The Only Thing That Matters with Neale Donald Walsch

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In his latest book release, The Only Thing that Matters,Neale Donald Walsch shares a startling message: “98% of the world’s people are spending 98% of their time on things that don’t matter.”

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Pola Adri says:

I do not think he had a conversation with God, rather with someone else:
“Walsh: Leaders. Ministers. Rabbis. Priests. Books. The Bible, for heaven’s
God: Those are not authoritative sources.” – it is against what God said in
the Bible. He said His Word never changes and that Holy Bible is this word
and is supreme. God would never say: “Bible is not an authoritative source,
trust your feelings instead”. That’s rather Devil’s talking. 

FragranceOfChrist67 says:

I have read hundreds of stories of those who have died, met spiritual
beings or God/Jesus in the afterlife… one of them was asked by God –
“What matters most?” The person tried to think of the best answer, and
couldn’t grasp it – God replied, “What matters most, is what is best for
ALL” – that sums it up, and our life purpose – to love his creation.
Another person asked if the Bible was true, and were told it was true.
Another asked if there are beings on other planets, and they were told
that God is limitless in what he creates, and continues to do so. Another
asked, “What is the best religion”, and they were told, “Whichever one
brings you closest to God”. There are many answers in the immortal world,
but we cannot all die to find them. Tread carefully, though, because
demons indeed DO exist, they evidence themselves and they are not of our
making or of our mind – they are dark entities with a true agenda, and they
may also be working through this man. He is not a messiah. The Prince of
Darkness promised Eve that she would attain all knowledge by defying God in
the Garden – and when he gives us his version of “truth and wisdom” – it is
truth peppered with deception – just enough to trick you, and only the
truly discerning will escape that trap. In the last days, men will heap
unto themselves teachers which will tell them what their itching ears
desire to hear… Satan has stood in the presence of God and he could use
what he knows to tell things that may seem mysterious to us, but for him,
an insider in the unseen realms, it can be used for devious intent or to
lead man astray. All that being said, I do believe that there is more to
know of God than what is in the Bible, but that does not negate the Bible –
it still to this day is a truly amazing thing and so much more than just a
book – the all time number one best seller, and you will not find what you
find there in any other book, ever. 

Heather Buzzard says:

Angels, it was because this man ALLOWED GOD to flow through him and produce
the CWG Conversation Books that I AM the women I AM today! Check this
out….IT IS SO TRUE!!



artistxmusic says:

Neale Donald Walsch is the man! Conversations With God inspired me so much
that I wrote a song about it! Check it out on my channel if you want.

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