The Need for Love and Compassion—Advice to the World Community

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaks on the need to cultivate love and compassion, essential for modern society’s well-being, In this short clip from our archives recorded in Dharamsala, HP, India on February 22, 2008.

His Holiness has long advocated for secular ethics, emphasizing the education of both the heart and mind. Envisioned by His Holiness and developed in collaboration with Emory University, the SEE Learning (Social, Emotional, and Ethical Learning) curriculum aims to create a holistic educational experience that fosters intellectual growth, emotional intelligence, compassion, and ethical behaviour. For more info see

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@user-ko4wp8hk1i says:

Grandpa is it true you give winan qurbani by Parvez 008 please leave all jews country 009

@Surgeon11369 says:

Long life his holiness 🙏..we all need peace & love….my miserable mind got a little peace after watching you.
der r alot of questions in my mind right nw .. Like how to be compassionate when you live in a miserable family where people r nt even aware how much der words are going to hurt others, one sided tolerance love compassion …how long can it go. ??
More queries to unfold……how to remain calm, how i shud make my way to live happily healthy in negetive surroundings???
Answer i do knw…meditation.
And then what shud i do.. When my family never let me even meditate.

@lamu7266 says:


@user-uf4hk8ln7h says:

Long Live His Holiness 🙏

@gomti1153 says:

Long life long life 14th long life #14 Dalai Lama

@gomti1153 says:

Namo Namah forever forever 14th November👑👑🌼💐💐💐💐💐✨✨✨✨👑👑👑 Jagat king Jagat Pita Namo Namo Tumhen Namo

@norbunorbu7041 says:

Long live His Holiness The Great 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet for world peace and Free Tibet 🙏

@rajeenagiri1797 says:


@suzanapfeifer7882 says:


@leroylindblom2513 says:

You are dodgy.

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