The Only Thing That Matters by Neale Donald Walsch

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Something very unusual is occurring on this planet right now. You have no doubt noticed it. It may be producing a more than normal amount of challenge and disjointedness in your life, and perhaps even some major upheavals. You are probably noticing it in the lives of others as well.

For a while you may have thought that this was all just your mind playing tricks on you; that things were not really happening any differently, and that you’re just a little tired, a little overcommitted, a little oversensitive.

But now, as each day presents itself with obstacles mounting and challenges increasing and more and more personal issues coming up to be faced and healed, it is apparent that all of this is not an illusion, not an exaggeration. So you may be asking, “Why is all this happening? What am I doing wrong?”

And here’s the answer . . .

You’re doing nothing wrong.

AND . . . there is something very unusual going on right now in your life, and all over the planet.

Book 2 in the Conversations with Humanity Series

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Brandenski Axe says:

There is no God

Larry Mcclaren says:

The only thing that matters has to be greater than me

ann reilly says:

Nothing Matters, nothing at all, talk, talk,and more useless talk.. then just move on!!

michael minneci says:

I read the finale book, conversation with God home with God in a life that never ends… was very interesting.

Thesortvokter says:

The problem is, Neale Donald Walsch, that "God" seems to have, up to the point he contacted you, been engaged in equally non-constructive, or even destructive, behaviour. How about your next fucking book be about how your fucking "God" has once again, through your books, excused himself from the responsibility it actually IS to be a father?? This is once again the abrahamic, demonic force Yaldabaoth trying to sweet talk itself into being loved and admired by mankind. And once again, you have been tricked.

Warren Bond says:

He iz the man. The earth is undergoing a consciousness earthquake the tremors r painful tho no?

Aaron Davison Music says:

I love this! Neale Donald Walsch has made a great impact on my
life. Conversations with God affected me so much that I wrote a
song based on the book. Check it out on my channel if you’re

Janene Cummings says:

I ordered this book and it cannot get here fast enough… I love his books!

Dona Bravo says:

If this book is as good as the first book I am going to love it.

Carolina Robin says:

It's a great book!

smilingblissgoddess says:

I get a feeling this is going to be a great book to read!

Cool Water says:

he seem to know just how to deliver a message in such a soft tone, love his stuff.

Haya B. says:

What a kind man. You just feel his warmth through the video! I think I want to get that book, he just sold me a book! Lol! I'm part of that 2% and my life matters. I matter.

StrawberryQwik says:

So true. Thank you for being so inspirational.

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