The Healing Self with Deepak Chopra — 2018 Writer’s Symposium By The Sea

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(Visit: Deepak Chopra, MD, a leading pioneer in integrative medicine, shares insights from his new book, “The Healing Self,” on how to protect your immune system by managing stress and reducing inflammation – two key factors for lifelong wellness. Chopra is presented by the 2018 Writer’s Symposium by the Sea at Point Loma Nazarene University.
Series: “Writer’s Symposium By The Sea” [4/2018] [Show ID: 33478]


Feeling FeNi says:

BRAVO BRAVO!! Lovely show. You got all the people to be super aware ALL at the same time there at the end. In there true selves. Ego less for a brief moment in time and then its gone. by

Chiro Arcturus says:

Deepak Chopra is a legend who focuses on Truth and delivers it perfectly.

Bombe Tao says:

It makes sense.

Moma Meea says:

WOOO WOOO WOOO. what a joke.

E'lan Mackey says:

"we come spinning out if nothingness scattering stars like dust"-RUMI/ Deepak Chopra reminding humanity what we already 'know'!!!

Dain Sorensen says:

I enjoyed this until he said a plant based diet was the healthiest. What a crock of shit.

Moon Safari says:

Blow your nose deepak

Vidya says:

'Your body is an experience'..he explained it well.

anthony nesta says:

Why are you calling him a charlatan?
I like where he starts talking about mind and consciousness at about 32:00. Rupert Spira also talks about the mystery of consciousness.

Peter S. López says:

► The Healing Self with Deepak Chopra — 2018 Writer's Symposium By The Sea:
Pub: Mar 30, 2018
Via: @uctelevision: @DeepakChopra:
#Connect: @Peta_de_Aztlan:

Susan Ellison says:

Not one of your negative comments proved he was wrong about anything. You have only slandered which shows a tremendous amount of ignorance. Who is the real con and charlatan here?

susan thomas says:

Complete idiot,

Mira Schiratis says:

Thank you Deepak for all your work– it has added greatly to the joy, health and beauty of my life.

ajaye ramlochun says:

Deepak Chopra you are the best meditation teacher in the world. God bless you.

Wirish Chanchal says:

All those bitter comments in here. I do not understand. Just be open minded.

Mahesh Suryawanshi says:

Simply great thoughts, and Truth explained in very simple phrases

Debra Debra says:

Why do they have to play the haunting, nearly medieval music in the background when they show the fetus forming? My guess is they want to give that emotional spin to the PRO LIFE "keep em barefoot and pregnant" agenda. Hey PRO LIFERS – while you're getting emotional about some fetus that you'll never have the "joy" of carrying in your body after getting raped, or risking death going through childbirth (like many WOMEN not MEN) do and it never makes the news, please take a drive by your local tent city where you can find hundreds and thousands of fully formed fetuses that don't have the money or resources to attend lofty seminars and can barely make it through the day. Also look at the bombings of innocent women, men and children that PRO LIFERS supporting the industrial military complex gleefully defend, while throwing incest victims, rape victims, and women who can't afford their own food, let alone another human's, under the bus. And if you're so sheltered to the fact that the above mentioned doesn't happen, you have NO business talking about LIFE from the sheltered, unrealistic, ivory tower, self-righteous vantage point that you have the LUXURY of coming from. SUGAR COATED breeding is a disgrace and injustice to the society at large. Stop being sheep and THINK for ONCE!

Luigi Fontana says:

Businessman……lot’s of half truths and improper connections among concepts. Aim: sell his books, products, etc.

lohphat says:

April Fool.

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