Wayne Dyer Stop Suffering End Struggling End Stress NOW

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Best Wayne Dyer Books – Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life http://amzn.to/2lCVsQw
Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting – https://amzn.to/2wDeyze
I Can See Clearly Now – https://amzn.to/2KWwkR9

Wayne Dyer Stop Suffering End Struggling End Stress NOW

Wayne Walter Dyer was an American philosopher, self-help author, and a motivational speaker. His first book, Your Erroneous Zones, is one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 35 million copies sold to date.


Suzanne Morris says:

worrying doesn't change anything

Indy felix says:

Love you Wayne! Your love and inspiration will always be here in the hearts of those who truly saw you

deepa Ram says:

You're great….

Birru Yasin says:

You lost my respect when you mentioned Ethiopia. You know nothing about Ethiopia let alone Ethiopia being land of god and origin of everything.

Earth Changes says:

We are like rivers. On the surface we are all shiny and clear, shimmering with freshness and life, but deep within us run powerful unseen currents of soul-memories and desires. These deep currents are the cumulative effects of ages of soul-life and many incarnations on the Earth. They cause us to love one person and despise another; to feel wonderful vibrations with a particular individual like yourself. In one aspect of our lives only to feel awkward and uncomfortable with that same person in another aspect of our lives.

Earth Changes says:

If l may …All around you is a hidden energy that holds the vibration of love. You may not always see it or feel it, as your eyes have been blinded by distracting thoughts, desires and limiting beliefs from your past lifes.

Yet this omnipresent energy is a container of the divine, Source that many consider as God which the true meaning is the" Source " is everywhere, within everyone and everything. You can say that there is a particular source this greater Love comes from The Great Source that others call God because it IS the Source itself within all, and is always found beneath every little thought and thing that has consciousness and awareness. It’s only when you stop, look and listen will your eyes open to this truth, that you can know that pure love is the driving force behind everything that is fill with positive energy. Love It’s quite easy to separate this world into good and bad people, challenging and easy situations, bright or dark aspects, and black or white situations that are most obviously right or wrong. This level of perception takes no skill at all, for it is just the mind running the show, following the crowd. This dualistic path is a necessary stage on the path, yet be careful as it does not include nor incorporate our infinite spiritual nature. The black and white level of perception is like the kindergarten of awareness, where the mind is molded to the world’s beliefs ! It is entranced by the ego’s seduction that life needs to be defined, clear cut and under complete control.
What requires true mastery in life however is to go beyond duality, and see how a divine play is behind it all. By opening your mind to perceive the synchronistic cosmic perfection behind all events, actions and people you no longer live in duality and have jumped to a higher level of education. This new teaching requires your being to be truly present, and constantly curious about how everything (yes everything) that is fill as positive energy is an expression of love. Only when your eyes have been cleared from the mind’s swinging judgments between right and wrong can you know in your heart that every single action that is of positive perspective is done on Earth is a form of Love are you hitting energy that is inside of us all….unless one chooses the dark side both sides are based on a universal law of free will we all have the freedom to choose. Sadly most don't serve the light. Just my thoughts on the subject and yes we will always love and miss him. He changed my life.

Joseph Marton says:

this is not always true. I dreamt , prepared for, thought daily that one day I was to get married . I started at 13 years of age. when I reached the age of 44 , I started to wonder if it was to happen ?? 6 girls died on the day I was to ask them to marry me and one comitt suicide , alcoholic. 8 girls lost their jobs on the day I was to take them on a date. never seen them again. fate, random chance play the part in our life. we can view suffering or pain with a smile or be unhappy about it but our fate will not change , our perception of it is the only thing that we can control, but the situation will not change.

Gary Roth says:

I love Dr. Dyer! How long have you been watching?

Iluv Merengue says:

As much as I like most of what he said I can't agree about there not being stress. Precisely when we have problems with no immediate solution for (out of our control) but which impose, for example, a lot of extra work on our part and demands on our time and we're physically very tired all the time, no matter what anyone says, that's real stress.Very obviously Dr. Dyer was not a poor single parent and sole caretaker of 2 children like I was nor ever helped for a while to take care of a bed ridden terminally ill parent, or had a semi-paralyzed and incontinent cat (who thinks he's fine so I have had to keep him out of harm's way) because someone shot him, like I'm doing now. I can't even get enough sleep for heaven's sake! The best I can do is think that nothing lasts forever and have faith that he will be healed.

Now, what I'd like to learn is how to attract better living conditions in the middle of what I"m going through but this clip was of no help to me.

la reinax says:

Healing words, full of wisdom. I‘m grateful for his work~

surendarnath g says:

You are here to help us, am grateful for the fact.
You help me to wither away all the worldly stress and confusion… You are a hope of freedom and joy..

Knowledge Sharing says:

Thank you Wayne Dyer

Angel Spiritual Connections says:

Such an amazing soul 💜😇

Shila Venus says:

RIP Dyer❤️

Kenny Vawter28 says:

I believe this is a generated version..I never heard of the eye on the back..Thats not the TAO..

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