Truth About Consciousness and Spirituality Part 1

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MSCode says:

What an absolute load of contradictory nonsense. “No Dave you talk shit
because you are mad and a stupid old man”. You’re just another Internet
evangelist talking about demons and saving people.
If you look at a young kid they do not give a damn about tomorrow. Dave is
an example of what happens to a lot of men as they get older and lose
interest in women and sex. They just want to preach doom and gloom.
@ the age of 54 I have seen so many preachers of doom and gloom come and
go. And when they go they go forever and another fake Messiah steps up
All the fuckwitt followers really think you are doing something thats going
to put all our leaders in place. 

Derek Starpass says:

You are quite possibly the dumbest bastard on the internet. The Truth IS
about Doom and Gloom, and many other things, you idiot. Why don’t you give
us ALL a break and get the hell off the Internet. You seem to Think you are
quite intelligent. The Opposite seems to be True, as far as you are
concerned. You have blocked anyone who tells you off, but That shall Not
Deter me from Pointing to your Obvious Idiocy.

Audrey Angelov says:

*If you want to know the actual TRUTH about everything, go to*

*Truth Contest Com and open **The Present*
What this book says will, *no doubt,* blow your mind.

stephanie ginn says:

MSCODE you just don’t understand it…open your mind.

Chakra Caster says:

Thank you for these video’s, David. What a lovely conversation to wake up

what2put says:

Icke, you can only avoid John Urwin for so long! The film is now being made
and it will destroy everything you have ever said!

DHammerr says:


john wells says:

The man like Icke, he doesn’t know everything you know.

NaturalFuturist says:

Jewish New Age horsecrap about how we draw our circumstances into our
realities through the power of though and how a successful mindset leads to
success. What a convenient belief system for rich assholes to justify
their success as virtuous and righteous.

This way they can vindicate to themselves that their self-serving Ayn Rand
behavior is really just a result of them synchronizing their spirit in
harmony with the universe where they draw in positivity (wealth, power)
thought positive thought. Anyone who is adherence to this ridiculous
idiotic philosophy is a Grade A moron. Tell that story to the worm in the

David Icke’s Satanic Jewish Bloodline is just a result of the cause and
effect process of evolution. They aren’t enlightened beings synchronized
with the universe. They’re parasitic demon morons.

The process of graduating from a university doesn’t filter out the moron in
people. Passing through the graduation process of attaining a masters
degree isn’t equivalent to passing through some magical gateway that floods
your entire being with awareness and genius. Any moronic little gremlin
terd can be ushered through college and still graduate a moronic little
gremlin terd. It’s just that now this moronic gremlin terd knows about the
computer aided design of an automobile, or whatever else.

At what point of taking a moronic adult and educating him or her on a vast
array of subjects does the moron no longer exist as a moron. What technical
information does that moron need to acquire to suddenly be the inversion of
a moron? Is there one last brick of technical information on the pyramid of
knowledge where suddenly a great brilliant pyramid of intelligence is
formed? One final paragraph in the Z letter encyclopedia where the minds
suddenly shifts into omni-consciousness?

Intelligence exists as a pie graph where certain types of intelligence
become more full, and technical intelligence like that memorized from a
series of encyclopedias and history books is only one aspect of that pie.
The Royal Jewish Order may have a collectively full slice of
technical/social/political intelligence, but clearly by their vampiric,
murderous nature they severely lack in emotional/spiritual intelligence,
which makes them intellectually deficient, and that slice of the pie is
just an empty black space.

The *full* spectrum of intelligence can only be achieved in accordance with
the spiritual/emotional intelligence of the highest degree, which is
inarguably Christ Conscious(awareness/intelligence).

These Satanic special-ed freaks can attain all the technical intelligence
they can, soaring their “Intelligence Quota” to great heights, but they
will *forever* be *deficient* within the spectrum of supreme intelligence.
Unfortunately for their vile souls, they’re genetically predispositioned to
incarnate into humanoids with *black* ignorance of emotions and psychology.
A mentally deranged psychopath can read all the books they can on
psychology and still close the last page as a mentally deranged psychopath.
But psychopath consciousness is going to conjure up vindications for it’s
behavior no matter what. If it didn’t it wouldn’t be psychopath

There’s only one reality and it comes down to an ideological battle between
Satanists and Christians. And you’re either on one side, the other, or
nowhere in between. And only one side is right, and like Christ said, “all
shall be revealed in the end”. And unfortunately for the satanists, their
black sin is committed out of black ignorance, and the wages of sin is

James Skinner says:

I wonder what David thinks about remembrance day, when every one is
thinking about the suffering of war and death all at the same time whilst
standing around the stone obelisks just out side the churches on the Sunday
at the 11th hour of the 11th month. I think we are feeding giant elemental
entities that we are drawing down from god knows where. Just a thought!

tysonschneider says:

OMG! I could not stop laughing when David was going on and on about people
being full of crap. Thank you for that laugh! Ha-ha!!!

ishmail hattab says:

The reporter has no idea what hes talking about

David Geldner says:

David Icke, just because you say stuff that is true about the spirit,
doesn’t mean that you can SLANDER ethnicities and make a mockery of the
scientific process. You should be deeply, deeply ashamed. 

ultrabaiter says:

Great video, thanks David and the interviewer.

Tom Mitchell says:

hardly seems to matter what the subject matter is on a youtube video these
days there will be at least 2 morons hurling obnoxious bile at each other
on the comments. I despair

Bryson Starseed says:

Seems like all of the well known astral travelers and seers doing videos
are saying the same thing as this man is saying about the nature of
reality. One of these people goes by the name of astralboobaby and he does
a pretty good job at explaining this stuff, where anybody can understands
and he draws pictures to show the kind of things he sees too. No
coincidence here. 

Thomas Klauss says:

+David Icke y +Luke Rudkowski , dos putos cracks.

barrel89 says:

I didn’t know The Isle of Wight was in London.
What does yanky boy know about London weather anyway?
I do know he gets around the world a lot. $$$$$$$$$?

Moera Wai says:

Guys please, don’t be overmesmerised by David Icke despite his
intelligence… Think about what he says too. Remember, it’s only

sanzen koan says:

I dont know if anyone can understand what he’s saying or TRYING to say
here, but I can, and I’d just like to let people know, he’s talking
absolute shite!lmao 😀 :P

mickshaw555 says:

Fantastic and lucid! However, I thought the illuminati has got David’s
number. They know his reach will always be limited to a few, so no worries
for them ( for now at least).

john strawman says:

why does David even entertain Luke the snake,he should of exposed the
holohoax and that 9/11 and 7/7 etc was an inside jew

bodi hymer says:

IMO..realizing what you are, more easily reveals itself as the tensions of
what your not, are seen for what they are. Intentions are tricky and often
express themselves as a hidden agenda serving the very tensions we seek to
liberate. The change we all seek in the world must start we each of us.
Where else would the change come from ? Satsang with an enlightened being
will give you the necessary energy to see yourself clear of karmic knots
not easily seen on our own.

TheseEyesGod says:

Very well said. Thanks for the interview and the upload. Thumbs up and

deb borel says:

i’m spiritual now life is wonderful ~ he he he
thank you for your commitment
and your humor 

Robert Mitchell says:

Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens 

chris103050 says:

Nothing to say, apart from ‘Yes’. Good video, thank you.

DpathosJ says:

Thank you for your insight!

crazyspork1 says:

stop fighting you all look childish, just take in all the knowledge you can
from every source you can and make your decision on how this world works,
stop caring what other people think that is the life of a fool

Jon Focker says:

teh ending was really good

Darkangelof Israel says:

May the Most High keep you david!

Julie Phelps says:

Scientific facts of frequencies astronauts become sick without reproducing
the same frequency as we have from our own planet. Direct energy weapons
use frequency they can quite simply obliterate you or produce heart attacks
etc. Frequencies can also levitate objects and also heal. Older form is the
ultrasound used to break up kidney stones without major surgery. So
frequency and sound is very important, spirituality is only real Quantum
Physics. Vast advances have now been made within Quantum Physics with
regards to space travel and laws of physics. Electromagnetic pulse engines
have now been developed for space travel. Look them up Jet Propulsion
It is very true the law of attraction whether we just pick up on people
like ourselves or just send out vibrations further which also can happen.
Energy is a form of frequency.
If anyone sits down outside and looks up day after day you will see strange
things. Now we know there are light creatures which charge themselves from
space in our thunder storms. Are they normal yes are they to be fear no.
Look at all the stars out in space do any of us really think we are alone.
Life forms now have been found by NASA on over 100 planets. Not widely
published if you talk to the right people they will tell you if you are
Are there good and bad beings from other planets inevitably but it is
likely we are under quarantine and many scientist believe now as we are a
mad species. Imagine yourselves as aliens one look at what is going on
everyday on earth is complete madness killings beheadings murder. They must
be very patient or they would have exterminated us by now as parasitical
pests. However we do have love and that is so very important!
NASA now has found an end of earth Asteroid on collision it isn’t a worry
to any of us as but if not stopped, it will hit 2845, so no worries there
but still food for thought. We however are unlikely to exist more than
another 100 years at the rate we are using our earth without due respect. 

Nicklas Lindgren says:

This is so true, AS I SEE IT 🙂 

gamingSlasher says:

Regarding the suffering or difficulties needed for growth I agree but I
would like to add that you can not only have suffering in your life because
eventually that will be too difficult for you. The important thing to
create in your life is BALANCE. Balance in how you experience your own

José Perez says:

“The word “apocalypse” means to unveil, not the end of the world.
The meaning of the apocalypse is the opposite of what most people think. It
does not mean the end of the world; it means the revealing of hidden
secrets and the beginning of a heaven on earth. The apocalypse is starting
now.” From the short and free book The Present, that you can read online at
truthcontest,com. If enough people read it, this world can be changed in
the heaven it should be

steven baird says:

why would me need to pay you money

Rob Halkett says:

does the interviewer really think he’s in London or was it a blip i dont

Piers Collen says:

makes complete sense!! people get abusive because they dont understand… 

Lori Dunn, LMT says:

I’ve been watching your videos and am very grateful for your take on these
subjects! Thanks for your work!

Salah Benyoussef says:
Bote Wind says:

very good david, thank you for talking, im learning a lot with you

James Green says:

this young kid at we are,has never figured out you can get a
mic.for your guest,so you don’t have to keep swishingback and forth with
one mic.unless it’s some control issue??? 

Damien De Meulemester says:
White Light says:

Absolutely wonderful video and all very true. Thank you.

Lots of light

Dustin Richards says:

Great interview! I feel joy in my heart knowing David Icke exists! 

Shan shantiq says:

Wow back on track Masterissimo !!
Moving away from TPV and doing the work you are loved for
Thank you!
We love you and need you to do this with guys like Luke
Like attracts like
HIgh frequency talking to high frequency
The Bitch is Back!
This is the work ……… More More More and yes More :::}}}

PS L looks like a young Billy Bragg !

TheWhoever118 says:

You had a bad trip on drugs at age 38. Most people get over this period
sometime in their teens. Now stop being a pratt thinking you’re the only
person to experience this and always talking about me me me because MANY
have had bad trips but they dont get to the age of 61 and think they have
unlocked the secrets of consciousness. You know nothing any greater about
consciousness nor spirituality than anyone else. You talk absolute rubbish!

Higher Dimension Man says:

The distortion is in farming the way we treat nature effects us and the
mind of nature is tortured in order to get at the human mind I’m sorry I
can’t identify with daemons or reptilians as I have never felt there

Visual Meditation says:

#consciousness #spirituality 

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