The Listening Heart – Doubt & Faith

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In this talk from 1989, Ram Dass fields questions about doubt, faith, judgment, and being.

The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

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Conrad says:

When you realize that all your suffering was being caused by your ego, you want to punish the ego, you hate ego in yourself and others. Egocentric people evoke a disgust response in you (Donald Trump). The thing is, when you attack the ego, it becomes defensive, and increases the impulse to grab for more control. It's like taming a wild animal. If you whip a dog for being angry, it will only get more angry. Have some compassion for Donald Trump, and for yourself.

Morris says:

Thanks for the subtitles<3

Katrissa Balle says:


Joshua Serino says:

I wish I knew then what I know now. That life isn’t black and white. It’s charged with confusion, winding bends paved with adrenaline, butterflies in your stomach floating aimlessly with no sense of direction, and child-like wonderment filled with light intermittently darkened by familiar shadows that can pull you down into the depths of your own hell. The judgements cast in the ignorance of my youth have become the fate of today. The wounds I have so mindlessly inflicted on loved ones and strangers alike have formed the tempestuous ocean of sorrows I must now tread. One thing I do know is that love is not a simple thing to be overlooked. It's breadth and scope is unfathomable, its penetration is multidimensional, it's faithfulness is eternally unwavering, and it's effect on the heart is deeply profound. Love is, without a doubt, the backdrop for all existence; the essence of what God is and who we are.

Gabriel Raphael says:

This particular talk and questions go deep, bringing me a welcome moment of expansion and peace amidst the turmoil.

David says:

Thank you 🙏

Katherin Adams says:

Listened to this one just recently..good one

Momo Moon says:

Please take time to listen to these wisely chosen ads! When we are patient and listen, green energy is made by us letting the ads finish❤

John Labisch says:

❤💜 💛

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