dalai was head of the feudal serfdom of Tibet. Dalai’s “Middle Way” is to
restore his past heaven and put millions of already emancipated serfs back
to the dark cage. Lies cannot cover up the facts.

Jac Meli says:

Thanks so much to you, for the precious teachings. How lucky we are to have

Tashi Ten says:

I think even if he wants to restore serf dom in tibetan, that is the
business of tibetans. we tibetans see chinese as conquerors and not
liberators as they claim. what chinese take as credits in tibet is, they
claim they have spent billions of dollars( chinese forgot that money too
has from looting tibet natural resources) improve tibetans livelihood, if
this is the case, more than 116 tibetans(most of them youngsters) at lones
2008 all tibet uprising against chinese colonism.

David White says:

indeed I apologise! I just found for a second that the western world was
imposed upon a wonderful man!. In my simplistic thought for a moment I was
wrong….. please forgive

rabten57 says:

Yes before it was old system in tibet as you have in china and other part
of world but now dalai lama has created democratisation govt here in exile
tibetan govt and retired all his position on 2010 so, my dear chinese
friend, now you have the all responsible to change your seven people party
controlled govt and supreme law and 1.3 billion people’s wish and their
rights and freedom, very shameful. I give this advice as i like chinese and
very like in their good heart.

daydreams4rock says:

i share my music with all those who respect buddhism

Colton Swanson says:

well if you haven’t noticed, his holiness often chooses to wear a visor or
a hat during his talks… i dont think they were trying to make him one of
us… i think its what he wanted…. and plus he always says he is just one
of us…we look up to him as if he is more…. he is just a human being
much like us….i believe he is much more but he always emphasizes that hes
just one of us

456inthemix says:

So called “Tibetan Buddhism” is rooted in Ancient Indian Thoughts
“NalandaTradition” based on 4 Noble Truth. The Buddhism inlcude: Buddhist
Sciense, Buddhist psychology and Buddhist religion.

Luis Jíménez Morell says:

Se nota que no has profundizado en el mensaje del budismo. Muchos
occidentales hemos estudiado el budismo y nos ha parecido un mensaje de
liberación. Estudialo sin prejuicios y tu tambien te liberarás. Un abrazo.
Soy español.

precious tange says:

That is only in your mind, your perception, that does not make him a liar,
anyway, the more positive our minds are the less negative traits we see in

Luis Jíménez Morell says:

Lo siento pero no habeis puesto subtítulos en español. No podemos enderlo
todo muy bien. Por favor , ¿Lo podeis traducir?

roda Yi says:

It seems to me that Tibetan Buddhism has become secularization in some
parts like Korean Buddhism.

Kristen Esbensen says:

I love the Dalai Lama so much and respect him perhaps more than any other
living person.

Prakasam Tata says:

Dhanyawaad, Holiness. Those who are afraid of death, and who has lust,
desirous of possessions, getting angry for simple reasons, having avarice,
having attachment for material goods, feeling jealous of others, having no
compassion and love for the poor and sickly, and passing their time without
serving others above their self, their lives are spent in vain. Thank you
for eliciting the concepts of detachment and spirituality at Lausanne.
Congratulations to the moderator for a great job.

precious tange says:


Jojo Chan says:

looting in tibet are tibetan in chinese shops .what? who build the budings
and trains?

Colton Swanson says:

a man as wonderful as him is truly a blessing…to be able to study his
words and learn from him is a gift, one that i appreciate everyday

Bonbonitaaa says:

Hi 🙂 Tashi dalek. I understood the word as ‘ethic’, as applied to life
rather than just ethics of religion or those prevalent in culture. Namaste!

Lewis Pusey says:

What was the question?

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