The Dalai Lama – War is Outdated

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Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, describes war as “outdated” in an increasingly interdependent world.


The Aspen Institute and co-chairs Margot Pritzker and Richard Blum, in collaboration with the Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture, are proud to present a substantive symposium that embraces Tibetan and Himalayan art, culture, science, medicine, spiritual practice, and history.

The three-day program – featuring His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the keynote speaker – will bring together an extraordinary number of eminent scholars, teachers, practitioners and tradition-bearers from around the globe to shed light on the rich historical and philosophical significance of Tibet and its impact on global issues today – The Aspen Institute

Tenzin Gyatso is the 14th Dalai Lama. He is the head of the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharamshala, India. Tibetans traditionally believe him to be the reincarnation of his predecessors.

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Rose Marie prudhomme says:

War will be outdated when Jesus is King.

Colton Crews says:

Youtube's closed captioning is so fucking useless.

Epi Clesis says:

Enlightened beings do get angry…but it is NOT the same "anger" as a samsaric being. Though meditation this is discovered. Until we are enlightened, we must not pretended to understand what enlightened behavior is like or not like.

Kelsang Dargyay says:


We must admit that sometimes the Dalai Lama tells the truth. Some days ago a friend of mine showed me a magazine with a Dalai Lama interview, in it the Dalai Lama says the following and I quote:
There is no much sense in me speaking about myself. It is better that other people do it. What I know is that when I was a child I was a character, but I have changed. Nowadays, I get angry from time to time, like for example not long ago in Madrid. It was in the hotel waiting for my luggage to arrive to the hotel, and it was not arriving. No one knew anything about it. How silly! It should be somewhere. So I lost my temper. But it was for a good reason: in my luggage there was my Tibetan medicine and I have stomach pain, so I need it. In general I think that emotions and intelligence come together. The emotions are part of our life but intelligence must control them. In my case, when emotions come out my wisdom and experience help me. However sometimes they appear in my dreams. I see myself fighting with people. I hold something in my hand and I try to hit them, but then I remember in my dream that I am a monk and I should not fight. Sometimes I also dream with women. Yes attractive women… The Dalai Lama laughs and speaks in Tibetan that Thetong translates: <If they were ugly, there would not be any problem>. The Dalai Lama keeps laughing: <but even in my dreams my reaction is the same. I tell myself that I am a monk.
Maybe, for the general public that does not know anything about Buddhism this looks cool. But for someone that has some knowledge of Buddhism it is a bit different. These people will arrive to the conclusion that the Dalai Lama cannot be the Buddha of Compassion as some people believe, cannot be a superior bodhisattva, or even a foe destroyer, an ordinary bodhisattva, or a pure and sincere practitioner.
Basically, the Dalai Lama here admits that he gets angry from time to time, but that is not the worst (remember that people consider him the pope of Buddhism)he admits also that is OK to get angry, that there are some occasions in which is OK to get angry. Any sincere Buddhist would agree that Shantideva was a great Buddhist master and a realized being. If we check his masterpiece “Guide to the bodhisattva’s way of life” at the chapter about patience we will learn that there is not a single valid reason to get angry. Shantideva spends many pages refuting the reasons that we normally state to get angry as a means to solve our own problems. 
Since I begin to study and practice Buddhism I have learnt something that has been very important to me, and is that anger solves nothing. In Dalai Lama’s example I would say to him that losing the temper does not solve his external problem (no matter how angry he gets the luggage will not appear) but rather creates his actual problem the mind of anger itself. That is very basic Buddhist knowledge. So it seems that the Dalai Lama does not know this basic knowledge. It is very weird, could not the Dalai Lama (no less than Avalokisteshvara for some) find a more constructive and positive way to react to this situation. He could (if he had followed Buddha’s teachings but he did not).
If we follow Buddhist teachings we will learn that this is a very good opportunity to practice patience. How does it work? Simply by recalling that if we get angry we worsen our problem, that is, the luggage still is not there, he has stomach pain and he now is also angry (3 problems instead of 2 and the real problem is anger). Patience shows us that we can be happy amidst adversity. Examples are given in the scriptures of people that by applying patience they maintain a happy mind and peace of mind even if they are seriously ill with very strong pain like the pain that comes from cancer etc.
The Dalai Lama admits that he is reacting as an ordinary person that at the minimum adversity gets angry. So we could ask him where his Buddhist practice has gone. I think the answer is that the Dalai Lama has the words of Dharma but not the experience of it. He has intellectual knowledge of the teachings but he has not managed to get experience from that knowledge. That is a very common problem. The solution for it is to practice the teachings received. I think also that this is the reason of the two faces of the Dalai Lama (the words that he speaks and the actions he performs). So it would be interesting to know how his intelligence has worked in this case to control his emotions in this case. By his words we can infer the following: It is Ok for me to get angry because I have a valid reason I am in pain and this silly people have lost my luggage with my medicine. Dalai Lama is that the example that you want to show to the world? So according to you everyone has valid reasons to get angry. Is this the way to help people to overcome their delusions? Can be this a good example? This is what the Dalai Lama thinks about his intelligence controlling his emotions. How sad, what a big difference between the Dalai Lama and Shantideva. 
Look, I am o the way and I admit that sometimes I get angry, but I recognise this as my inner enemy that destroys my inner peace, so I pray to get rid of it along with the other delusions. From that point of view I think I am much better practitioner than the Dalai Lama, not because myself but rather thanks to the kindness of my teachers and the effort to overcome delusions like anger.
If we keep analysing Dalai Lama’s words we realize that he has not overcome his delusions he still has anger in his mind, and also attachment and of course ignorance. These are known as the three poisons that steal our inner peace and happiness.  I personally, would never choose a person that admits to have these three poisons, and that admits that is OK to have them as my Spiritual Guide. 
I think in these cases the Dalai Lama speaks the truth so we must take him at the letter. He has no Dharma realizations like tranquil abiding or a direct realization of emptiness because still he suffers from physical problems. He does not know how to practice Loyong, transforming the adversity into the path. He cannot even control his mind in a mild situation. To me he gets angry now just from time to time not because he has learned to control his mind but because he has managed (thanks to his power) to change the external conditions according to his wishes, so when something happens against his wishes he gets angry(see the video of the nun asking him for religion freedom).
Also, a person with Dharma realisations like a direct realization on emptiness on the path of meditation could not have the dreams that he has got, because this people have destroyed the seeds of all delusions, so if there is no seeds they cannot ripen in dreams. You do not need to be Jung to interpret his dreams, they speak for themselves. Also the commentary that he says at the end <if they were ugly there would not be a problem>, that is a very low comment, Can you imagine Shantideva, Milarepa, Atisha o Yhe Tsonkhapa stating such a low , insulting  and ordinary comment?
Is this the persona appointed to represent the Buddhist path in this world? For me is just a clown, a show man and a very, very ordinary person full of delusions and with no capacity or will to overcome them.
PD- The interview was in the Spanish magazine “El semanal” 9 of July 2005 Nº 923.

Nicole s says:

Anyone else reminded of the horcruxes from Harry Potter when he said destruction of your neighbor is destruction of your self?

ZhaJiangLiu says:

Oh, and policies designed to help Tibet have gone a bit wrong. For example, there is a program to send the best teachers to Tibet, despite the fact many of the participants can't speak Tibetan. The previous TAR party chief, Zhang Qingli was terrible. It's good that he's been moved to Hebei province instead. It's peaceful there so I guess they're giving him a job which even he can't screw up.

ZhaJiangLiu says:

You see, in 1954 the Dalai Lama visited Beijing. He studied Marxism there and relations were going very well. In 1959 there was an uprising in Tibet which was funded by the CIA and he fled. The CCP suspects he is an American agent and is probably scared at the fact he's actually Communist, unlike the CCP. They manage Tibet as such because they fear American involvement and thus Imperialism.

ZhaJiangLiu says:

While giving them 310 billion RMB, 90% of all government spending subsidised, exemption from policies like the one-child policy and projects like the Qinghai Railway? How can you take such a simplified view? It's an issue of nationalism, hence all the spending they do.

natetechrock says:


Youlia Clausen says:

World need to think A LOT .. actually … but i dont feel world do .. just some part of it .:D.

Chinglen Thokchom says:

@DonnyDeutschisBigBro what the hell is wrong with you?

Chinglen Thokchom says:

lets put this guy as a leader of the world….i m sure evrybody will be in peace.

Anthony says:

Dude, what the hell???!!!!
How could you even say that?

mayaaisabel says:

if i were in the same space as the dalai lama and noam chomsky i would be so honored, so much admiration and respect for this wise souls!

vahe stepanian says:

@kherabro you are to the point, A moneyless,classless,stateless communities of humanity living on EARTH in COOPERATION for our common needs and well being in harmony,wisdom and sanity for all generations . MONETARISM is the imposition of the evolution of the tyranny of PRIVATE PROPERTY RELATIONSHIP of alienation,exploitation and suffering of immense humanity in a useless emploement system of wage slavery for the abstract process of CAPITAL ACCUMULATION and concentration

Ibrar Khera says:

or you can say as long as other forms of market exist, war is inevitable.

lamrim eater says:

@DonnyDeutschisBigBro that was the most unmindful thing i've heard in days. may you learn to use compassion instead of anger to justify your words and actions. namaste

youngs1ncere says:

Dalai Lama is an amazing man. There are very few people you hear about that literally feel the one'ness of everything and do nothing but express the beauty of the interconnection of everything! I know thats a primary truth in Buddhist and many religious thought but so many people live life under the belief of division and seperation in the world. That will only end up destroying yourself and others. Global unity at this point is totally nessecary! Peace to everybody.

jjsandate says:

It can only get worse before it gets any better. I hope everyone can just appreciate their lives now and not allow themselves to be stressed over matters out of their control. What the elite of this world decide to do, rest assured, they'll do. PEACE!

bob hendrix says:

Yhea right, or you made a joke, or you want the whole world to be mindless working ants.

Really dude, just lissen to everything he says, than think about your own theory, than leave your comment on youtube becouse this is just really really… yhea nevermind, I can't even think about the right word to use.

Joseph Simeon says:

Humans also contradict themselves so I called you to a fight to the death with balloons and love.

Michelle Best says:

@JustovLight racist. Im a half american chink. white cracker.

bjapan96 says:

as long as religion exists their will be war

JustovLight says:

This is what's going on NOW!!! Come on people, at this very moment, Chink millitary and Commuinsts are murdering the innocent people and children brutally, and inhumanely. CHINA is a CRIMINAL MURDERER. The world must stand firm against this EVIL CHINA!!!!!

CHINA killed 20% of TIbetans! The world Must wake up and see the truth of massacre by China in Tibet, Uighur, Mongolia. We are NOT talking bout' the HISTORY.

JustovLight says:

"~~~~~China is a terrorist nation~~~~~
1)China has killed more than 8 million Tibetan people, and destroyed Buddhist temples, torturing and forcing Tibetans to speak in Chinky language.
2)Oppressed and murdered more than 2 million people in Uyghur.
3)Tortured and killed more than 5 million people in inner Mongolia, Turkey.
Chinks are the worst, most barbaric Racist & Facist nation in the world.
The world should stand firm and fight back against these vermins!!!!

vahe stepanian says:

@threelittledoves What is your evidence except some religious nonsense about human nature. Politics and Economy are just like space/time singularity, your reductionist and cartoon understanding of the world childish to say the least,

vahe stepanian says:

@threelittledoves your comment is rooted in ideological manipulation and contortions, human nature is driven to adapt to the real reality, and our social reality is a MARKET SYSTEM OF WAGE SLAVERY OF IMMENSE HUMANITY FOR THE MONETARY GAIN OF THE RULING ELITE ACROSS THE WORLD. as your ignorance about the political economy is no surprise, its systemic for mass mind colonisation for commercial use.

Jolly forJesus says:


No, just going to be used by rich banking idiots to take power everywhere. So while you forgat about a them and us the real people in charge will carry on taking all!

So nieve!

Madinkin says:

sometimes i think he is about to burst in tears when he speaks like that. very motivated and animated

buddhas know best says:

The Tibetans fought an armed resistance movement for years and the Dalai Lama's administration was receiving aid and training from the American government. They requested and received armed weaponry from the CIA and Department of Defense to fight the Communist Chinese. This is no secret. Thousands of lives were lost in this armed resistance, says the Dalai Lama. The Tibetan government in exile even instigated racial violence and riots before the Beijing olympics.

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