The Evolution of Consciousness Through Disruption | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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In this video, Eckhart explains the relationship between disruptions and the evolution of consciousness.
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Dafydd Johnson says:

goggins in the morning, tolle in the night

Joaquin Vonhoff says:

7:28 "But (things) can´t have gone THAT wrong if you're sitting here now… because it´s taken you to a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING"

Teresa Deagle says:

I find myself smiling as well and thinking "If They only knew". I so wish I could tell them the Truth and sometimes feel bad for them.bht there's so much to explain that I wouldn't know how to sum it up in a few words. 🙏

Liz Griep says:

Great video! It makes me laugh a lot😊 Thank you.

Maria Orozco says:

Wow !! Excelent🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤

JJK says:

Suffering has been my greatest teacher and the only reason Tolle’s teachings have resonated with me. Everything happens for a reason, and I am grateful for my suffering now. Without it no one would evolve within.

mirko albiero says:

The other title was better.

Why Doyoushowmyname says:

There is a person commenting on peoples posts as Eckhart tolle (notice the lowercase t). They are not really Eckhart please DO NOT go to that whats app number.

Miriciao says:

I feel the same sometimes when I see people getting mad for meaningless things , yet I cannot feel the same regarding myself or at least not all the times .

Carpenter Family says:

Man, I really needed this. Thank you Eckhart 🙏

Carpenter Family says:

0:45 To be in touch in that deeper reality is liberating. And there is a joy of knowing who you are beyond your problems.

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