The God Solution | Neale Donald Walsch & Simerjeet Singh on Pure Love & Conversations with God

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“Don’t underestimate the power of a hug, a smile, an uplifting word, or a gesture to soothe, heal and touch someone in a positive way; and do it frequently and when your earthly journey is over, your creator will whisper in your ear, “Well Done!!”

Those were the concluding words of our special guest on this episode of our Beginner’s Mind Show – Mr. Neale Donald Walsch

Friends, it does not take 8 hours a day, probably not even 8 minutes, sometimes just 8 seconds to be a source and recipient of pure love and pure love is the pathway to creating a better world.
In this profound spiritual conversation between Neale Donald Walsch and Simerjeet Singh, join us for a session of meditation and reflection in the rediscovery of your true and original inner self.

We promise you will walk away stronger, calmer, and wiser about the purpose of your existence.

We look forward to your active participation.

Regards, TeamSJS

#BeginnersMind #PureLove #SimerjeetSingh #NealeDonaldWalsch #GodSolution #InspirationalVideos #PowerOfLove #RediscoverYourself

Listen to the audio track on #SimerjeetSinghPodcast:–Neale-Donald-Walsch–Simerjeet-Singh-on-the-Power-of-Pure-Love-e1qpqd5

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before experiencing his now famous conversation with God.

The Conversations with God series of books that emerged from those encounters has been translated into 37 languages, touching millions and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. His books and teachings have redefined God (I first came across his work in 07 – The Secret) and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe.

Know more about Neale Donald Walsch’s work at

To enroll in one of Neale Donald Walsch’s programs on Mindvalley, please visit: or

For more videos of the Beginner’s Mind series, please explore this playlist:

For more Simerjeet Singh English videos, visit this playlist:

For more information about Simerjeet Singh motivational speaker, please visit his website:

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MeatMachine says:

If humans go extinct, which we will, then nobody will exist to miss the good and bad of life anyway.

Rajender Kumar Jorwal says:

Wonderful video. Keep the good work going, Sir.

Mala Barua Mala Barua says:

"❤️💥Pure Love Is God God Is Pure Love 💥❤️ Your This Sharing Is… Undoubtedly Your Masterpiece.. It's True Beautiful & Divine.., Divinely Touching my heart and soul.. it's so sensitive… Its not only a simple conversation but also… The Truly A Significant Feeling For Almighty God.. That's Pure Love.., "The End Of All Wisdom Is.. Love, Love, Love.. Ramana Maharshi." " To Love is to reach God.. True Love is born from understanding.. when you know this.. everything changes.. to love without condition.. to give without reason.. to give without expectations.. receiving anything in return..that's the spirit of Pure Love.. the way you make love is the way God will be with you..pure love grants freedom..pure love emanates from the Holy Spirit within the heart.. love paves the way for an internal spiritual emergence and a connection with the Almighty God.., unconditional love.. the only power that really changes people's lives… to create is to discover the love and beauty that reside in the cave of your heart.. to create is to discover yourself..we develop God's love in our lives.. love of God is the means of unlocking divine powers which help us to live worthily & to overcome the world.. God blesses those whose hearts are pure.. every way of a man is right in his own eyes.. but the God weighs the heart..,loved this conversation very very much.. feeling blessed and peace.. Once Again Greatful Forever for your sharing Precious Time.. Inspiring…&.. Divine Wisdoms… ND.. Graceful Divinely Blessed Guest…A sensitive soul sees the world through the lens of love.. let us be greatful to the people who make us happy,they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom ✨🌹✨, Sending My Deepest Regards.. Prayers.. ND.. Much Blessings… Almighty God Give His Endless Strength.. Courage… Peace.. Love and Harmony… Take Care.. Keep Shining Forever… Have A Beautiful Goodnight… Heartfelt Gretitude nD Thanks From Heart ❤️🙏🙌☮️🙌🙏💐💐❤️."✨🧚‍♀️

Radha S says:

So beautiful, peaceful, soulful ❤️❤️💕😌😌.
…..went into the meditative state😌….
Wave disappears into the infinite Ocean of pure love,pure awareness and become one with it again❤️. In reality wave doesn't exist…..only Ocean exists. Wave is always in the ocean….is ocean. Only for short period of time there is an illusion of seperation.
Who i am??
Who we are???
….Pure awareness ❤️❤️
(Enlightened masters say…….."Be a witness….. practice it more and more and more………… ")

Sanidhya Bhaskar says:

It was such a peaceful conversation. A beautiful talk ❤❤

Meenakshi Midha says:

Magical .Sir You ,Sir Neale and the background music created magic .I was lost for an hour really.Awesome video Sir.👍👏👏👏👏🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️✨️✨️✨️I bought that book Conversation with God like eight ,nine yrs back but never read it .I will read it now .Such beautiful videos lately ,all my favourite topics .Thank you .Stay blessed🌻🙏

Aprendiendo y Enseñando says:

Wow EXTRAordinary GALÁCTIC CÓSMIC invited Man Neal, Thanks so very much dear Simer 🔥🔥🔥🤟🏻🚀❤️🐺🎸💎.
Regards from my Home/Office in The Magic Bahía Blanca Argentina 😁🙌🏻
#EcotsunamiSocialDigital 💚☀️🌎

Sakshi Ahuja says:

Seems so peaceful and connects with God. . Thank you Sir. Awesome👏👏

arun solanki says:

This was a beautiful conversation 🤠

Sir.Anant_Singh.Natwar says:

Amazing Sir 🙏 ❤️ First comment

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