Wayne Dyer How To Get What You Really, Really Want

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Los Angels says:

Can you trust a man who wears what he is wearing?

Fimontronia says:

He talks about going to his fathers grave. Then releasing the past. Then
being able to write. But how? So how do I do it? I know for a fact that my
entire career has gone nowhere because I refuse to do anything. Because of
all the abuse my family has put me through. I had to live on for the
streets for months at a time because of them. Even over a year at one
point. Yet I never did drugs or drink. Nobody should ever have to go
through living on the streets. But even though they’re all far away living
a rich and happy life in another country, it still affects me on a daily
basis to the point that I can’t function. The only thing that stops me is
this. Otherwise, I would be able to function, get healthy, and do alot of
great things for my life and my career which is the most important thing to
me. His dad died so that he could be free. My abusive parents are still
alive. How ca I be free?

Slobodan Dzikoski says:

I gotta say you choose the most beautiful names for your daughters 

YI HUI Chang says:

Great speech!


You cant get what you want , because we as Humans only have enough free
will to believe , so all others actions are done through us including our
thoughts and deeds, even the desire to want something ,has to come from
Heaven through the feelings of your chakra energy center ,

we all want better things for ourselves and we may get some of those things
, given to us but it all depends, on your karma , everything in life is
subject to karma 

Summer Sunshine says:

I thought he was gonna talk about “how to get what you really, really
want”? Instead all I heard were silly stories about his family’s daily

Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis says:

words of pure wisdom, thanks for the upload, much appreciated.

Max Padilla says:

*All that a human being (or any else being) really, truly wants is absolute
fulfillment by life itself, independent of what happens in the environment.*

*This is completely possible to have… **After you know the truth of life.*
It *has been revealed* at TruthContest◘Com in their top entry “The

gfine2000 says:

If you don’t open or expand your mind and conscientiousness, you’re not
going to grasp what he’s talking about here and you will be wasting your
time. Pay close attention, remove all thoughts of preconceived ideas,
judgements and criticisms and you might just learn something. In other
words, if you came here to judge, discredit or belittle Dr. Wayne Dyer, you
will learn absolutely nothing from this session. You’ll continue to stay
stuck in that same world you’ve almost been trapped and unhappy or
unfulfilled in.

Annaliesa Rose says:

Very inspirational!

kerry smith says:

i respect his teachings..insights..etc..just wondering how many people
actually have had these wonderful things happening in their lives after
listening to him

Peter Maguire says:

Sorry, don’t buy any of what he says. Amazed somebody would buy his books.
I’ve thought 100 times what I want to be, in many different ways, and
acted on what I think about, I still stay in the same position with 0
success. There only a handful of people from families who have success, and
they have most of the wealth of the planet. ‘

Jim Sear says:

Worth listening to
Give it a go
You have nothing to lose
except your present point of view

jess marco says:

his daughter’s voice is beautiful

nahnni says:

Write a book entitled, “How To Get What You Really, Really Want,” and if
you are lucky and a big name publisher agrees to publish it and the book
takes off, you will pretty much get what you really, really want within the
bounds of reason. What Dyer and his ilk preach is materialism as spiritual
favor. You can’t begrudge the guy. He’s found a gimmick on the New Age
train and it worked for him. And it’s not that what he offers doesn’t have
some value. It has a level of value.

kerry smith says:

did anyone else notice while his daughter was singing..her eye color change
from light brown to green then back to brown..i know i did

psychotronik13 says:

there is no source, you are not born with a soul, but your body has the
potential to create a soul

Andrea Hall-Miller says:

I Loved This Message! Thank You.

Christopher Corry says:
Los Angels says:

his circular hand motions are driving me crazy…cant do it anymore

white lily15 says:

Send your parents love, but sometimes you have to let go of the expectation
that they will ever love you unconditionally and for your own health,
distance yourself from them or make the decision to end contact. 

lili M says:

U C, Dr Wayne, there r people like you who dont mean what they say, dont
say what they mean that makes spiritual people like me, doubt you.
How can a person like you who believes in open marriage, talk about
You r giving the ‘Spirituality, peace, hope, belief’ a bad name.

So, why not talk about why your third wife left you?

”’The fact that Wayne seems believe in a kind of open marriage and even
spoke about it in an interview to a newspaper that even though he was
married, if he was attracted to a woman, he would go ahead and have dinner
with her without any qualms
Wayne has been very open and frank regarding the reason his last marriage
didn’t last. Wayne and Marcelene had been married for almost twenty years
when in 2003, she met and ran away with someone else who according to the
grapevine is an eighteen years younger Australian chiropractor. For Wayne,
it was a huge shock and act of betrayal. Wayne and Marcelene continue to
remain married to each other, but are separated.””

oMagiKo0o4o0oMelonSo says:

.hi my name is brandon I am a thirty one year old male, I have a family of
six in springfield mo, two boys and two step daughters, my oldest son
rhainnon is 5 and my youngest son elijiah is 1, my two step daughters
ashlynn (the oldest) is about to turn ten and the younger of the two
shaylee is 6,… she is the spritzy one of the bunch, a little diva at
heart! my significant other (fiance) tracy is thirty two and she is a
wonderful woman, full of love and equality. this might sound nuts to you ,
but I have been praying and believing that god would alleviate some of our
burdens. I spent most of my life thinking tat I did not deserve money
because it was instilled in me at a young age. having a father that was a
preacher growing up I was taught that money was bad and that only the evil
people of the world had money and now as I’ve gotten older I realize the
folly in my fathers thinking, even though he is a good man and he tried his
best he left me with a mess to sort out as I came into my own
understandings of life. I always told myself that if I won the lotto that I
would help people out, you know how it goes, you think about the people in
your family that you would help out if you had that kind of money, paying
off your fathers dept or helping someone in your family get the care that
they needed, then with your fantasies of getting that kind of money you may
think of how you can help the people around you. I realized as I got older
that money is a tool that could be used for good or for bad and that there
is nothing inherently wrong with money just what you put into it. as far as
the things that I would do with money if I had it besides setting up my
family with a home that we didn’t have to pay on living from bill to bill.
most of it would go to the people around me that need it. I would help my
brother start a business and I would pay off my mom and step fathers
mortgage and my fathers mortgage as well, I would set my kids up with a
collage fund and I would start a small business that my children could work
at when they get older if they were ever in a bind. I would finally have
the money that I need to marry my fiance and we wouldn’t have to worry
about claiming bankruptcy so that our food stamps wouldn’t get lessened.
yes I am on ssi and my woman works over fifty hours a week taking care of
mentally handicapped people and between the two of us we can’t even hold
our heads up above the bills. if I had the money we would have a car that
has air conditioning for once lol …. one that could fit all of our kids.
and then I would do what I always did when I was established with a good
job, I would go around feeding people like I did when I was young. yea at
one point in my life me and a few friends would travel around and feed
people, exploring new towns and places. these people that I traveled with
before that taught me how to make a small living traveling from place to
place feeding homeless people and giving people rides. anyways whatever you
consider I’m sure that you will help out the right people. in case you want
to contact me or tracy here is our numbers 417 838 0784 that is tracys
number and mine is 417 771 2942 but mine hangs up alot, nine dollar phone

sharda Ragoonanan says:

Nothing is impossible for us ..we have conquered the impossible, we have
gotten a GURU..

amutha says:


ShakaWhen TheWallsFell says:

higher levels of awareness – rofl. i’m highly aware that i’m not
attractive, therefore I cannot attract a significant other. That aware
enough for you Wayne? lol

Henry Rights says:

what I want is people on this earth to find peace in themselves =] now is
that achievable? =] If that is not, I can just pretend nobody exists on
this earth except me and still be happy =] 

MsWhoopsidaisies says:

he’s the real deal. and sky sings lovely.

Herschel Davidson says:

Very good

curly anne says:

Wow! I needed to hear that. Thank you.x

The Poetic Page says:

Hello Wayne: a question. If you’re not there to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to
people’s individuality, then what’s with the ‘Why?’ and seeming complaint
about a botanist wishing to explain to others a plants given name? Why
disregard that person’s values and wish to share their being with others?
It feels like a slight ego-trip to me.

bilha keydar says:


chickadeedoodledoooo says:

this guy nailed it for me!

Shashi lakshmanan says:

What if as a spiritual person I want to be content or accept what life has
given me ? Is that wrong? Am I stopping any manifestation?

Maryanne Mantia says:

I can understand how people want to come to the conclusion that this is a
hoax. A few years ago I also was a little skeptical. That is the EGO
talking however. The EGO doesn’t want you to believe that life is easy. The
EGO wants to mask the power you have within yourself. The EGO is FEAR and
most people who haven’t done the necessary soul work that they need to do
are AFRAID of living an easy life. I have experienced things over the last
few months that were once completely unbelievable. 6 months ago I was
laughed out of a car dealership, I had almost no money in my checking
accounts, and denied for credit cards. I was on a waiting list for a better
apartment with no hope in sight to get into the complex. Without ANY of my
financial circumstances changing to make this happen,Through meditation,
affirmations, positive attitude, gratitude and letting go I now have a new
car, money in my checking accounts, a new credit card and my name was shot
to the top of the waiting list and I will be in my new apartment in a few
months. A job that once created anger and frustration has now become easy
and prosperous. My life is changing everyday and everyday something happens
to me that I can almost can not believe. Practice meditation, connect to
your inner self, work through the pain you have hanging on your soul and
let it go and receive love from the DIVINE SOURCE WITHIN YOU!! ASK for the
ability to believe in this power , BELIEVE you have it and you WILL RECEIVE
it!! I promise you will never look back and never be unhappy again!

Gloria King says:


alistair mcpherson says:

spin doctor.how to get what you want,this flies in the face of any mystical
teachings.its gods will not ur egos will

Tiffany Bucher says:


John Walsh says:

Masonic symbols all over that sweater…and the hand signals…

Prebanda Sandra says:

Amazing & Loving Spirit!!!

Jan Spreen says:

I think this is really worth listening to over and over again. Listen while
exploring oneself, one’s own experiences. Listen until you have the whole
picture. It fits amazingly. The four really’s are a stroke of genius. That
is, if you don’t leave out the “you also get what you really don’t want”.
… You don’t get thin by loathing the thick… That and the part about
“What always has been”.

…Suspend your disbelieve for a while….

Wayne, you’re really, really, really, really good !

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