The Power of “I Love You.” Dr. Joe Vitale reveals the secret of “I love you.”

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Dr. Joe Vitale explains the power of the phrase “I Love You” to Bert Martinez. Recorded at a dinner party at the Vitale Cigar Bar, Wimberley, Texas. You remember Joe from “The Secret.” He’s a Law of Attraction LOA guru. More Joe at


mark christopher says:

thank u. i luv uu

Nick4174 says:

Yeah I never watch tv, maybe some shows on my DVR but to just sit there and
watch the news with negative after negative story – it’s what keeps the
planet hot and angry in my opinion. if the whole world soaked in this type
of material and unplugged their televisions world peace would be right
around the corner man.

ladyserene100 says:

i love you

Liz Torres says:

I can’t help but think certain insights bring along with them a kind of
realization with which you cease to react the way you used to plainly
because now you are aware of the truth. Because now you UNDERSTAND.
Understanding in itself produces a let go of data, and an increase
awareness of this zeroness/nothingsness he speaks about. Because of this, I
think Buddhism/Zen/meditation have a more efficient way to wake one up.
Still, I’ve really learned from this Ho’oponopono. Could be a useful tool.

shaurora26 says:

@lordblacksmiths 🙂 but this is media too…youtube internet the netword,
what i’m saying instead of cutting oursleves from the media we gotta be
selective and stop accepting everything blindly !

DopeDivinity says:

Profound. Thanks for the video.

kkcrysty says:

Thank you for this :)))

thebodybyvimom says:


aavety says:

Thank you, Joe! It’s really changing my life and makes me see the
situations from the other point! Hello from Russia… I love you…

Nicoleta Bran says:

@ISMasters i love u, i am sorry, pls forgive me, thank you 🙂

Ermin M says:

I love U sLOVEnia

kkcrysty says:

Thank you for this!!! :)))

Klaude vedanta says:

amazing ,iam reading the book as I speak….thank you ,I love you…

subbtopp says:

foregiveness breaks you free from karma

Peter McDonald says:

Very good!

Jerome Richardson says:

i thank you,i love you

datguyellz23 says:

thank you.I Love You

lordblacksmiths says:

This wonderful man is strongly right. If we stop watching media we will be
at peace. A friend of mine gave some Joe Vitale’s material away to me and
I’m so grateful because of that. I started to apply all these new concepts
and am seeing wonderful changes in my life. Excellent video!!!

dcoleman4444 says:

“It’s Biblical not some “Universe” thing”… friend, what do you thing
Biblical is? People use different terms to describe “God”, ”Universe”,
“The Field” “Source” etc. It is only your Ego program that needs to label
it….let go of the beliefs and start to question what is it you KNOW or a
subjective level- not just something someone somewhere told you to
BELIEVE…what do you KNOW on a deep down experiential level?..another
thing, they aren’t WORSHIPING anything- another falicy..

doutzen177 says:

@lordblacksmiths I agree in some ways with you, but I don`t thnk stop
watching the news for an example will be a good thing to do. But I think
that stop watching the news first thing in the morning, and last thing
before bed time is a good thing. And alo not get so carried on with what
you see in the news. It`s good to know what is going on in the world, but
you don`t have to let that control your mind. Yeah, Joe looks like a cool
guy 🙂

mslayagan says:

try not to be judgemental to be able to connect with God,

AMMD8714 says:

Hey, I love you too Joe:))) Great stuff ….You are something…Greetings
from Romania

SpryFeet says:

Thank you, Joe, Pat, and the unidentified interviewer. I love you!

atwwd says:

observe and love (everything is good)

kkcrysty says:

Thank you for this!!! :)))

dcoleman4444 says:

also, God doesn’t desire to be “worshiped” God is beyond those base
emotions…that is something that MAN projects onto God and
himself…especially here in the west- We worship the messenger and pay no
attention to the MESSAGE- There is no “US vs Them” in God…it’s all/ We’re
all the same- All one…that is what the real message is…and be LOVE to
your fellow man–that is GOD like. Not exclusion, or “Our belief/God is
better than yours…that is wrong, programed thinking…

Livepoet4u says:


Ebenia says:

Thank you!!!

Rob cook says:

It’s amazing that you people worship this. Not mad, just saying. We are
emotional beings, not robots. God himself said to forgive and forget. It’s
biblical not some “universe” thing.

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