The Purpose of Life

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s talk on The Purpose of Life followed by a question and answer session as part of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay’s Techfest Online Lecture Series by video link from his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on December 15, 2020.

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Brad Bryant says:

I'm so happy to see these young people contacting His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama. He really IS the 14th incarnation of this great Bodhisattva, and this is one of the truly GREAT things Mother India has given to the world. May all beings soon be freed from suffering and find full Enlightenment!
Thank you for doing this, you are benefitting many!

Luisa says:

Thank you his Holiness πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜Š

Ten Qus83 says:


Dakpa Kalsang says:

So great, I really appreciate,
We get somany positive education

Ilonka Leibfried says:


Sumit Kc says:

what de f kkkk he is is telling oh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
namaste lama bro>>>>………………………..

Tenzin Nyima says:

In the contemporary language, what His Holiness the Dalai Lama meant to say was that Buddhists shouldn't take all series of Buddha's teachings literally, per se, mere out of his/her beliefs in a presumed manner but should take them as a subject to be comprehended by means of making them relevant to one's own experiences so far as the facts from reality is concerned, so that unrealistic doctrines can't be foisted to you in a manner of shiny fake gold. Ideologically interpreted by Tenzin Nyima, (Mr.), Columbia Heights, MN, USA

efeykay says:


1. Protect all Childrens
2. Ai Ai Ai (Oy Oy Oy)
3. I did a not good Thing and I had no Protectors in Eyes
4. ItΒ΄s Heaven and Projektionsprojektor Wiktor Witas, by occurence of Projektionsprojektor we are nearly Dead, itΒ΄s like a Thing that is going to you and you are looking through with Eyes, itΒ΄s something against Human Honor
5. Love Amen, everything destroyed and we could knew what we could say in Good, we are the best in Birthes ! Together, On Each Other, To Each Other, ! I think we all had faults and mistakes and errors – Γ– Γ– Γ– . . . ?
6. I love really my Grandfather really much I love you
7. I Love a G.T. , I love myself for ever and Ever, I can go into my room and say that I was not, I am for this what I was with Ajna and this is one Love, I love my Baby, I really know what I am thanking in my Motherthing forever and I am Goodness for all Childrens with it and it is for the best Juhu !
8. K now I am here and I love all People with restrictionen and I love all Invalides by the way restrictions, is it always somathing with this ?β€œ I can do everything for this, I can know what I would be with it and I try to rescue everybody with everything
9. I say in my Ajna this Thing on Mama Nature
10. What is all this Matter?β€œ I will do all do with all in do
11. I am now a better Human and I thank my LOVE really, you are the best you can be
12. I am willed by all Flowers of Creations in my Mother Nature with Birth
13. Ah! It is my Good Best? I will be the Goodest Good
14. Is it all my Goodness? I will be this all Above
15. This is all my Love we can know, with the best Love we can I could knew!
16. Never be this one thing and be never bad, cool, I will say the P R O B L E M away for this that the Away will be the Loviest
17. In all Honor, this is a thing that one Men did 600 years ago, in 4 seconds
In all Honor Wiktor, I am now without Dead completely ( 1 Heart)
18. It is all for the Mother LIEVIEST Things, I love all my Mother Above

* I love all my Birthes and all Birthes are in front of All Birthes!

Hong Vo says:

Om Mani Padme Hum πŸ™πŸ’β€οΈ

mister Knister says:

Cant help to emphasize enough that we are so lucky to have such a wise Dalai Lama

mister Knister says:

"Casa" is Quantum Physics in Tibetan Language? πŸ˜€ 18:40

Pasang Dorjee says:

Thank you very much for everything that you did and doing for all living beings.

Vijendra Rawat says:

Please save me from my worst parents.

Robert Maynard says:

Louie,Louie, oohh baby

Jim Davis says:

Hello Dahli

Travis Tennies says:

I hate being alive!

Scoot Jockey says:

Nobody knows the purpose of life its all presumption.

Sharon Balloch says:

Turns out he's a big meat-lover. As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports, at a recent luncheon theΒ Β β€œchowed down” on a locally raisedΒ Β roast prepared by Beard Award–winning Wisconsin chef Sandy D'Amato…

Manesh Kumar Agrawal says:

Thank you πŸ˜‡

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