The Wisdom of Surrender – Eckhart Tolle

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The Wisdom of Surrender. From the book Practicing the power of now

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soo neaty says:

very comforting .. Nice to know that surrender is not resignation but
acceptance without judgement…

Sxnz says:

aah. yes yess

greenbeanx says:

So true..

Vannessa Coonrod says:


Claudio Barbosa says:

This words remember me the time when i lived four months in my car and
needed to wash myself outside in the snow at the time of london’s winter. I
feel happy to recognised i have this already inside of me. Thank you
Eckhart Tolle.

charlie duff says:

Wonderfully helpful.

Yani Gemdd says:

3 people are saying “NO” to the present moment.

masterskills says:

The density of wisdom in each sentence this man speaks is unmatched.

beyallluv says:

ive ben telling myself this lately

HappyHippieHuddy says:

sometimes (now) I have to surreder..

BbyRider says:

Every now and then I remind myself to stop, breathe, and surrender. It’s
quite blissful.

ILOVE2FeelGOOD says:

This is great – I surrender to the present moment … it feels good and
it’s loving to myself and my body. Big Yes!

EarthH2oLuma says:


Apexa Shah says:

Brilliant! Who else but Eckhart can put it so beautifully!

artistxmusic says:

Amazing! What wisdom… I have been profoundly influenced by Eckhart’s
teachings. So much so that I wrote a song based on The Power of Now called
“All Things Subside”. It’s on my channel if you care.

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