Theresa Neal – Sorry

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I’m so sorry I’m lazy:
I don’t do dishes even though it’s “my day to do them.”
I let my laundry pile up until the air is stale with sock funk.
I “fill” the gas tank with a quarter tank
and I never really finish my homework. And I don’t participate in class

I’m so sorry I fake it:
I fake interest in stories about your boyfriend, mom, dad, teacher, and what happened to you on the bus last week
I fake sadness
joy and pain
I fake interest in politics, religion, and most of all relationships
I fake knowledge of that band/show/movie/book that you love
I fake delight in my mom’s cooking
and interest in my dad’s stories

I’m so sorry that I’m rude:
I listen to music with bad words, I repeat every word
I have no table manners
I eat to fast and I hold my fork like someone is threatening to take it away
I text at the dinner table, over a plate of skinless chicken with rice
I make jokes, too many jokes; behind your back, in front of your face
My cynicism is so huge, it’s hard to breath at times
and I’m bad with kids no matter how cute they are

I’m so sorry I’m crazy
I talk to myself
in the kitchen, bathroom, my locker, your locker, at the computer
I talk to the TV, during the commercials, at the characters
I’m paranoid, I have baggage, I make faces in the mirror; sad, happy, mad, confused
I’m emotional and emotionless; both over excited and under excited at the wrong times
and I never know what to say to make you feel better

I offer my sincere apologies

Theresa Neal

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