The Human Brain: Hardwired for Spirituality | Tracy Thomson | TEDxCanmore

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As humanity and the planet careen on a path of self-destruction it is imperative to realize that we hold within ourselves, within our brains, the solutions to a better life and the ability to understand the oneness that connects us all. With that understanding we make better decisions in our personal lives, our relationships, and ultimately our communities. We now get to understand, with advances in neuroimaging, how the ancient cultures elevated their state of consciousness and how we can and MUST do the same!

Dr. Tracy Thomson, a proud mother of three teenage boys, has always been passionate about nature, fitness and healing. Dr. Thomson received an Honours degree in Physiology and Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Western Ontario. She went on to study family medicine at the University of Calgary, anaesthesia at UBC, and the Brain Health and Memory Maintenance certification program from the University of South Florida school of medicine.

Eventually, her true calling as a healer compelled her to pursue Traditional Chinese Medicine and found a collaborative medical clinic seven years ago, Gaia Clinic. The clinic dispenses with the traditional focus on symptom management and integrates the best of different medicines. Her current practice involves brain mapping and neuro-psych testing, using food as medicine, bio-identical hormones, functional supplements and writing integrative treatment plans for clients based on both Western and Eastern healing philosophies.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


aymal ay says:

Amazing …i love it when people who are educated can connect the dots with spiritiality ….👏👏

weejams says:

One thing that all parties agree on is that we are a species. Why do we believe in a sort of… I hate using the term, Afterlife?

In a universe where everything is recycled and just on this one rock that revolves around a star what makes us as humans so special? We need to trees, the water, other animals that are no less special than we are to survive.

So take the Fables of humans in which we are the stewards of the Earth. No more special but we are and should feel when we used them for food. So everyone be a vegetarian right? Life is omnipresent and pulling or harvesting crops for food may not be better than hunting. Soybeans that grow and ripped out of the ground for Tofu is no better than hunting game. Get out of the cities and suburbs and be hunted yourself as prey to more capable predators than yourself and appreciate the human condition.

Why is the last part relevant? It is because we are different than other species on this planet. if you pull a carrot out of a garden or kill an elk it is still life Even vegetation needs nutrients and water to live. Even soybeans are life. We think we nurture it and allow it to grow but do we really?

Humans have a special "gift" in that we can ponder it. Other species don't. Yet we are the ones that look and think about the expanse of the Universe and what it may mean, other species don't. We ask why instead of instinctual responses. Why are there vegetarians? There is because of a guilt from being a predator. Yet when a bear or Mountain Lion kills and eats a human we feel the need to kill that animal. It is not a political decision and a feel good decision but we have the narrow minded view to kill the animal that killed a human. We as humans are not their prey and they don't get a taste for human blood and then hunt humans.

But we all think we are special? What happens when all our monuments and cities crumble in probably 5 million years and I have serious doubts for another 1000 years. Why does it matter? We depend on life to provide us life.That is how it works and the "Dance" is so intricate yet we can look further for the reason why instead of just using other life to stay alive. It is just how it works way beyond our comprehension.

I hunt and hate it but the meat is nice and better than meat from the grocery store. We drive through a drive through to get a burger but does anyone respect the Bovine that died so they can eat? If their is an Intelligence that created us and cares about us individually but we never think about other species then we are not thinking. If we are so special then why do we need to eat to survive, both meat and vegetables? So vgans are not off the hook and Holier than Though attitudes are total BS.

Catherine Kemp says:

Thank you, fantastic information!

Creation Founder says:

The human soul is hardwired for all that is taught.

SeouL says:

Now this is interesting. Finally a worthwhile video on TEDx.

Deman Das says:

When you choose your path, everything is presented to you by the universe just at the right time.

Akhtar says:

Great video. Horrible audio, but still worth listening to every word of it. Thank you Dr Tracy.

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