The Power of Forgiveness – The Dalai Lama at the University of Limerick

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaks about “The Power of Forgiveness” at the University of Limerick, in the Republic of Ireland, on April 14th, 2011. (

Video courtesy of the University of Limerick

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jamyang sangpo says:
James Kelly says:

Interesting thoughts from the +Dalai Lama…
The first benefit of compassion is to oneself. It instills happiness to
show care to our brothers and sisters in the same “boat,” and science has
shown it also boosts immunity and lessens risk of heart attacks.

Because it is a pleasure to watch his lighthearted ways and take in his
teachings, I encourage you to watch this talk.

victoria k says:

Who is the guy that stands behind the Dalai Lama? Interpreter? 

gutterdocmd says:

Such a beautiful man. Thank you for sharing this.

Chris Jacobs says:

One of the people I respect most in this world is the Dalai Lama. So wise!

Geert Bus says:

May god bless him.

Kina G.S. says:

I do not think that anything The Dalai Lama says here contradicts in anyway
(except a minor mention of reincarnation) Christ’s teaching, as a matter of
fact, he reflexes and reiterates them in nearly every way, in a more modern
and simple way, due to his translation difficulties mostly. As a Christian
myself, I was very impressed and loved nearly all he said, without any
feeling of “betrayal “of my faith. I believe this man is blessed by God.
Hope some will enjoy.

long marb says:

Thanks you very much of your holiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michel Ketelaar says:


kokoro says:

and btw. – it’s a shame that some people spread their hate even after such
a speech.

kokoro says:

what a wonderful, wise and warm-hearted speech. If only more religious
leaders, or leaders in general could have that thinking. Instead of
spreading hate and separation, and so so much ignorance. I hope the his
holiness will live many more years, to make this world a little better and
inspire the people who listen to his words.

meltingEyeballs says:

Not every mother protects their child & forgiveness only exist in
Disneyland, too bad, we live in Samsara.

rajiv cuba says:

The Dalai Lama as a humble instrument of God

Sambath Pon says:

Respect your holiness !

Katia Luz DePlachett says:

Awesome! Thank you so much to sharing it! :))

RonSila Howes says:

Truly insightful and inspiring to apply ‘Forgiveness’ in our life! Opening
our hearts and minds to the presence of love, beauty and compassion in our
life, the people and the world around is a sure step towards true

Ellen Baartmans says:

wonderfull video thank you all very much for sharing this with us

Tracey Anne Miller says:
Sarah Verwei says:

new integral Dialogues +Sarah Verwei #syntony 

Celtic Seer says:

Well worth listening to. ~Namaste 

Janna Hart says:

Thank you!

Joy S. Gilbert says:

Within this lecture His Holiness addresses not only the seed of affection
within our biology as Human Beings, like the feeling a healthy Mother has
for her child, as well as, our profound ability to use our intellect with
our heart, to develop compassion & wisdom & to evolve into a level of
awareness that recognizes each Human Being is the same, inside and out. He
discusses how through intellectual efforts and understanding we can
cultivate the qualities of unconditional forgiveness and compassion for
ourselves and others. This level of compassion has the ability to deeply
and profoundly heal oneself and others. H.H. encourages us to look inward
to find courage, which allows us to find immense peace. Forgiveness is all
through this lecture, but with a profound Awareness of our circumstances as
Human Beings & the struggles we all face. It appeared that some of us had
left comments without truly listening to this exquisite discourse presented
by H. H. The Dalai Lama.

Ellen Baartmans says:
Chungki Bhutia says:

i feel its really hard to practice good things….but that doesnt mean we
shud not try..for all who watched tis video…half way or full..i believe u
r in the process of developing ur inner values…appreciation

Charlotte Tessier says:

As there are a lot of people who would like to understand what His Holiness
says and put it into practice but they don’t speak English. Is there
somebody who would like to translate it? Thank you so much to translate in
other languages His Holiness teachings.

Ellen Baartmans says:

en dit is dus wel een goeie brug

Ellen Baartmans says:

great initiative, wauw nice bridge

Yudhi Arya says:

Dalai Lama : The Power of Forgiveness #forgivenesschallenge 

KeiaJinFilms says:

In this pure realm, surrounded by snow moutains, Is the source of complete
happiness and benefit, Avalokiteshvara, Tendzin Gyamtso. May you stand firm
until the end of existence.

waxmysophic says:

If I was an important man, that might create the chance to say it directly
to him. If I had more money, I could travel wherever he happens to be…
He may already understand what I write here, but I haven’t heard him say it
– so, I share it here in the hopes it might find its way to him. A small
gift from the unworthy, for the kind & wise traveler:

Last year, I had an epiphany which changed me. After it finished slowly
unfolding, I understood that there are exactly 2 root causes of all human
wrongdoing. They are ignorance, and illness. It’s irrational to blame
someone for being stupid, or for being sick. Therefore, either of these
root causes can be forgiven. This creates justification for forgiveness,
even in the absence of admission &/or repentance. Resentments fester, an
emotional rotting in the soul. Forgiveness releases resentments, allowing
healing inside – good reason for the self-centered to forgive; it’s the
choice which serves their own interests best. Understanding the root causes
of wrongdoing, it then becomes both possible & necessary to forgive; the
preferred choice – which removes a primary obstacle to manifestation of

I never saw this vid clip until tonight. So, because this was posted in
2011, 3 years ago, the fact that I’ve written this message might not be
noticed. Even if noticed, it might not be considered worthy of his time &
attention. I understand that. Still, I thank him for all his efforts, and
for all the good he’s done in our world. Namaste!

MrTonyshit80 says:

I do not understand, how the peoples become idiot to hear the weak points
from the most idiot person such Dalal Lama…….the world really became
crazy now…

TorahRealm says:

If the Dalai Lamas were truly compassionate, Tibet would not have remained
a land of slaves and serfs during its millennium of Buddhism and judicial
mutilation would have been stopped long before the 13th Dalai Lama in 1913.

JapGeordie says:

Hey, that’s my Buddhist course teacher in the background, Geshe Tashi
Tsering, from the Jamyang Buddhist Centre. He teaches a two year foundation
course into Buddhism and I highly recommend it. It’s a small world!

Zeeshan Mahmud says:

I hate to point it out but it’s Dalai and not the artiste.

citizenOfNowhere777 says:

He is such an amazing human being that he would not denounce the Buddhists
in Burma killing the minority Rohingya group in Western Burma while he met
with the hypocrite Nobel laureate Aung San Su Kyi.

madmanjshum says:

Document 337, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964 – 1968, Volume
xxx, China Declassified State Department Document. The CIA Tibetan Activity
consists of political action, propaganda, and paramilitary activity […]
The cost of the Tibetan Program for FY 1964 can be summarized in
approximate figures as follows: a. Support of 2100 Tibetan guerrillas based
in Nepal–$ 500,000 b. Subsidy to the Dalai Lama–$ 180,000

precious tange says:

You are entitled to your own concepts just as I am entitled to mine. In my
mind the Dalai Lama is a great being, in your mind you obviously don’t
agree, that’s cool 🙂

Jetsun Dolma says:

At any and all posts of the dalai lama discourses there is always attacks
by pro Chinese people. When will they elevate themselves and post something
that shows their better nature?

Sam D says:

There are worse case than that. In the 1960’s he worked with the CIA asking
Americans to train and give weapons to Tibetans so they can kill the
Chinese. Now, in public he not only denied any connection with CIA but also
claims to promote non-violence resistance. He is an actor.

pemala777 says:


Dat Phan says:


mindbodyspirit09 says:

Thank you for sharing this beautiful video<3

southsd1606 says:


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