The Truth About Dalai Lama

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Dalai Lama is a title given to the leader and high priest of the Yellow Hat sect of Tibetan Buddhism, who is considered to be the incarnation of the bodhisattva – a human being who has achieved an “enlightened” state – of compassion.

Tenzin Gyatso, the main subject of this presentation, is the 14th Dalai Lama and is thought of as a reincarnation of his predecessor – the 13th.

Buddhism originated from the Buddha, a prince in northeastern India, who abandoned the ruling class in search of a way to end the cycle of reincarnation – which was a core principle in Indian hinduism – and thus overcome human suffering.

What is the truth about Dalai Lama?


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  • Categories: Dali Lama


AKlover says:

Keep skewering sacred cows Stefan! The Monk pedophilia thing came as a
surprise initially but then after a few moments of thinking about it should
not be surprising at all.

GnosticMedia says:

It’s about time that someone exposed the Dalia Lama. I was just
investigating his role with the CIA a couple weeks ago regarding his ties
to the Naropa institute, etc – which ties directly to the Greenwich Village
team of MKULTRA – (Ginsberg, Kerouac, Burroughs, etc). Once we realize that
“mysticism is the tool of tyrants” – we can wake up and realize how these
con artists run things. Excellent job, Stefan!

sam phi says:

Very good show Stefan. Coming from me that really means alot because I am a
grouchy, cantankerous 45 y/o male who does not suffer fools gladly. I do
wonder if the 80:20 rule applies to YT comments. I propose that negative
and stupid people are more likely to comment as they have more time
(layabout parasites) to watch and make their ill considered opinions known.
To be fair, I give credit to anyone that is even interested in your
material. You do have to listen and not just hear it as some background
chatter while preoccupied with other things though.
The thumbs up speaks for itself, but I thought I’d comment as well, to help
address the balance of piffle pedlars.

Aleks Pilat says:

Fuck the lama and fuck the pope. They never get any pussy, don’t have any
real productive jobs but want to give their 2cents on issues relating to
the general public. Fuck these weirdo idiots. 

Nazarat Hussain says:

Please do the truth about Muhammed, the founder of Islam – I would
certainly be willing to make a donation for that.

MalaklypsetheElder says:

Didn’t the dalai lama come out recently and state he is a socialist, and
believes in a socialist ideology or organization as being the best way to
run things? Kind of funny considering his conflicts with the state and the
historical state of affairs with his homeland. This situation reminds me
of a quote.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
VI Lenin

Stefan Molyneux says:

The Truth About Dalai Lama

[SUM] • V0WL says:

Good Stuff. I was initially attracted to Buddhism for things the scientific
things the Buddha taught but aren’t represented in Buddhism today. Buddha
didn’t teach reincarnation & rebirth is not reincarnation. The Seals of
Buddhism are much more important than the noble truths. That all things
lack an “inherent” existence & are conditional differs in no way from
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (if understood). After years in Buddhist
circles I’ve learned the best book on Buddhism is “The Emperors New Clothes
(sarcasm). It’s unfalsifiable – but worse, it’s a trick. Thinking, Fast &
Slow by Daniel Kahneman validated for me what I learned meditating. It’s an
inefficient or at least inappropriate use of your mental capacity. Sure,
you want to learn to not respond emotionally to stimuli. But in reality,
there is one part of your brain that you use for things like, Idk math
problems, & another which is more automatic, like driving on the highway
while having a conversation. Meditative practice aims to replace the
automatic with the deliberate in places where it isn’t needed. It’s
impossibly tedious for one, & again inefficient. Instead of doing walking
meditation (lift, step, place) I learned I could be using that time to
think about other things, like tomorrow’s sales pitch. My base brain, knows
how to walk all by itself. How bout that.

YoungerBrother Wakeup says:

The Truth About The Holocaust.

*runs away*
(to make it absolutely clear, I do NOT support holocaust deniers, I do NOT
want to be associated with those kind of retards and wannabe nazi’s)

honey badger says:


Solidus says:

You impose the idiotic idea of celibacy on people and this is the expected
result. Not that easy to suppress human sexuality.

I have no idea why any religion even came up with such a pointless and
toxic rule.

razorback0z says:

I want to see a world where everyone becomes Buhdist. Then we can all stand
there with begging bowls looking at each other, waiting for a
handout, hoping we can can go back to staring at our sphincters for the
rest of the day with our free bowl of rice.

That will also fix the “human problem” because we will all starve to death
in 5 minutes but thats ok because we will be spritually sated and the
planet will be saved…… Basically passengers like Lama man only exist
thanks to the graces of ordinary people who live ordinary lives, the guy is
a snake oil merchant and his followers are fkn suckers.

Sarl Cagan says:

Hey Stefan, it would be awesome if you also did one about Gandhi or Mother
Teresa, the truth about the Dalai Lama was very illuminating… Thanks

Nina Houchen says:

Objective reality rules. What a grand talk. Fabulous. Listen. 

Todd says:

Not criticizing, but others may or may not agree with me: I love most of
what you say, and I enjoy your videos, but they’re so long. Now, I get that
the ability to watch longer videos is often a sign of higher intelligence
and a better attention span, but some people just have a lot of things to
do during the day. As much as I enjoy your videos, I just can’t put aside a
few hours to watch all your content. People have busy schedules. You might
increase your number of viewers if you make more short videos, 10-15
minutes is about the average video duration I watch for serious topics.
Again, not criticizing, just pointing out a fact. I also understand you put
an hour’s worth of information into your videos. Maybe separating them into
parts then? Videos separated into parts seem to get the most views from
what I’ve seen. It’s up to you of course.

VexylMusic says:

Molyneux likes to throw the term “objective” around. I think we need to be
careful and critical of this. Epistemology is based on human involvement
and experiences, therefore inevitably subjective. We are not transcendent,
always immanent.

tsering dhargyal says:

First of all I don’t know you yet I am wondering how you get all the detail
info like what his holiness father demand before he moved to capital,
lhasa. FYI I watched the first 27mins, there are some of things that are
debatable but not validated. and I am wondering why you keep blaming all
the misfortune faced by Tibetans on Dalia lama. As a Tibetan we have put
him on throne and he didn’t campaign for it. He initiated a democratic
government although all the Tibetan want him to be the only leader.

Contrary if you are president , that doenst allow you to change anyway you
want. Regardless of time, century or society there was always a hierarchy
and still exist. One man can make difference but one man cannot change what
he or she wants.

Lastly I am wondering what made you decide investigate deeply specially on
his holiness the Dalia Lama. And I am also wondering how far what you’re
saying is validated 

Godskingdomwithin says:

Stefan, why don’t you do a series on special, inspiring, individuals, that
have contributed, substantially, to humanity, and that have led lives of
integrity, honesty, and fit the bill of the likes of those that have been
revered for these qualities by many, but that you have revealed to us all,
are not what, or who, we thought they were. We all need people that
inspire us. Of course, no one but ourselves can fulfill our higher destiny.
Yet, to know there are those that have walked through hell to bring to this
world a little bit of heaven, makes the most difficult road one can pursue
in this life, the road less travelled, as one writer put it, a little less
lonely, and a little more possible. Peace

Grey Jay says:

I was with you, Stephen, until you asserted that Capitalism was inherently
compassionate and empathetic. Come on, now. You’re a bright fellow. You
know you can’t say that, and keep a straight face. Capitalism and Marxism
share a mutual contempt for the individual, except as he or she can be
successfully manipulated to a desired end.

Thyalwaysseek says:

Thank you for this it is so needed people have been brainwashed by these
evil anti christ pricks and they have strong connections to rome because
that is where all the roads lead.

honey badger says:

thats how americans are…..they are against hunting but yet eat meat from
farm and butcher factories

Valelacerte says:

Because of my involvement in Buddhism in the past and their quite plausible
marketing strategy to portray themselves as in alignment with western
sciences and therapies, I have maintained a certain affection for Buddhism.

I think I am as guilty of cherry picking from Buddhism as western
psychology has been. The Buddhist discouragement of *watering the seeds* of
negative emotions, because this increases their occurrence, aligns nicely
with psychology’s discovery that *venting* effectively increases the
unwanted emotion through practice. I saw the phrase *mindfulness* in the
title of a class at my workplace; this is also a Buddhist concept, that
happiness can only be found in the present because neither the past, nor
future exist and therefore time spent ruminating about either is less time
appreciating the present. This seems harmless, but it doesn’t encourage
release from the preoccupation of the past, or future through examination
and understanding, but merely encourages training to ignore it through will

Years ago, I spent a month in Plum Village, the Vietnamese Zen monk Thich
Nhat Hanh’s retreat in the Bordeaux region of France. As far as I could
tell, all of the visitors were westerners and it was noticeable that none
of Buddhism’s mystical, or supernatural roots and beliefs were ever
mentioned. Periodically, throughout the day, a bell was rung, at which
point everyone, regardless of what they were doing, was expected to be
still and quiet and meditate upon their breathing and experiences at that
moment. We would also do a lot of silent walking around the nearby forests
and meditating until sunset; sometimes it was very beautiful and moving. I
remember returning feeling very calm and relaxed. However, I lived in the
centre of London, so it didn’t last long. Despite having moved on from that
phase in my life, I still see some value in some of the simple practices
that were taught there. 

Steve Smith says:

Stephan, Is there any such thing as a “gut feeling”?

Ryan Lee says:

“Why are these people poor?” “because they did something bad in their past
lives.” Boom! Justified!
“Why are you rich?” “because I did something good in my past life.” Boom!
The rich and powerful loooove the idea of Karma. Why woudn’t they use their
toy (the mass media) to sell it to the public?

ErikVaughnDillinger says:

I listened to everything but now that we got to the socialist part of the
video I’m cringing, because I know what’s about to happen… and it
happened. Ugh. 

Nyran Stanton says:

this was very interesting. It explains so much as to how bullsht, religious
leaders truly are.

jesushatesyoutoo says:

Human suffering is caused by attachment! Human will always suffer but the
intensity and duration of the suffering can be lessened by realizing
EVERYTHING is temporary and transitory. It doesn’t mean you don’t have
possessions it means you don’t let them rule over you!

steviejacko says:

hang on .. just paused you Stefan while i go make a cup of tea ,,,, 10 mins
later….. thats it got tea and i also made myself some toast , carry on 

Nicholas Sceusa says:

Feudalism is still with us, but we call it Corporatism.

mentalmistake says:

unbelievable when you have the eightfold path one the one hand and this
deprived society on the other

Lawrence Hunt says:

Absolutely admire the philosophical tactic and cognitive reflexes that
Stefan possesses and wields at the front-lines to combat manipulation – so
as to disarm the sophists and reveal falsehoods in light of objective
methodologies. Thanks Stefan for your videos! (: 

Andi Pandi says:

tried to persuade my Buddhist Meditation group to watch this last night..
but they thought that a talk by Ajahn Brahn on Fear would be much more
inspiring.. and they were right.. i strongly recommend that people watch
that on YouTube to see how Stefan unfortunately sometimes here misses the
point of Buddhism.. 

Zach Friedman says:

Great video, Stefan! I just wanted to add that you have great presentation
in your speeches. It is easy to overlook that there is basically no editing
in your videos. Whereas other vloggers often take many cuts, you deliver a
very clean and powerful speech in one shot. Your fortitude and
concentration is impressive. Please keep up the excellent work! I hope to
have a chat with you on the show some day.

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