The Three Secrets – Neale Donald Walsch.mp4

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Frederic Hazard says:


Mireya Leduc says:

I think he is a great messenger of God 



Mick .JL says:

Bla Bla Bla Bla even bigger bullshit! Walsch knows the unknowable. Do you
really believe this crap? Live your life – you don’t need this nonsense to
live a great life and live morally. This guy is crackers and makes money
from your gullibility. The universe really doesn’t give a shit about us –
we survive nonetheless because we are smart not because anyone is guiding

sm1135ster1 says:

It’s sounds like a re-hash of Hicks, Chopra and the secret . All the new
age people sound like rehashing of the ‘idea’ of the moment! This one is
–we create our reality…wonder what will happen when everyone realizes
this is a gross oversimplification. On to the ‘next’ insight of the

zatoichiable . says:

Whats the different between a divine messenger and a New Age guru? They
dont ask money for their message. 

Kerrysparkles says:


Troy Dansby says:

Neal donald walsch is full of shit!!!! If u believe this u weak and never
believed in god in the first place stick with wat u kno dudes a false
prophet believe me talk to god yourself if u wanna kno the real truth!!!!!

niilima amiliin says:

So Beautiful ! Thank You so much for sharing this. God Bless You.

Elena Florescu says:

Is great Neale!

anastasia kyriakidou says:

Thank you Neal.Blessings

Marina Vargas says:
Mick .JL says:

Bla Bla Bla Bullshit!

Paul Champ says:

Thank You Neale, it’s all starting to come back to me now. 🙂 

Elizabeth Jale Çakirerk says:


Marylyn Robinson says:

Wow! I have been reading self help books for years. Al the while I have
been losing all my “stuff”. Lost a Motor home, two houses,and I could go on
and on.Lisening to Neale has made me so aware of what I can do now. I
truly no where and what I am. Thank You Neale. Thank You God

Julia Hewett says:

I get it. God is not judgmental. He does not indorse hate. God wants us to
be the best we can. It is so simple. do not judge others. EVERY DAY. Be the
best you can. Read the book and take time to understand it. By page 166 I
GOT IT. I finally found what God is.

Mick .JL says:

Bla Bla Bla Bullshit!

Dannie Toms says:

Neale is a Wonderful Human Being !!! He is a GREAT Teacher!!! I love him/
his messages ;o)

Lily Black says:

If evil doesn’t exist as a choice, then we’re not responsible for our
choices, they’re all equal. So we’re free to practice genocide or whatever
we want because it’s an illusion. Human beings are gifted with free will.
It’s a true gift and it bears true consequences.. In the Hitler example,
for a long time the evil he represented was denied as he built up his
army. Appeasement brought wretchedness and misery to millions because of
that denial of the evil. If it had been acknowledged and confronted early
how many lives could have been saved. For example, that child writing in
her garret, who is the voice for all the millions of children whose names
we will never know, but whose innocent blood cries out to us. You can’t
philosophize away that stain of blood and call it illusion.

Jan de With says:

Thank you Neale for sharing this beautifull insights, It helps me a lot to
move forward.

terransage says:

What he’s saying is pretty much what I’ve been coming to understand in
recent months after several years of having experienced “hell.” I lost
almost everything I had, collected food stamps for the first time in my
life, ended up in a mental hospital, etc., etc.. Since then I’ve had a
steep uphill climb that’s been getting easier as I begin to look at life
and spirituality in a way very similar to what Neale is describing. I went
from being on food stamps to becoming an indentured servant making about 50
cents an hour (working 10-12 hours a day, seven days a week, for some
people who took advantage of my poverty and mental illness problems) to
becoming a self-employed subcontractor with a registered business. I’m no
longer on food stamps, and I haven’t had any depression or PTSD problems
for a long while.

A woman I work for told me she thought I was going to die soon, so I better
join her religious denomination, or my soul would be in jeopardy. (I don’t
belong to any organized religion.) That night I had a dream that I was
with that woman at a party, where I began to levitate and float near the
ceiling. I tried to get her attention, but a strong wind blew through the
house, and the woman and all the guests ducked down and hid their faces
from the debris flying at them, so they didn’t see me floating around.
Suddenly I passed through the ceiling and shot up into the sky, seeing that
there was a huge tower wall in front of me, with doors opening as I watched
the tower glide past me. Behind the doors I glimpsed beautiful landscapes
(heaven, paradise, whatever you want to call it) and then woke up from the
dream before I could see any more. Right away I got the message that the
dream was saying I’m actually okay; I’m not going to hell or anything like
that. Since then I’ve had a lot of dreams and insights that have led me
down a new, better and happier path. When I listen to people like Mr.
Walsch, it confirms what I’ve been experiencing.

Ironically, the woman I was talking about in the last paragraph called me
while I was writing that paragraph, and complained about all the “losers”
in society, like drug addicts and homeless people, saying that they were
“godless,” and so on. I started to talk to her about the compassion and
love of Jesus’ message, but she talked right over me, sounding angry and
bitter. I tried to tell her that there is no such thing as a loser in
God’s eyes, but she didn’t hear a word I was saying. I don’t believe in
coincidences, so her calling at that moment really got my attention.

Marie Gabriel says:

To evolve is a purpose for us on this earth, I am sure of that, and dead
people I speak with everyday, said that and made me think so too.
We are here to evolve to be happier and to be able to help others more
efficiently, god said this to me.
Why different opinion ? I don’t know, but I asked again, and the answer has
always been the same, life is a path to reach the divine spirit, learn
wisdom, compassion and tolerance, and develop love to each other. And the
path we make, will decide the position, the level we will reach in heaven
after our death, it is so true. Each choice is important, everyday each
moment you have the choice : the divine, the love or the mediocrity…

Turkeyhome says:

Amen. Thank you bro.

Kevin Love says:


Vladimira Med says:
Angela Knowles says:

What I find very odd is that suffering never seems to be addressed by
NDE’rs or others who are in ‘contact’ with God. The world overflows with
suffering because of external conditions, such as tsunamis and plagues, not
to mention wars and abuse, and internal conditions, such as aging,
bereavement, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and on and on, endlessly.
The sheer level of suffering and loss is just unimaginable. Why did God
design a world full of grief and pain. I cannot imagine a mere mortal
being as cruel and monstous. And God being God- couldn’t he have devised
a ‘kind’ plan?
Thank you

jdizziefoshez says:

Have you seen the series” hero’s” It’s a show about people with supper
powers trying to save the world. It plays the point of view of every
charter individually .Everyone is trying to save the the world. In there
own way doesn’t realize the evil within them self’s in doing so they
fight each-other.. sounds familiar???? I believe everyone wants the same
thing .. tho you are right everything is alredy perfect just we get so
caught up in our attachments to this physical reality The Buddha said this
very long ago the root of all suffering is attachment …

thedarkmoonman says:

Elliott Hulse

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