The Little Money Bible by Stuart Wilde full Audiobook Unabridged

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Navi arieiv says:

Divines, burning life ,to get paper, busy all time, how much Sun charges to illuminates?
Energy to buy stuff?
Stuff that we see on tv, , so they can use our life, making us believe that we need stuff?
Shut down the Sun , can we eat paper?……
Can we?
Divine, Water,Ground, Sun come from Grace , paper brought disGRACE
Paper separates , labeled, stained .
Energy less , life less!
Money , black magic, manipulation
Why we need it, if everything come from Grace
Do we believe in paper better then Grace?
Can paper fabricates Stars, the Sun , Level of Waters?
Loosing life ,lost experience , running after paper , paper paper ……

Victor Okoruwa says:

Thanks very educating

conduittothecollective says:

therefore one is not mastering money, but rather mastering ones self to align with the energies that attract the circumstances that creates money, acting as an economic energy magnet, attracting the energies that create abundance in the physical existence…therefore the meaning of life in this plain is experience, the purpose is to be the experiencer experiencing the experience, mastering the energies as did the sages, mages, and warriors of old, and in doing so manipulating them…and no two experiences are the same, my experience of life is not yours and vice versa.

That which benefits me, benefits those around me, therefore I am experiencing myself experiencing the experience of me…the holy trinity, the balance point or fulcrum to the scales, the equal in the action and opposite reaction, the Church in which the body comes to commune with spirit, the conduit through which information passes to change to flow of energy.

Information is the catalyst for change, but it can also work the other way around, if it is kept still, or pondered on greatly, energy that flows moves faster and faster, energy that has the illusion of stillness give the impression of being dead, information that isn't allowed to flow becomes stagnant and clouds the mind.

What most know as the mind is more of a portal between the spiritual (Energy free and unrestricted, infinite) and the physical (Energy condensed and restricted to the physical plain, finite) and information that is gathered by the five physical senses passes through the mind into infinite plain, and then information flows back the other way, information that isn't allowed to flow backs up at either end and creates a choke point, for some it can lead to "Depression" where more and more information piles up and depresses the flow to the point of cessation and breaking point…hence the old saying "open your mind", "Know thy self" and "Go with the flow".

Thank You for this video, it was put in my path for a reason.


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