The Dali Lama Interview

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Dali Lama Speaking about Buddhist view of heaven

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buddhafollower says:

Let us forget all about their crap, once and for all!
no more bs. no more religions!
that’s it! after sooo many generations and unimaginable wars which are
still in our subconscious minds, may this be their last year on Terra!
may they be no more among us! none of the religious bastards that helped
the war effort by creating madness in people!
they are insane and should not be allowed to live! let us end them all!

koshin, Bob Hanson says:

This is an old interview, but certainly reminds us of the gift this man is
to all beings……gasho, metta, peace

The Art of Self says:

HEAVEN or HELL ? What’s up with that?

Chris Cipollini says:

I had no idea any video even hinting on religion on youtube is a magnet for
stupid people. Shame with such a nice video.

Alexandra von Bryce says:

*The Dali Lama Interview*

O'Neil Godfrey says:

*The Dali Lama Interview*

O'Neil Godfrey says:

*The Dali Lama Interview*

O'Neil Godfrey says:

*The Dali Lama Interview*

3756149 says:

awww. .. love it when he laughs! XD


All people need is God and the Angels , they will get all answers they wish
answered if they go direct to God , mankind has wrongfully taught humans
that we should go to humans for answers, for example the pope is considered
Gods representative on earth , but he is not. men love to feel exalted ,
and powerful especially in a religious sense , and this is incorrect , no
man speaks for God , however men can and do have many spiritual truths but
this does not give them power over others

pearce05 says:

that woman is the worst interviewer ever. i don’t watch an interview with
the dali lama to listen to an american woman talk 90% of the time and spend
the rest putting words in his mouth

Tenzin TAshi says:

hey budy , His Holiness spelin is wrong , do correction rit nw ! its Dalia
Lama !

killmoreusa tibet says:


DiabloMercy says:

@FalunGongIsAmazing where do u come from?

xenofstratigos says:

Στη ζωη εμεις γραφουμε το σεναριο και η ανωτερη δυναμη κανει τη σκηνοθεσία.
(Ξενοφώντας Στρατηγός 2011)

Samuel Murphy says:

I have my own personal relationship with God, and it’s not one that needs
to be controlled by a church, religion or any other human organisation. My
heart is open to God and I recieve answers from Him all the time. Being
dogmatic toward other people and their beliefs stems from those in power
latching onto a few bible sentences & twisting it to suit their objectives.
Beware of churches/religion, these human organisations are too easily
controlled by satan, who resides in places you least expect.

savage642 says:

an equivalent to his holiness John Paul II

BananaSandwich1 says:

i wish everyone was a buddhist

desasterz says:

@GetWithZen If its ok that I dont like it, why is it true? Why does it
matter so much? Why is it so important? And why should I just keep an open
mind? Is my mind the thing that gets everything right? And my path brings
love and significance beffor eit brings me joy and peace.

morbidvamp says:

this reminds me of Jesus before pontious pilate. Are U a King? And Christ
was a teacher, lol

CuriosityRoads says:

@HumanRightsVideosT Lol, I knew all about the Dalai Lama long before I ever
saw any of Monarex’s videos.

desasterz says:

@GetWithZen Look, dog, in saying that you have some hostility towards me
too. How would you feel if someone killed all your familly? Hostility or
not hostility? Likewise, jsut because you do nothing and other people are
doing something rough doesnt mean you’re better than them (though Im sure
you dont beleive that and kinda do.) and moving in on them is only killing
what they’re doing. And if its negation of anything it could have been a
good and holly thing and you just killed it.


Recarnation is just a more optimistic view of life, more encouraging then
staying in hell or heaven forever.

Viking Knight says:

I already Got suspicious that maybe the God of Abraham, Isacc , & Jacob was
God & That jesus was his son, so I prayed & Asked God if Jesus was his son
that I would recieve him & For him(God) to reveal himself to me & to remove
any doubts I had if this was all true, & He did, so why dont you pray & Ask
god the same thing, follow your own advice & open your heart to God & Jesus
asking them if this is true to come into your life & Show you the truth 🙂

wreyoG says:

i dont understand this buddhism shit…although i love eastern philosophies
and agree with a lot of is it that if oyu do something BAD you
come back as an animal? that s like saying animals are inferior to god put all creatures on this earth and created them equal…

mustlovecinema says:

The Dalai Lama is such an interesting person! I can’t wait to see his
appearance in the new film “My Reincarnation”. It looks like a very
personal and moving story. bitly .com/s5zUze

KT12346 says:

I want to be buddhist, if you know anything, message me! Thx!

ramaraksha01 says:

@karezza6 Excuse me how is a Gandhiji a charlatan? Someone who says do not
use violence, use peaceful methods is a charlatan in ur book? Use of
violence is primitive – just like what happens within a family. Time was
when children misbehaved they could expect a beating-use of violence.
Today’s parents know better – that is the great Teaching of Gandhiji

Jane Doe says:

wow, he’s so down to earth! he says he is not god, pointing to a weak
memory for that! ah, and i love him for that! cause he’s being honest! I’m
Muslim. And I believe God is One. I also believe that many religions have
kernals of truth in them, except that it got distorted after a while. I
find such peace in Islam. I feel so bad the media has tarnished its image.
But I love the moral lessons of Buddhist culture. I believe we humans need
to live in peace together, no matter what we believe.

Nite Fire says:

the dalai lama reminds me of yoda loll

reconrob06 says:

a brilliant man:)

Stella Maris says:

Restore the Dalai Lama to his throne! Long Live The Great Tibetan Buddhist

huhnoname says:

White Hawk Huhnoname FB Jeff White Hawk Glad You Agreed to Serve too it’s a
team effort I know you Know what I’m talking about 🙂

SteppingstoneOH says:

@HumanRightsVideosT real leaders go down with ships. Abandoning the people
of tibet is the same as abandoning your responsibility to others. He ran.
Stop putting him on a pedestal, he is a human just like everyone else. And
not a leader of men so don’t expect him to be one.

Nautilus1972 says:

@marktsheppard His Holiness has pinkeye!

CuriosityRoads says:

The Dalai Lama is a fucking zionist pawn.

Silent Hill says:

i m hindu

SparkyFirecrackerxxx says:

I’m Buddhist 🙂

gotigers0121 says:

Did you listen to anything he just said? Really?

DiabloMercy says:

@FalunGongIsAmazing I have no religion. But i respect the teachings of
Buddhism. This man, not so much, and Falun gong? please i’m not into some
nation-bashing cult group, with no disrespect…

Eliza Podgorska says:

@wreyoG George…why u mad

mike anthony says:

Most peaceful place I’ve ever seen

Viking Knight says:

What does a fly do good, to come back as a dolphin next round ? :-/

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