tomorow god part 1 Neale Doanald Waslch YouTube

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Kellyann's Reiki Spiritual Healing says:

I have always felt this way about God ! People mock what they do not understand ! I love these books and completely relate to them! Thank you Neal for bringing this truth to light !

Fiona Kalu says:

Where is part 2??

Atonement-Circial Recovery-Services says:

Thanks for the share, awesome read! It will all be understood at the end/beginning or not, lol. Life is truly amazing, it's all a miracle, as i see it, one day at a time.

Do pray for all war's end and that we all have food to eat.

Adriana Veliz says:

God is not the problem, WE are the problem. Enough of pointing fingers when we know that we are the must self destructive race on Earth. We are doing the good, the bad, the wonderful and the horror. God is just there, watching us and probably thinking: WTF?!

Jonathan Cook says:

Lol, I think I remember this from the chat room. You guys' are funny. I'm a merely 27 year-old man that survived bullets from Osama Bin Laden and his son, for whichever I took my vest off and challenge them to kill me as "All Y'all".. the eyes', body, and mind of the 19 year-old that found Osama Bin Laden on Skype as a play for peace. Y'alls' government sent me in off my theory that my aircraft would go down. My theory was right as a vision of my will. But people don't wanna get to know me in person. Y'all turned your back on me and have tryed continuous to kill me as All y'all. Pakistan and the Laden family only hear "Allah" because I was being shot in excess of 48 times'. Mericals have to be believed possible by the people. But I'm called a lier after giving the seed for "Jesus Christ", but your spiritual leadership won't pay me mind… they think I lack Christ because my age, background, and extreme views'. Me trying to be nice because I'm shy and not wanna be a heretic making people forced to lower to there knees' and plead for forgiveness for killing my child for y'all to make profess life from words' from a book or scroll. I mean WTF? This world wants me dead. Why?

Dean Brunson says:

Entertaining maybe, but having a conversation with a god that you know does not exist seems a bit silly. There is no god now and there never will be. Delusion abounds.

Tyreece Richardson says:

God does not change….. Jesus is the only way to God

Korine iugen says:

You don't have to have a conversation with god to write a book as such, I can produce a better one God is not either he or she the creator is everywhere every particle in the universe it come from the creator the creator is the eternal light, the traditional bible it was changed by the emperor Constantine just google it, and then there is the book of Enoch, and the sacred scrolls who nobody can access! On the missing books there is the truth about ourselves and the fact that we are creators and also the way in how we can create, I think Mr Walsh on this occasion his book do not impress me at all, what he wrote it is true because others long before him wrote it

Spydaman 4loko says:

Multiverse is already inside of us. We have all the knowledge we can tap into. But question is, how might one say? In this 4 dimensional realm, it's a dream or a simulation for our conscious if you will. We are not the flesh in this world, we our just infinite awareness, experiencing itself. Coming from the collective, like a computer hard drive to the Internet,  we have our own Internet inside us we can access knowledge beyond the unknown. One can do this multiple ways. Before going to sleep, ask any questions, then you'll wake up to answers. Genuine questions lead to genuine answers. Knowledge is not about the answer, it's about the question one's is asking. All one has to do is question things that they desire to know and eventually they'll get the answer for it. By the way, sleeping is another form of meditation,  everyone does it, even the animals. Another way would be to pay attention to outside reference,  the simulation is adjustable to the questions we ask. It answers to us in very subtle ways, very easy to over look, best way is to don't think at all, but to just feel the atmosphere around you. It's an energetic communication. We all have this sense, we just need to be aware of it that's all. Awareness is key to unlocking everything one already knows within. All one needs is questions, then the answers will come to you. In this simulation we were taught to find answers, but we weren't told to ask questions. Really it is the answer that follows the questions, not the other way around. Just question anything, then the answer will follow. All this really is is just a conscious game we play for fun. Another way would be to look through nature's eyes. Take any psychedelics as such, Ayahuasca, DMT(N, N Dimethyltryptamine or 5meo DMT), Psilocybin Mushrooms, ORMUS Gold, Ibogaine, and etc. Please do research before consuming. There are many more ways, I just know a few that's all. Beyond the illusion, we are everything and everywhere at the same existence.

We are all slaves to time, but wait! What happens after we leave our bodies or before we are born? We leave time. We wake up from a dream, thinking that we were just human beings, but all along we were infinite beings that was just having a human experience. Life is a game, such as like monopoly board game for example. Some take the game seriously, some play the game for fun. At the end of it all, everything goes back into the box. Take some DMT to take a peek outside the dream ; )

Bongumusa Mawela says:

I love your books thank you so much Mr Donald walsh

Reverend Tacos Guidos Mananeros says:

YES,But that's assuming GOD is real for there to be a new version of GOD. Yes, the new GOD Is the GOD of communism,& the venues project,& Trains Humanism,& self driving cars.

Paul N says:

humanity is waking up lets lead the way.blaze the trail get the momentum going.

Linda James says:

I am looking forward to Part 2……

Rafael Aldon says:

I now looking forward to having the time to spend it listening to God's words.

Rafael Aldon says:

My life has turned from being insecure and uncertained about my person and those around me to a happy generous loving and contempt with no feas but looking forward to all the outcome of life.

Adam Allen says:

looking so forward to part 2!!!

Anem Igirigi says:

Do U have the other parts ?

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