The Secret & The Law of Attraction by Wayne Dyer

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An amazing and life changing show on PBS by Dr.Wayne Dyer. My recommendation is to watch this show on multiple occasion. If you really study it your life WILL change!


Denise Fernandes says:

Felix, Great movie and speech by Dr Dyer. But what does Dr Dyer think say about the shift in intention and truth. The  60 Minutes report from Australia about John of God. Concerned because Dr Wayne Dyer professes that John of God healed him of his cancer telepathically while he was sleeping 10,000 miles away! Now, new Information is brought to light to share with all who consider the shift.

Dennis Cassley says:

WONDERFUL material & presentation!!  I am SO PROUD to be a graduate of the same university (Wayne State; Detroit) as Wayne…

Rajeev Mahajan says:

Thanks Felix..Dr Wayne Dyer never got the guidance of his own dad however he is guiding millions like a father. He turned this into an opportunity instead of being lost in life. He is literally helping us in difficult times. I feel if we get a hardship in life we should convert it into a blessing..I learnt it from him. I am very thankful to him. I love you Dr Wayne Dyer

Noas Admin says:

Felix, thank you for sharing :-)

Noas Admin says:

Michael it is so sad you cannot grow from this.

michael david says:

Wayne Dyer needs to have an out of body experience whether it be in the form of astral travel,near death or a lucid dream to really know what is going on and really be spiritual but its quite obvious that he hasn't and he lives in fear like most of us.

michael david says:

here is what these spiritual geniouses do.they find out information whether they believe it or not and slyly plagerize everything but put their own little slant on it to make it look like its coming from them.They justify the money that they earn from this,books,public speakings etc because if they can do some good in convincing others then their conscience is clear.But dyer is a big phony getting rich off of others ignorance,not saying what he says isn't true or most of it,its just not his teachings.

But he seems so nice,I guess he does when money keeps streaming in.

michael david says:

I used to admire wayne dyer and even though what he says is probably true or most of it,he is after turning me off completely because he says that esther Abraham hicks is the most informative being that exists on the planet.She is so fake and phony and I am as spiritual as you can imagine,non religious as you can imagine.

Wayne Dyer was asking her questions that he was supposed to know,he showed all kinds of insecurity as far as she was concerned.She is only interested in your money and he is backing her.When she said that jesus existed and was nailed to a cross it blew my mind,because jesus never existed and was just a mythological name given to the sun and was just going through the 12 zodiac signs and stories made up from it.She knows this and anyone who doesn't is just ignorant like all religious people not to mention delusional as it gets.Wayne dyer backs her,it made my jaw drop.He is money driven as well,his own wife left him in his perfect little world.

Felix Smotritskiy says:


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