The Field is Infinitely Powerful

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This is a beautiful, devotional, clip where Doc talks about the power of the field and when your intention is strong enough, the potentiality will be come actuality when conditions are right.
from the October 2004 lecture: Witnessing and Observing

full lecture through our streaming video service:


MrMoneyHelper says:

So what causes criminal behavior? What causes evil? Why do bad decisions happen? Why do car crashes happen? Somebody must be making these decisions. If not, then we're all running on automatic pilot. Even these words being typed here are being caused by the field. Why bother studying anything if we're going to be enlightened only when the field says so?

Why don't we just sit down in a reclining chair and do absolutely nothing until we're hungry, thirsty, or need to use the toilet? Let's not ever go to work. Let's see if our bodies get up and do work. If they don't do anything, not even feeding, and the body dies, then either he is wrong or we were supposed to die that way. Let the body be filled with fear of suffering if it doesn't get money to pay bills.

Was I in the right place at the right time when I got beaten up, when bones were broken, when foods made me ill, when my things were stolen, when my cars were crashed? Everything has the potential to just decay and turn to dust if just left where it is. That includes humans. For those who believe his message as stated, sit down and don't do anything ever again. Just sit there. See if your decision to stay there will be overridden by the field. He said that the ego takes credit for everything. Great. Just sit there and decide to do nothing. See what happens. Let us know how it goes. Somebody calibrate me to explain why I'm crazy.

Laura Wilde says:

Thanks, Doc – so glad I met this man when he was still on this side of the veil.

SHIVYA...... says:

Thank youuuuuu ❤❤❤❤

Alan B Stewart says:

A single giving field of intentiion that never chnages – The Zohar

Debbie says:

Thank you Susan.

Arman says:

One of his best…

Henning says:

Thank you🙏

Torolv Røberg says:

This is so incredibly valuable. Thank you so much.

Gloria in Excelsis Deo.

Pedro Zaragoza says:

“Almighty and ever-living God: We ask to be Thy servant, O’Lord, and to be a vehicle of Divine Love, a channel of Thy Will. We ask for direction and Divine assistance, and we surrender all personal will through devotion to Thy Truth. We dedicate our life to Thy service. Help us to choose love and peace above all other options, and to surrender all of our judgements to Thee, that we might have unconditional love and compassion for all of life in all of its expressions and surrender our very life to Thee at all times in all places.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo, now and forever, Amen.” 🙏
Dr. David R. Hawkins

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