The New Revelations A Conversation with ♥God♥ Neale Donald Walsch ♥ 5 hours 07 miracle ” Skutnik “

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This is a life-altering book. It contains New Revelations. It provides the tools with which to pull ourselves out of despair, lifting the whole human race to a new level of experience, to a new understanding of life itself, to a new expression of its grandest vision.
Neale Donald Walsch believes that the human race has reached a Time of Choosing. Our options are being placed before us by the tide of events — and by those whoa re creating them. We can either move forward, building together at last a new world of peace and harmony based on new beliefs about God and Life, or move backward, separately and continuously reconstructing the old world of conflict and discord.
In The New Revelations, bestselling author Walsch offers possible and powerful answers to the questions facing the world, and urges us to open our hearts and minds to what may be one of the most important spiritual statements of our time.

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sophia r says:

Does anyone know what  happened to the video Neale Donald Walsch and God- Beautiful and exciting discussion? I think the user took it down and I would like to ask whoever uploaded it to please  upload it again.

My Tube says:

Pleace make the world peaceful again, not so arrogant and full of power-seeking.

chris pearson says:

36:19 – despite this, they may sensed awareness within much of matter, dim, almost sleeping – but with potential. See the Noosphere.

chris pearson says:

30:29 – it is a grand promise, but prophecies can backfire like nothing else in history. Witness saint Paul's assumptions about marrying, apocalypse etc.

chris pearson says:

21:07 denotes the whole of human history in a nutshell – but unfortunately includes the negative side as well as the positive. Witness modern entertainment encouraging short attention spans, or racial politics.

chris pearson says:

13:48 is a particularly cruel fact – and leaves people trying to navigate old, far removed webs of context to apply to the modern world. But the ones who uphold the view seem unable to ever distance themselves a little from it.

chris pearson says:

Expanding the old is one of the harder concepts in the world. Much of our problem solving is based on maintenance perspective, of upholding the status quo. That holds back real evolution of ideas. See Edward de Bono's books.

Adriano says:

very good book

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