THE TAO Eckhart Tolle & Wayne Dyer great audio!

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How I was inspired to reading, researching, and meditating on Lao-tzu’s messages, and practicing the wisdom of the Tao te Ching. Eckhart Tolle and Wayne Dyer.
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Jack Smit says:

Stop robbing other ancient cultures and selling it en masse in you're Western "spiritual" supermarkets.

Geffrey Schulz says:

We don t  have to 'do' anything,- Life (Tao, God, Spirit, Universe,.) chooses/decides for us.All we do is view our alignment within life s  guidance. Observing it activates it to its highest quality of efficiency within our ability to do all we re  guided in doing. In that we are life, as life we participate in the choices but do not own them. Like being assigned a  waiting room number, we re  assigned tasks (choices/decisions/intent). Life (Universal life sourcefield of consciousness) has us doing all that we do at the time and manner meant to be done. All I do, I agree, it agrees and so do you! There are no mistakes to be corrected, wrongs to be righted. Only experiential expansion to be observed.

Maria Beltran Rocha says:


Free Flow says:

That positive vibes only plaster is a pain in the ass. Talking about a selected identified personality. Being conscious is both, negative and positive.

jori ketrenos says:

If there was no ego there would be only love

Andrew Hibberd says:

how lucky was i to be given a copy of the tao in chinese from one of my best friends a chinese nationals , he knew i was a devotee of the tao well befor the book arrived in my hand

Barbara Cameron says:

Wonderful insightful teaching. Thank you both

Geffrey Schulz says:

I think! , , feel, know, see and flow. Therefore I am,- We! I am as much a 'we' as I am an 'I'. for I am,- A mind that thinks, a body that feels, a heart that knows, a vision that sees and an action that flows. All have the five within. Mind, body, heart, vision and flow, what do you think, feel, know, see and go? We re a cooperative. Not a competitive. Competitiveness is out. Cooperativeness is in. We re all in this together, there s nothing to win.

Geffrey Schulz says:

'It just wants to expand.' I have seen and I see,- Life (Tao, God,.) assignes me tasks (choices/decisions) within my intent. 'My intent' is not something for me to do, it is something I observe. For I am life, and as life am with intent to survive and to thrive. To expand. lifes intent is to wholly/collectivelly survive/thrive/expand.

Geffrey Schulz says:

A master is, as a master sees. Tao. Y e s . I see that all I am guided in doing, by all life (God, Tao, universe, spirit, all one,.) Influences all life via the intent and sincerity of my actions, thoughts and words.

kate martin says:

No words to express my gratitude to these guys for their great teachings over the years 🤗 feel blessed to still have Wayne's spirit guiding through these videos 💖💖💖💖💖💖 thanks for uploading 👌

marcos estra says:

Great wisdom in this conference!

B B says:

I love listening to their teachings!😍

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