I sailed to the Virgin Islands, into a Zen type of store and asked to buy some pipe screens. They told me they was free. Feeling grateful and wanting to pay I searched the shop two times before I chose a Stuart Wilde's book "The Trick to Money Is Having Some". I can only wonder if it was that random purchase, of a random book, that brought me more financial comfort, moving forward.
While I can't agree 100%, like when he spoke in this video of some woo woo shit @5:15. We do live on a planet with limited resources. That's not saying there are shortages because we've got to there. For the most part he's right on.
I sailed to the Virgin Islands, into a Zen type of store and asked to buy some pipe screens. They told me they was free. Feeling grateful and wanting to pay I searched the shop two times before I chose a Stuart Wilde's book "The Trick to Money Is Having Some". I can only wonder if it was that random purchase, of a random book, that brought me more financial comfort, moving forward.
While I can't agree 100%, like when he spoke in this video of some woo woo shit @5:15. We do live on a planet with limited resources. That's not saying there are shortages because we've got to there. For the most part he's right on.