Waking Up : A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion – Sam Harris

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not whoring out my channel, the tags reflect my channel above the title or author, just sharing because this is important listening for my fellow sceptics and atheists, I hope you listen to it all the way through.

found here

for this upload I have chosen to use tags such as spirituality, robertwlester (my main channel), educational, and the video title, so I’m not after Sam Harris’ fans as much as seeing if the hopeful mystic types think again. 🙂


Sadhu-sanga dasa says:

Wait, he thinks Advaita Vedanta is the highest form of Vedic or so-called Hindu teachings!? (at 36:20) That philosophy was defeated over and over as the highest teaching of Vedanta by several masters through out the years. He's probably also unaware that the Vedic teaching, more commonly known as scriptures of India or Hindu scriptures, are ultimately monotheistic –not polytheistic. I would have to iron out some details to explain but that would be easy. Sam Harris, the ultimate conclusion of Vedanta is inconceivable simultaneous oneness and difference (duality within oneness), not advaita (simple oneness). This is in sanskrit is called acintya-bhedabheda-tattva.

Tyler Durden says:

We ALL need to wake up

SireShankALot says:

I think Sam and Hitch are on different pages when they talk about Buddhism. Sam is talking about Buddhism in its unadulterated form, as a philosophy. On the other hand, Hitch is right when he says that as a religion, Buddhism is just as lazy and worthless as any Western religion. I think both men are correct in their evaluations of Buddhism, but they're not talking about the same Buddhism.

Veronika Khar says:

When is the next Sam Harris Event?

Robert Goldenbaum says:

I wish there were more people like Mr. Harris.

Patrick DaMao says:

Listen to the teleportation experiment- the one where you travel to mars by pressing the green button around 2:20:00 in the video. If you are build on mars, it makes no difference if the particles on mars are you or not- the person build on mars IS you because all quantum particles are indistinguishable. What does that mean? It means that if you were taken apart and your particles shipped to mars, it wouldn't matter if you were build from the particles brought on the ship or random particles found on mars! You should gain conscienceness all the same. So what happens if you clone someone this way? This is one of the questions that convinced me to get a phd in physics and I hope one day we'll find out the answer. Right now I think you'd have to replicate the exact quantum state of the person, but the uncertainty principle wouldn't allow for a precise measurement of the quantum state. But then your consciousness is bound to the continuity of your quantum state- which causes other problems…

Up Up says:

Ive been an atheist since I was 10 years old, but I NEVER once thought of cashing in on my "brilliance". Nothing unique or brilliant about Mr. Harris. This guy needs to get a real job.

Ivory Frost says:

I LOVE when authors read their own audio books! I could listen to Sam Harris all day!

Otori Springer says:

what a great book .. thank you for sharing

alvisc2002 says:

32:21:00 you see a table, a chair, a room. you look closer at the table and see atoms. you look closer at the atoms and you see electrons. you look closer at the electrons an they simply collapse into wavefunctions of probability. and then you come to the realization that reality is an illusion. A hologram if you will.
But. there still is no god. and we know everything there is to know about everything. :)

alvisc2002 says:

2:16:55 powerful

Nick Stegmeier says:

Bookmark 59:51

alvisc2002 says:

what a nut. Well Sam Harris. the Ewness is on yeeewww to Prooove it. hofofofofo
have you ever checked Snopes Bro? have you ever checked Snooopes?!
God (that doesn't exist cuz i have proof) I am So SMART!!!
i mean.. i'm not actually gonna Try to do what he says. I'm just gonna sit back like a self righteous douche and pre-judge all his statements to be false.
who else is with me?

Kanai Krsna dasa says:

Anti-Islam CIA propaganda?

Kanai Krsna dasa says:

Talk about secular morality and perfect ethics? What about being Vegan, compassionate towards innocent animals? They also have a soul, the animals. Maybe Sam Harris should consider that animals also have a soul before he eats his next steak…

Mixon Lowe says:

I have a hardcopy of this book. no regrets

James Oates says:

This video can't be legal, right?

Roberto robert says:

Who in their right mind would listen to this cunt for 5 minutes let alone 5 plus hours . Google facts "Madelyn Murray O'Hair" she was chopped up with her son and urinated on by her atheist followers then they raped and murdered her granddaughter that does not mean all athirst were evil murdering losers…. Or does it

Mitjell says:

Man this guy just expressed the very problem I´ve had with our society for a while now, he goes on to say the same thing I have said for a few years: Just because religion is not true, does not mean there is no truth to be found in it. Which was a profound change from my early youth, when I found Atheism to be the sole principle from which to build up our lives and perspective of reality. Atheism causes a sweeping disregard of human´s entire spiritual history, without actually intending to do so. Leaving only pleasure and pain as the truths of human life. This is tempting because religion has seeped so deeply into these practices and perspectives, as to have almost swallowed them whole. I just haven´t really found an answer to how I should go about implementing this conviction into my life and I think he at the least provides a good place to start from. I haven´t finished the book yet but I´m already feeling like Sam Harris has written something very important here, something which our secular society needs to learn. For that, I sincerely applaud him. This book couldn´t be more in tune with the spirit of 21th century life. It´s time we build a new spirituality, a good way of life, in the void that was once filled by religion by force. (Bookmark 2:08:24)

Kanai Krsna dasa says:

First thing first to discover God: become Vegan.

Kanai Krsna dasa says:

What Sam calls spirituality is the real unique religion. There is in fact only one true religion and one God and all "religions" are different paths to achieve the same goal, the same God. The one true religion (or spirituality as Sam calls it) is Love of God (and all his living entities) in respect and humility.

Kanai Krsna dasa says:

Sam Harris has very good points and a lot of wisdom, I really enjoy his work. Too bad he does not believe in God and the afterlife. Would he have been able to produce the same work had he not been an atheist? I think so.

Kenneth Lee says:

I didn't know Ben Stiller wrote books

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