The Last Dalai Lama? | Full Documentary Movie

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For over a thousand years, Tibetan Buddhist psychology has taught techniques for overcoming negative, afflictive emotions, such as anger, greed, jealousy, sloth and ignorance. In the film THE LAST DALAI LAMA?, His Holiness explains that Tibetan Buddhism is both a religion and a “science of the mind”; he also shares his crystallized understanding of the nature of mind, and its part in the creation and alleviation of all of our suffering.

Believing that this precious wisdom belongs to the world, twenty years ago The Dalai Lama challenged a select group of world-renowned Neuroscientists and Mind/Brain researchers to look into the workings of the mind, and to prove scientifically that “Tibetan Buddhist technologies” for overcoming afflictive emotions are skills that can be learned by anyone.

The Dalai Lama commissioned Dr. Paul Ekman and his daughter Dr. Eve Ekman to come up with an “Atlas of Emotions” as a way of understanding the effects of emotions on having a tranquil mind. Being able to recognize the patterns, triggers and responses to emotions is the first step in dealing with them. In a moving sequence with a high school class in British Columbia, His Holiness The Dalai Lama is able to share his passion for the subject.

His urgency and dedication come through in THE LAST DALAI LAMA? as he now turns 82, and must deal with the questions of aging and death, and whether he will reincarnate as The Dalai Lama, or if he will be the last of the lineage that has existed for a millennia.

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Justme110 says:

May His holiness live a long, happy healthy life. What an amazing compassion beautiful person. He inspires me to be a better person. Long live The great Dalai Lama.

Aaron Carder says:

This film is pure excellence. Thank you

Tashi says:

There are some comment writers here employed by Chinese Communist Party. They are provided 50 cents for per letter they write. They are called Chinese 50cent army. I just want to say Hi 👋 to them !

Prashant Javkar PJ says:

What a beautiful film! My love and respect for the Dalai Lama has grown ten fold just watching this movie. I have had the fortune of visiting some monasteries in India and Nepal and have always found peace that is unlike anything else. Following even a few Buddhism principles in our daily lives will enrich our existence so much.

condorX2 says:

This article about old Tibet is worth sharing.

"History clearly reveals that the old Tibet was not the Shangri-La that many imagine", he wrote "but a society under a system of feudal serfdom."

Until 1959, when China cracked down on Tibetan rebels and the Dalai Lama fled to northern India, around 98% of the population was enslaved in serfdom. Drepung monastery, on the outskirts of Lhasa, was one of the world's largest landowners with 185 manors, 25,000 serfs, 300 pastures, and 16,000 herdsmen. High-ranking lamas and secular landowners imposed crippling taxes, forced boys into monastic slavery and pilfered most of the country's wealth – torturing disobedient serfs by gouging out their eyes or severing their hamstrings.

Perhaps the reason the Dalai Lama is smiling in all those photos has something to do with the six-figure salary he pulled down from the U.S. government during the 1960s. According to declassified intelligence documents, he earned $180,000 in connection with the CIA's funding of the Tibetan Resistance to the tune of $1.7 million per year. The idea was to disrupt and hamper China's infrastructure.


Cuong Bui says:

I would have stayed. Buddha is who I believe and dying would had been absolute now or later, I am glad the Dakar Lama got his teaching to so many people but what has it changed? The captain should always go down with his ship, if he can come back and teach again.

LAH says:

What an inspirational film. Thank you. May His Holiness live a long and healthy life; may all his wishes come true. I love the Dalai Lama. 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤

Thayne T says:

I survive despite you, not because of you. And yes I remember you trampling me underfoot and under the plow and the wheel and the hoof of the cattle. How shall I not remember when you tore my heart out in America in the name of "patriotism"? But yes, I am the buffalo who jump off cliffs so my people can survive. Willingly undoubtably and not just by deceit and ignorance, right? But you came to the Chinese with the Zodiac to begin with, starting the whole wheel rolling, but I just want to know- what did the fox say?

lee lockard says:

Dali lama will be going back to tibet soon I think. I think the powerful love and compassion of the buddha is rightfully alive in the hearts of the Chinese people especially the youth. The people are and always will be the foundation, without them there is nothing to build on. Much love ❤️ and i love you ❤️to all , may all sentient beings be free from suffering 🙏.

Jeremy Rodgers says:

They are all trying to be like ancient white people. These people are the remnants of their servants.

Pine Joi says:

Why there's no mention of Golden Urn which determines the next Dalai Lama?

Michi H says:

160 Tibetans have committed self-immolation in protest against China's occupation. FREE TIBET‼

Ecosystemology says:

I find it strange that the Dalai Lama refers to emotion as the "real troublemaker." Isn't emotion a reminder that all life is suffering, and there is a path to cease the suffering…?

marjorie goodwin says:

If HH reincarnates in China, he will be held prisoner yet again. I would not wish that on anyone. My best guess is that the Karmapa will be our next leader. I love this wonderful soul.


I went from a big smile from seeing such a sweet human to a fire inside seeing once again what the bad humans do. It looks like we are at the end of a long and drawn out mess. We are going somewhere real fast and it aint a good place.

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