The Secret & The Law of Attraction by Wayne Dyer

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CrazyLassi says:

Once I hung a poster with models designed in an Arabic and Indian “mood” on
my wall. At the same time we were looking for a holiday destination but we
had no idea where we wanted to go. I left this for my husband to decide. He
chose Dubai and indeed we were in Dubai after two weeks. It was just a
poster on a wall which had the same “air” like Dubai does. I hung it
because it was beautiful without intending it to create Dubai experience (I
didn’t even want to go to Dubai). And it was just two weeks. That made me
wonder about the easiness and fastness of “incidental creation”. That means
that one feeling is enough to manifest things. (I felt: ‘Wow, they are so
totally beautiful, they don’t deserve to be hidden inside the drawers, I
will stick them on my wall”) I understood that the posters where linked to
Dubai after I saw it and thought it had the same energy like those small
posters I hung.

j mcmann says:

nothing new here..Rene Descartes said it long ago “je pense donc je suis”


Low attraction it’s really works ! I change whole my life because of this
magic , I don’t know how it’s works but it’s work 

FearLoathingHolland says:

You gullible idiots will believe any pseudoscientific bullshit wrapped in a
nice jacket wont you?

He Male says:

Don’t be dissuaded by the naysayers who are leaving negative comments.
Those people are the ones who will say in life “you can’t do that”, “how on
earth is that going to happen”. At first they’ll laugh, then they’ll ask
how you did it. The very belief of this is beneficial anyway, be a dreamer,
believe you deserve more. 

Solowizard says:

I like the ending, but I need to change it to fit me; YOU CAN EITHER BE A

Arman Hatamkhani says:

Yeah, because we don’t already have enough narcissists in society.

snowmanwilly says:

“You are God” – I got goose bumps when he said that

Ana Patricia Serrano says:

simply amazing

Solowizard says:

This Dr. Wayne Dyer is 100% correct. Prime Example comes to mind;
” I AM ………THE GREATEST ” – Muhammad Ali

Fred Jansen says:

allow me to share this inspiring video about the law of attraction by Wayne

#postivethinking #lawofattraction #waynedyer 

Jayveon Sessoms says:


John Flynn says:

allow me to share this inspiring video about the law of attraction by Wayne

#postivethinking #lawofattraction #waynedyer 

Melissa Jujihara says:

Thank You for this… i really needed this beautiful program. Everytime I
have needed guidance, Dr Dyer has shown up in my life.. God Bless

Duysters Rita says:

Thank you so much for remembering who I am ! And letting the magic into my
life ! Wish this for everybody!

Evgenia Borisovna says:

Dear Wayne,everything you say it’s so right and it’s very close to me.I was
must be blind before.Thank you so much!

Isabelo Aplacador says:


Chic Équilibre says:

everybody should listen to this video…. i mean EVERYBODY:)

Mr Pregnant - Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st says:

The Law Of Attraction is a pseudoscientific metaphor extracted from quantum
mechanics and legitimized, not based on inferences but pseudo-empiricism.
the success of these mediocrities are contingent on two factors: the appeal
to authority and the compartmentalization of personal biases. Trailing the
evidence and dealing with the consequences regardless of personal biases,
tends to protrude objective reasoning rather than subjective appeal to
personal desires. Conversely enough, the former has propagated generations
of rapacious gullibility. A credulity riveted on emotions and viable
nothing more that prejudice of ideology.

Teachings of Abraham Hicks - Manifesting in the Vortex says:

We know this is true. You attract to you that which you are.

bomjex says:

Could all the collective thought of the world make Dr. Wayne’s hair to grow
or make an amputated member to grow?

lionsteve29 says:

people pay for this?? it is common sense on the human

Mike Brammer says:

Lyt og bliv mere bevist og dig selv

jayson zalasko says:

youarecreators youtube channel helps me

Theresia Riggs says:

Hi Wayne, I am a great fan of yours, and I watch you on Oprah all the time.
In fact, you and Oprah, have both inspired me to undertake a new endeavor,
as an Author/ Translator, and Re-Teller, of German/ European Fairy-Tales,
and Historical Romance Novels, written during the 1500s-1800s. After having
had a profound, near-death experience in 2011, at the age of 64, and being
bi-lingual, I developed a passion for re-writing old fairy tales, by adding
a moral to all the stories from which children can learn empathy and
kindness, right from wrong, and the difference between good and evil. And I
am now anxiously awaiting to see what the secret powers will do for me? I
am a firm believer, in that God can move mountains, and that I was given my
gift of “story-telling,” for a reason. P.S. I love your famous saying:
“Change your thoughts and change your life.” Sincerely, Nana Riggs… Nana I am also on Youtube: “Story Time with Nana Riggs.”

Chic Équilibre says:


Silvia Voss says:

with deep appreciation of Wayne Dyers insights regarding law of attraction
and manifesting imagined desires in a well articulated lovely way,Thank You
so much

ali jaber says:

Dr. Wayne you are the best.
My regards, love & peace..

Margot Huff says:

It doesn’t matter whether you believe you believe in the actual “Law of
Attraction” or not, Wayne Dyer is a phenomenal man! I personally do,
having witnessed it in practice myself;

Mark Houde says:

Thanks Dr. Wayne Dyer for your videos! They are very inspirational,
powerful and full of usable truth. 2nd, they often bring me to my next
good book and higher level of thinking… “There is an enormous difference
between attention directed objectively and attention directed subjectively,
and the capacity to change your future depends on the latter” Neville 

Bob Gilmour says:

Time to face and overcome the dark side of your mind ~~► go to
TruthContest◙com and read “The Present”.

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