The Power Of Not Knowing | Eckhart Teachings

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When Eckhart visited the Dalai Lama, one thing that surprised him was how people react when Dalai answers: “I don’t know” to some questions. In this video, we’re going to learn how not knowing can be powerful. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life:

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Bryan Slankster says:

When the dalai lama says I don't know it's profound but when it's me I'm an idiot.

vlashkinovk yakutski says:

ASMR never been this good for my mental health

Nadia Raschella says:

So is Oprah..

Nadia Raschella says:

Dalai lama is part of deep state…people are waking up

Bor odel says:

Knowing is a burdon in a world with people with no knowing

ckaz007 says:

Play at 1.5x speed. You'll thank me later.

Al R. says:

I have rediscovered the happiness I've had as a child, largely through Eckhardt's teachings. However when the ego pops through, it tells me I should strive for 'ultimate pleasure' – my essence tells me this goal is a delusion.

Jacobite says:

MY self is me………Not anything nor anyone else……….I feel this strongly……..

Eva Sehnalova says:

Thank you. Thank you so much for telling this right at this time. 🙏

ken beh says:

He's talking about "not knowing" in general, materially and spiritually. The very few who attain self realization just know, but don't show it

Lilian Wong says:

Yes – I don't know, is a valid and powerful response for healthy boundaries. Society norm tried to judge us as being naive and irresponsible, avoiding answer or response, and we start swirling down to self doubt and guilty of not able to solve problem or even to give the response.

Yet it is truly a kind gesture of the Universe, our higher self to turn our head away from things that don't serve us.

ashley lynn says:

Can I ask you why you speak so slowly? No disrespect at all.. just curious what your answer will be..

Erica Lynn Joseph says:

A friend once told me, sometimes saying "I don't know" is the smartest thing you can say. It is wise to admit that you don't know sometimes. Humans are equipped with minds that are naturally curious, creative and exploratory. Maybe it's just because of the era I was born in (the 1980s) but I see the world we live in as being like a computer program/game, with errors that were written into the software. I don't think the world was always this way, I believe that this faulty software was somehow superimposed over what once was a world of paradise, and the mind that has not become conscious of these errors will continue to perpetuate them. I think what Eckhart calls "ego" is the faulty software. There are other names for it that I've discovered – mind control, narcissism, wetiko, archon programming, primary anomaly, etc. No matter which name it's called, the faulty software is parasitical, lacks true intelligence and connection to higher wisdom, and this is why the world has become so insane, complex, confusing and self-destructive. Navigating the computer game of life can be like going through a maze sometimes, there are many twists and turns as we search for the exit to the next level. Our minds are meant to be used for improvement and creativity, which becomes easier to do when the mind is conscious, clear and sharp. Our software programmers (archons) are knowledgeable, just as we can be, but they do not have the same capabilities of creating or perceiving beauty as we do, and have been slowing down our spiritual awakening. So although there may be power in not knowing sometimes, there is also great power in knowing, and sometimes not knowing can cause us to lose our personal power. Ignorance is not bliss. In the age of information, it is crucial to critically and openly examine the information we take in. I think it is entirely possible to re-program and optimize the functionality of our software, and that saying "I don't know, but I'd like to find out" combined with meditation, following intuition, healthy lifestyle (I've found that whole foods plant based provides the most optimal functioning of mind and body), searching for answers and being open to creative insights and expression will help us to re-write the ego software error and change our world for the better.

Dolores Troeller says:

Some days I just need a dose of eckhart. No rx needed🤗👍

Sean Grieves says:

Knowing knows not what it knows apart from itself. The sky would not discriminate between the clouds.

Pumpkin0330 titi says:

Ahh curious to where he's originally from🤭

Pumpkin0330 titi says:

Idk how to describe this, but he has an interesting look on his face. You don't if he's serious or joking 😜

Cal Borst says:

When we are born we enter this world with no mind made self. We are conscious and unconditionally ourselves just like an animal. As time goes on and our intellectual ability expands, through conditioning of the human collective, we begin to think and develop a mind made self that takes us away from our true essence. As a 19 year old, I am letting go of all the layers the mind has placed on me and just as Eckhart said “developing a balance” between the two. We’ve never lost who we truly are, we just become unaware of it over time. Period.

Jay Sheth says:

Agnosia ✨👍

Likha tha kabhi says:

Many years of our life has been passed to know that "we really don't know anything"❤️
Then journey starts 🌟

Kel Flower says:

Can someone explain to me why he speaks so slow?

Jackoff Alltrades says:

Free Floyd Bingo

Noor Yousaf says:

This is ASMR ❤️ thanks for your wisdom and sharing it with the rest of the world.

Liberty Hanson says:

I just can't, I have no patience. The hobbit speaks too slowly, I have no attention span 😅

Rhea Morales says:

I needed to not know at this point of now.

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