The Spirituality of Extraterrestrials – Swedenborg & Life

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Is there life on other planets? We’ll see you and raise you one: What’s the spirituality of those living on other planets? Join us as we explore what Swedenborg learned from his spiritual journeys visiting the spirits of other planets.
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offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith.


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Curtis Childs is the digital media producer at the Swedenborg Foundation. While obtaining his degree in communication studies from Oakland University, Curtis experienced an internal battle with depression that led him to question God and his lifelong interest in Swedenborgian theology. After a period of intense suffering, he recovered from his depression with the help of modern medicine, therapy, and a return to the spiritually uplifting messages he found in Swedenborg’s writings. Now, Curtis is applying his education and desire to help others find peace through Swedenborg’s insights by producing and hosting this weekly webcast.

Rev. Dr. Jonathan S. Rose is the series editor of the New Century Edition, an ongoing project that incorporates the latest scholarship to produce a modern, accessible translation of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Holder of a B.A. and a M.Div. in religion and a M.A. and a Ph.D. in Latin, he has worked for years in the study of Neo-Latin and in Swedenborgian research. He was both chaplain and a tenured professor of religion and sacred languages at Bryn Athyn College before taking on his current position with the Swedenborg Foundation.


Want to be a featured guest on our show or have Curtis Childs appear on your show Contact us through the About tab/section of this channel.


Carl Godlove says:

Thank you! Brilliantly produced (and fun!) to bring us into Swedenborg's experience. You helped me understand and feel the difference in context that the inhabitants of other planets would certainly have because of the unique history of their planet and how it would have developed anthropologically. I've thought about this generally many times, but this really brought it into focus. It makes so much sense that the design of the spiritual world takes into account this contextual difference for spirits departing their physical worlds, and that the lowest heaven accommodates this. The unifying aspect of the highest heaven, with the purest form of love as its essence, is totally understandable as well. I'm wondering now about the nuances of the middle heaven. What distinguishes it from the other two? This led me to S&L episode: "The Levels of Heaven" and the Arcana Coelestia excerpt, "The heavenly kingdom is the third and deepest heaven. The spiritual Kingdom is the second or middle heaven…people in the heavenly kingdom have love for the Lord at their core and charitable feelings toward their neighbor on the outside. People in the spiritual Kingdom, though, have charitable feelings toward their neighbor at the core and a faith resulting from charity on the outside. Clearly, then, charity towards one's neighbor forms the bond between the two kingdoms. The heavenly kingdom ends with it, and the spiritual Kingdom begins with it…so each takes up where the other leaves off.” This description left me wondering more about the lowest heaven and its distinctions compared to the middle heaven. Taken together, these two episodes piqued my curiosity to get an even clearer understanding of these distinctions and the evolution and path of our soul development as Swedenborg understood it. Can you point me/us in a direction for more research? Thanks so much for your great work! 🙂

E Eli says:

That was fun!
Small eyes & nose😁

rov li says:

Thank you for the effort. It's entertaining.

colin crisp says:

Thank You great imfo very interesting and well put together

Ash says:

This was awesome and fresh 😀 <3

Chloe Stevens says:

Serious?!?!? A bit over the top? Thanks, much love? Too short without much teachings. Ok

ShaunieBNaturalista says:

Stop it, a combustion engine! 🤣

fun-with-nickline says:

"It is a marvelous ride,, a heavenly bodies excitement☺.

ArizonaWillful says:

You are so creative it is awe inspiring! But I am seriously disappointed that Jonathon Rose was not wearing a form fitting silver space suit with a bubble helmet (like Dr. Smith on LOST IN SPACE). I do wonder what Swedenborg would think of the Greys, Reptilians and Mantis entities that humans report seeing in the 20th and 21st century on Earth.

Scott Greene says:

Props to the……props department. Great show!

William Krumm says:

Loved the show. It looked like you both had fun making it. Side note was the ship and band of stars at about 7.00 from the 1980's movie Dune? Iam a Mormon on Sundays but I think I am becoming Swedenborg the more I watch. Love your efforts Curtis, one can tell this brings you Joy to talk about.

Angie Byars says:

Thanks for sharing the amazing spiritual teachings and journeys of Swedenborg. Oddly, I was watching a video about the New Earth and the person who projected there, if you will, said that people were, happily, living in trees. It’s strange and wonderful how the threads are weaving together as we prepare to make the shift into the Golden Age. I’ll have to look back and see if the Swedenborg team did a video on the Golden Age and how we get there. Hmmm, does this mean that Swedenborg traveled to the future, too or was the information given to him? I did hear the Golden Age mentioned in one video, I recall.

Virginia Dare says:

I'll never forget one time, I was on mushrooms and I was with someone I was close to but was having some issues with. And I could "see" the space between us, it's like he was sitting right there but a million miles between us.

fieldagent59 is in the forest says:

look like the Swedenborg Labs budget is ready to take on Elon Musk and Space X, … what high tech wizardry do you have in that control center ????

light says:

Wow, I just love this and thank you so much ! 👏❤️

Preliminimal says:

🙂 Thank you

Ken Bellchambers says:

If you blow into a silent dog whistle, the dog can hear it, but you cannot. I find this phenomenon useful when trying to understand what Swedenborg means when he say's 'change of state,' The spectrum of light and sound on our Earth are completely unique in the entire universe because a planet has a definite energy relationship with the surrounding heavenly bodies.
This is the reason that we cannot see, by purely material means, any thing that grows, or is formed or made on any other planet, because our senses are adapted to this planet only. Our ears are slightly tuned differently than a dogs ears, we cannot hear the whistle, so considering the difference between ours and other planets, it is easy to understand why we would only see underlying universal substances common to all. Swedenborg said that we would see nothing but the basic underlying rock.
Swedenborg was shown that time and space are not real, and that the ultimate reality is 'change of state'.
Your presentations are very educational, and I enjoy your search for a powerful way to present Swedenborg's revelations to us. Have you ever considered using the Spiritual Diary as a synopsis and perhaps scripting the books into an illustrated series?
Such as scenes like the first moment when he sees Jesus in the eatery in London, (which is almost identical to The hobbits first seeing Strider in the Bree Inn), then, he is warned by angels not to overeat and he is frightened and runs away, back to his lodgings, and who it is waiting for him there. Then he is taken down the hole in the ground to begin his epic Revelation. This event was the opening scenes of the second coming of our Lord to this planet. The Diary is the Newest Testament. It was this set of books that I cannot stop reading, and which made me totally love our beloved Emmanuel. I also Love you at your channel, keep up the great work.

Carol Monteverde says:

Wow! That was great. What a tour!

anaїs lake says:


Robbie Tullos says:

What I would like to understand is why is everything so confusing why is it up to us to try to find the truth I thought God wanted us to know that he existed I thought he wanted to show his self to us why is it so hard to see him

Jammin G says:

what happened to live podcast?

Mr. Binkers the cat says:

It loaded and is working now. I approve, meow.

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