Tomorrow's God (2004) Neale Donald Walsch

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Summary: In “Tomorrow’s God,” Neale Donald Walsch, the acclaimed author of the “Conversations with God” series, takes us on a transformative journey that challenges traditional beliefs and invites us to expand our understanding of the divine. With his signature conversational style, Neale invites readers to question long-held dogmas and embrace a more inclusive and empowering vision of God.
Drawing from his own personal experiences and intimate conversations with the divine, Neale presents a compelling vision of a God that transcends religious boundaries and embraces all of humanity. He explores topics such as the purpose of life, the nature of suffering, and the power of our intentions, unraveling deep spiritual truths that have the potential to revolutionize the way we view ourselves and our relationship with the divine. “Tomorrow’s God” encourages us to let go of fear-based beliefs and embrace a spirituality that is rooted in love, compassion, and unity. Neale’s profound insights challenge us to reevaluate our understanding of God as a punitive and judgmental figure, and instead embrace a God that is loving, accepting, and eager to support our personal growth and evolution. Conversations with God



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@judeb6592 says:

Too difficult to “hear”, cadence and rhythm off and distracts from the message. I like his voice but not in this context, ruins the experience

@karendarrie1267 says:

Well frankly, I find God a pain in the ass….I lecture myself enough. I'm schizophrenic effective…😊

@emilylewis5127 says:

These books absolutely shook me in the exact way I came here to be “shaken awake”. No words can possibly express my sheer gratitude and appreciation of this message….🩷🌟✌🏼 Thank Neale, God, You and Me….☺️😉

@kerrynewlands6236 says:

Love all serve all help ever hurt never satya sai baba ❤❤❤ Kerry

@gerardoreyes1491 says:

This is not from Communion with God, this is from Neale Donald Walsch' book Tomorrow's God

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