Wayne Dyer – Power of Intention pt 1 Complete Version

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Inspirational lecture by Wayne Dyers on his masterpiece the ‘Power of Intention’ in which he details what the ego is and how it effects us on a daily basis as well as its negative role in understanding the power of attraction.

If you are interested in knowing more about your day to day reality visit www.greaterawareness.tv For a deeper understanding of who we are and our purpose for being please visit www.higherconsciousness.tv


Brandon Da Silva says:

*If you have intention towards truth, you are lucky to be alive. You are a
very special phenomena, independent of egoistic desires and thick,
complicated illusions.*

*You, however DO have something in your mind that needs to be fixed. We all
do. Go to TruthContest◘com and read “The Present” for some **astonishing
and shattering truths about life and us.** It’s COMPLETELY worth it. It’s

CrazyLassi says:

Every morning I think of a wish for the day. This morning’s wish (or
affirmation) was “today I get my answers”. I think that finding and
watching this video provided me with a lot of answers. Thanks Wayne Dyer
and boqueroningles! “Find the way to be of service” was the answer.

E-Omar Perry says:

Was I the only one who felt his stomach jump when Dyer said that our
purpose is to give our life away? WOW!!! That really broke me open. It
was so powerful that it brought me to tears. 

Los Angels says:

I think the connection experienced a snap at some point…(great floods
they have written about)…and after that we have been lost…I don’t think
we can just reconnect artificially until this snap or break is
repaired…..we all know something is very wrong with life….and that is
almost the proof of something having gone wrong in the past to the energy
field….we take drugs and drink to numb ….but fundamentally the world is
an unhappy world….just takes time I think to repair…but it won’t be in
our life time….that is why we listen to this guy or that guy or this
woman or that woman or this preacher or that rabbi….if it was all natural
then we would not need to…would we?

Bp Rao says:


Eusebie Gherman says:

Talking about the “field of intentions” at 30.29 Dyer states, “Everything
IT can do you can do.” This is a leap of faith and he never makes a logical
connection to this concept. Of course that is what the audience wants to
hear…Once established that all things emanate from this “field of
intention” or God who is All Knowing and All Powerful, then the hook is
basically that Mr. Dyer’s listeners are given the unlimited power of God.
The problem is that Mr. Dyer fails to establish this logically and really
just pulls a rabbit out of his hat (or arse). Much as I love the guy, but
he really is a charlatan. This does not however negate the plethora of fine
information he conveys throughout this presentation. 

Yvon Chamberland says:

Wayne Dyer – Power of Intention pt 1 Complete Ver…:

irma roa says:

Me encanta. Muchísimas bendiciones 

Frida Dayan says:

Wayne Dyer – Power of Intention pt 1 Complete Version

Élan Wallace says:

Can not watch this enough! Thank you for sharing!

Melissa Pinder says:

Powerful, must-watch lecture!

“Contemplate yourself as surrounded by the conditions which you wish to
produce.” -Wayne Dyer

Inquisitive says:

He is a very wise man

Arina Dogaru says:

Cand schimbi felul in care privesti lucrurile, lucrurile pe care le
privesti se schimba.

warie porbeni says:

I have enjoyed this so i wish to share with you,please enjoy a trip to

Dr Susan Vincent says:
Kelly Wertz says:

WAYNE, YOU ARE PERHAPS THE MOST Amazing Human I have had the pleasure to
watch as well as listen to in my entire life. You have centered me. Simply
so real and down to earth. You humble me. Sincerely Kelly l Wertz.

Rene' Pike says:

Amazing the for my soul.

B J Williams says:

great–accepting ………listening to Wayne for 35+ years now; works for

Lily Landis says:


Francisco Jimenez says:

Absolutely! Powerful! Inspirational, Thanks! Wayne.

Matthew Savoy says:

Thank You Rosalyn Rosenfeld (aka Jennifer Lawrence)

Paramjit Grover says:

very effective

Francisco Jimenez says:

Absolutely! Powerful! Inspirational, Thanks! Wayne.

Derrick Conley says:

Great stuff

buddha ireland says:

the Ganges river .. the Dee River…. the Danube… the Nile… these
rivers deserve our remembrance.. we’ve adopted a river in maryland.. we are
searching for oyster mushrooms to help it and other nearby rivers… this
our riverdance… we can have the healing we want through this..
cleanliness found within nature… this is not really a battle dance its
more of a ballet… the algonquins also have their riverdances as do the
choctaw and chickasaw who are rain peoples… important to know these
dances lest they be misinterpreted.. as the trail of tears… when really
rain falling is good for earth good to full emotions the rainbow… and the
waves of the river and oceans are like smiles… like a smile going to a
flat face and back to a smile this is the way of the river.. the only sad
thing about it is for them to be wasted.. a river dance is intuitive.. and
can prevent much harm as the river is flexible and just moves with whatever
may be an obstacle.. flowing around… all it is.. is our natural way of
being.. river… living like that is good for earth… its not a martial
art or a battle.. its an original state of being totally peaceful..
nurtured by yin and yang… we must remember just as the ancient celts and
native americans thrived without alcohol.. so too did the ancient asian
cultures thrive before blocked out by the idea of use of their techniques
for violence… at their heart none of the schools of energetic philosophy
are martial… we must learn to drop this label just as we drop the
connection of alcohol to ireland and native americans to intense suffering
africans to slavery… and just see it as it truly is without the drama
just divinely and spontaneously healed.. then we see that their meditation
is all one. interpreting the things shown to me i see that we’ve just got
to not see it as a fight… remember life of pi… the true wise people are
not fighters… but ones who have made peace… … then we see that their
meditation is all one. interpreting the things shown to me i see that we’ve
just got to not see it as a fight… remember life of pi… the true wise
people are not fighters… but ones who have made peace… zen is to see
these systems and use them not for battle but peace…there were even those
who tried to make zen about conflict though… but luckily good overcomes
evil… ayurveda .. INCORRU the Ganges river .. the Dee River…. the
Danube… the Nile… these rivers deserve our remembrance.. we’ve adopted
a river in maryland.. we are searching for oyster mushrooms to help it and
other nearby rivers… this our riverdance… we can have the healing we
want through this.. cleanliness found within nature… this is not really a
battle dance its more of a ballet… the algonquins also have their
riverdances as do the choctaw and chickasaw who are rain peoples…
important to know these dances lest they be misinterpreted.. as the trail
of tears… when really rain falling is good for earth good to full
emotions the rainbow… and the waves of the river and oceans are like
smiles… like a smile going to a flat face and back to a smile this is the
way of the river.. the only sad thing about it is for them to be wasted.. a
river dance is intuitive.. and can prevent much harm as the river is
flexible and just moves with whatever may be an obstacle.. flowing
around… all it is.. is our natural way of being.. river… living like
that is good for earth… its not a martial art or a battle.. its an
original state of being totally peaceful.. nurtured by yin and yang… we
must remember just as the ancient celts and native americans thrived
without alcohol.. so too did the ancient asian cultures thrive before
blocked out by the idea of use of their techniques for violence… at their
heart none of the schools of energetic philosophy are martial… we must
learn to drop this label just as we drop the connection of alcohol to
ireland and native americans to intense suffering africans to slavery…
and just see it as it truly is without the drama just divinely and
spontaneously healed.. then we see that their meditation is all one.
interpreting the things shown to me i see that we’ve just got to not see it
as a fight… remember life of pi… the true wise people are not
fighters… but ones who have made peace… … then we see that their
meditation is all one. interpreting the things shown to me i see that we’ve
just got to not see it as a fight… remember life of pi… the true wise
people are not fighters… but ones who have made peace… zen is to see
these systems and use them not for battle but peace…there were even those
who tried to make zen about conflict though… but luckily good overcomes

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