The Law of Attraction Explained – Dr Wayne Dyer & Abraham Hicks

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The Law of Attraction aka “The Secret” the most powerful law in the Universe.


Rosette Dori says:

How effective is Mofedest Miracle? We have noticed numerous awesome things about this popular law of attraction program that created by famous motivator.

joel carreon says:

Way don't she let him talk?

Jerry Hunt says:

I wish if she let him finish what he wanted to say .

Roseanne Trevar says:

Has anyone tried Mofedest Miracle? (just google it) I've heard numerous awesome things about this popular personal development program that designed by popular motivator.

Vibe Bendix says:

Namasté <3

Cordy Olav says:

Is Mofedest Miracle helpful to understanding see some improvements in your life especially financially? We have learn many good things about this popular manifesting and law of attraction system that created by famous motivator.

Thelma Reider says:

Has anyone tried Mofedest Miracle? (google it) I have noticed numerous amazing things about this popular self-development course that created by popular motivator.

Eman says:

I'm grateful for these Souls

Marian Morrissey says:

At first I did think she was a bit wacko but in the end I found a lot of what she has to say to be really quite helpful and insightful.

rosenchrige tipsie says:

But what happens after we pass into the non-physical dimension? What kind of world do we live in then? Is there also a time limit there, is it finite? If not, then what guarantees us "ever lasting life" or that the universe wont just cave in and then we wont have life there either? In other words…..I still dont understand how this works.

Billy Lyons says:

Well I like Wayne but she's just a new age wacko saying stay positive but painting it up with fancy terminology. Here's some new age terminology about what ancient teachings say "The soul is incarnated into a body to allow soul to think and reason. Without a body the soul is nothing more than a self replicating pattern of information." in other words without a body you don't have emotions. Emotions are chemicals created by your brain. And the fact she says that the Bhagavad-Gita is wrong sounds christian like. She's right and it needs rewritten

Emilija Dimkovik says:

I've been studying the laws of attraction after which we found a great website at Max Miracle Method (check it out on google)

Tippo Pocoloco says:

I love both of them!


powerfull good. real eyes, realize, real lies .love this

Dawn's New Light says:

so if you choose your parents why would we choose the ones that abused and mistreated us? What about those kids who are killed by their parents? I am not quite sure I agree, unless I am just not understanding it. I love my mom with all of me, even though she is no longer here,, but I would have never picked my Dad (I hate saying that but we had a very dysfunctional relationship, he was very verbally abusive)

Theodore Lopez says:

I want to say thank you to manifestation miracles that my life are slowly changing in a better and positive way  [ Check Details here === ]. I know I will get what I want in future times!^

Gwendolyn Taylor says:

I'm trying desperately to figure out my life. I lost my job and I've made poor financial and professional decisions. I don't know what to do with my life anymore and it's frustrating.

terry lafauci says:

I'm trying to find clarity on this subject when it comes to the "just let it go" thing. Ekhart Tolle says to ONLY focus on the very present moment, the 'now' but I am confused because Abraham says to not worry about right now and focus on what you are to become but then sometimes she says the same thing…can someone help clear this up for Me? what am I misunderstand here?

Joshua Paquette says:

love wayne dyer she sounds full of it

shanon arnold says:

What about if your adopted like myself??? Did I pick my adoptive parents or my birth parents???

Anne-Kirstine Klitmark says:

Full allignement <3

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