Video of Dalai Lama kissing boy sparks criticism

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The Dalai Lama is apologizing after video of him from a February public gathering shows him kissing a boy on the lips.

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至诚明心 says:


George 007 says:

He s a sick f….k . Should go to prison

The Official Michael Jackson Educational Channel says:

I hate that pedo lama creep so much!

The Official Michael Jackson Educational Channel says:

I hope someone with military experience as an accomplished sniper gets rid of that pedophile. Religion is the greatest lie of all mankind and exists as a front for pedophiles, criminals, drug addicts, con men and alcoholics.

The Official Michael Jackson Educational Channel says:

It always starts with something semi-innocuous. Then the pedophile becomes more and more demanding, as he grooms the boy into having illegal pedophile sex with him.

Jazmine B says:

Wow. This is disappointing! Sick and should never have happened. I truly hope this has never happened before 😢

Sonfinessse says:

scumbag, pure scumbag

Ambassador says:

Dude he is a jokester that’s his thing.

Cultivating Calm says:

There are people in this world who are so worshiped by others that their sick acts are excused and that's a problem. Any adult there should have attacked that man but they didn't because of his title. That's why I have no regard for people's titles and situations like that. If they are doing evil their title should not matter if you can prevent that evil .stop the man worship.

Laetitia Moss says:

This is truly disgusting. Somebody needs to look into it as it might be a whole lot more victims behind hidden door.

Dwight Lives Matter says:

Look at all the educated and uncultured.

Efraimes says:

A pedophile can´t be holy.

tomi tomi says:

he must be in prison

Susan Marie says:

This is what child molesters do. They tell the child it’s “game playing.” Highly disturbing.

BoatLoadsofDope says:

The poster boy for the free tibet movement 😂

At this point China should just fully annex it.

Hello says:

He knew he had to know thid was going to be on the telly right?!

Jimmey Hillerb says:

I’m not religious, but I do have a relationship with god that is growing every day. I feel like some of these religions are nothing more than plots to protect peadophiles that steal innocence and in return, take your hard earned money to pass up the ladder to the “chosen one”.

A really nice Guy says:

He would be good friends with Biden 💀

flame Star says:

That's what China said decades ago about the Tibetan monks.

But the world does not want to pay any heed to what China says,wellwellwell~But , just Tibetan Buddhism like that,Buddhism in other not like that🤣

AD says:

This fake so-called 'lama' is a pedophile. We have to start a campaign to file a suit against him. He should be stripped from his noble price. This man should be behind bars. He is a nasty example, and his sexual desire is very nasty. It is very damaging. What a shameless and nasty Buddhist exsmple. I'll prepare the required documents to be filed to International Court of law.

AD says:

This fake so-called 'lama' is a pedophile. We have to start a campaign to file a suit against him. He should be stripped from his noble price. This man should be behind bars. He is a nasty example, and his sexual desire is very nasty. It is very damaging. What a shameless and nasty Buddhist exsmple. I'll prepare the required documents to be filed to International Court of law.

𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐁𝐆𝐈 says:

bro is a kid diddler

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