Wayne Dyer Wishes Fulfilled – Top 30min – Dr. W.Dyer wishes fulfilled

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Wayne Dyer’s Wishes Fulfilled is the most extraordinary product from this author.
But not only from this author, from my point of view Wayne Dyer Wishes fulfilled is one of the best product on spiritual material of all time. In the Top30min, we have extracted the best 30 minutes of this program, so that you can watch it anytime.

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grace1972 says:

i see this man as my mentor

VictorNewman201 says:

People shouldn't be worried that if they have negative feelings or judgments towards others, that they won't be able to manifest things. This is Wayne's moralizing, not how the Law of Attraction actually works. As far as I know Neville Goddard never said this, and if you read or listen to Neville, you'll find he had criticisms towards lots of people, yet always manifested sucessfully:) The reason letting go of grudges helped Wayne receive a blocked manifestation was because he had a limiting belief about this – Wayne believed holding a grudge was bad and made him undeserving, so when he let go of the grudge, he felt worthy and & allowed himself to receive his manifestation. It was a mental "permission slip" for him, as Bashar would say. Negative judgments are actually part of our emotional guidance system, and the feelings are meant to be acknowledged and experienced. The key is to not dwell on them constantly & end up in a frequent state of anger or depression, while not repressing them either. Constant negativity could lower your vibration and make it harder to manifest, but repressing such thoughts will only make them worse, and also cloud one's judgment and intuition.

David Christensen says:

You my friend helped transform my life into something beyond my wildest dreams. You just make sense. I agree that life is about helping others. You are quoted as saying each morning to the universe How may I serve you? And the universe always says back how may I serve you? This works I am living proof. Wow. My daughter was required to listen to your episode of living the toa de ching for a college requirement and referred it to me. I did and what a blessing it has been to me. Not to mention the number of I have told others. I wish I had known earlier my 51 years but like you say There's a time for everything and everything it's time. Just trying to stay in the moment tuff sometimes certainly worth it.

WisherSurferGirl says:

I love Wayne, & wish he'd put out some new stuff on youtube. I can almost recite all of his present clips, even the long ones.

kekenii says:

Thank you soo much 🙂

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