'War is outdated…': Dalai Lama calls for an end to Russia-Ukraine fight; Pitches for dialogue

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Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama expressed anguish over the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Dalai lama called for peace to be swiftly restored in the eastern European country. “Our world has become so interdependent that violent conflict between two countries inevitably impacts the rest of the world. War is out-dated – non-violence is the only way. We need to develop a sense of the oneness of humanity by considering other human beings as brothers and sisters. This is how we will build a more peaceful world,” the 14th Dalai Lama said in a statement. Watch the full video for more.

#Russia #Ukraine #DalaiLama

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vitaly romas says:

Dalai Lama is distorting the reality, hence he nurishes the war. It is not the "conflict in Ukraine". We in Ukraine got the ruzzian invasion, act of war, ruzzia's act of genocide against Ukraine. Tibetan buddists have a real experience of "finding dialogue". When Tibet people have been raped and killed, Dalai Lama hadn't urge to dialog, nor he was able to save those who were raped and killed by chinese soldiers. Dialog about russians accountability is possible only after russia stops the attack and gets back its troops back to ruzzia, going out of all territories the captured with war.

Floyd says:

We are at 100 seconds to midnight on the doomsday clock and have been for some time; the closest we have ever been to annihilation. The systems we have in place for what we deem human progress are not compatible with our best interest on the consciousness scale of the universe. Annihilation is the most likely outcome. To evade annihilation of our species the entire house of cards has to fall and there is no way to get everyone to cooperate. Sorry to rain on the Dalai Lama's parade but there are just too many variables that are incompatible with this universal insight. I do understand that insight intimately, since I was born remembering that state between this life and the last. But with our current system and all the complexities within our current system it's either annihilation or subservience. Resistance is futile says the Borg. Most Civilizations probably destroy themselves in our cosmos and we are on the FastTrack to that end.

Elizabeth Bakewell says:

Suggestion: Carry your Own
Re-Useable Eating Utensils
with You! Single Use Plastic is
Destroying Life Our One Earth!
"Recycling" really not happening!
Filling landfills, all the Oceans
Big corporations- should be not just for profit- at the cost of Our One Earth, All Peoples
We must act change our self-centered habits
Pass it on!

Elizabeth Bakewell says:

War is outdated
We must evolve!
Take Care of Our
One Earth!

Elizabeth Bakewell says:


His Holiness The Dalai Lama
An Appeal To The World
The Way To Peace In
A Time Of Division
– Secular Ethics

Ian Oliver says:

I agree with every word of His Holiness but . . . for some inexplicable reason, human life keeps evolving with devilish dictators. Everything I have witnessed over these past five weeks in Ukraine is a mirror of everything that happened in Nazi Germany. Back then it was the Jews who suffered under Hitler. Today we have millions of Ukrainians undergoing the same horrors as the Jews. But Putin, like his evil mirror-image dictator, Hitler, will eventually be stopped one way or the other – it's called karma my friends!

Robert Zając says:

Lets stop the war and unite all people

riguepeu says:

Je prie avec lui, humblement pour que la paix revienne.
Mais déjà beaucoup de morts inutiles.
Tristesse et inquiétude.

Pal Gy says:

All the nations are connected so if your neighbours are fighting and ready to burn each other's house and all your houses are conntecd to each other then chances are your house will also catch fire and burn. So you should try to convince your neighbours to calm down and sort it out peacefully.

Narayanan Subramaniam says:

His Holiness is the apostle of peace. Let us all embrace his wisdom and unlimited compassion ❤️

AUM 999 says:

Our Godi media was promoting the war and stating Putin as hero.. please have some sensibility..look at the deaths .. everyone looses in war… we have only one earth…we know you have sold your soul but some of us still believe in peace and keeping our consciousness..thank you Dalia Lama you are amazing and wonderful Guru

Aj Singh says:

Long live free tibet

Sanyukta phukan Banerjee says:

We are all connected

Franziska Seger says:

Let's join" his holiness " with our prayers for United Peace

Trident Gameing says:

Actually if we want to protect great things we need power, power is only solution for peace imagine if Ukraine has nuclear today and in that time imagine if tibet has great army this is today's reality

arun sai says:

can he convince china for free tibet…

Barkha Mani says:

This is all because of zelenskys foolishness costing lives of many

Keith Drower says:

Russia started it.

Hans Caspian says:

Even you call the god the war wont stop what weapons are for?

Yashvant says:

True, War is outdated.

Varun Raju.G says:

Reject Ashoka the last strong emperor of Maurya empire,
Accept Chandra Gupta Maurya, the founder of Maurya empire.
You need to be strong cause others will always attack you

kumar vivek 186 says:

War and conflicts are inevitable, it's an animal nature. We are built that way.

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