Wayne Dyer’s Leukemia & John of God’s healings on Wayne – LILOU’S JUICY LIVING TOUR

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“You Don’t Get What You Want, You Get What You Are” – Wayne Dyer

WAYNE W. DYER, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of over 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. http://www.drwaynedyer.com/

His books Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, and the New York Times bestsellers 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, The Power of Intention, Inspiration, Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life, and now Excuses Begone have all been featured as National Public Television specials.

Dyer holds a Doctorate in Educational Counseling from Wayne State University and was an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York.

Dr. Wayne Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. Despite his childhood spent in orphanages and foster homes, Dr. Dyer has overcome many obstacles to make his dreams come true. Today he spends much of his time showing others how to do the same.

When he’s not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting message, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui.

Dr Wayne Dyer

More on Leukemia

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Michell Wallace says:

*Are you looking for the truth of life?*
*Visit **TruthContest◙Com and read The Present*
The time has come to *wake up…*

TinWhizlez says:

I mean call me bat shit crazy but, I’m 12 minutes in so maybe he says more
or clarifies but didn’t Jesus say I am the way and the light and nobody
would get to the Father (God) except through him ?
That doesn’t sound like we “are” God. Divine spark in us, yes,ability to
heal through that spark ,yes most likely! I think he is telling many
truths. But to say I am God ? No.
That doesn’t ring true for me , sorry but I have no idea how to create a
universe nor do I have the schematic. What, the schematic is locked in my
sub-consious you say ? Doubtful .

ruth rachel says:

God made clear right and wrong rules. Here we have a man wayne dyer
teaching lies, which will encourage many to deny the salvation through
Jesus Christ. What did God say about this? Matthew 10:33 But whosoever
shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send
peace, but a sword.

kathryn berry says:

Interesting that he never once mentions the daughter who Lilou came to
interview originally nor the values he raised his daughter on. Dr.
Dyer took the opportunity of Lilou’s presence to talk about himself, all
his books, DVDs and famous friends. His very first words are a plug of his
newly finished book not his daughter. He speaks only of himself, not his
family values and plugs a few other famous people. He ‘helps’ so many
people throughout his dialogue and yet steals his daughter’s thunder.
Listen to what he says around minute 16. He assumes Lilou wants to
interview him (of course Lilou would want this opportunity but what of how
this makes his daughter feel?). My heart goes out to the daughter, being
over shadowed in this way in her moment to shine.

Ronan Prud'homme says:

Wayne Dyer’s Leukemia & John of God’s healings on… :

truth has eyes inward says:

Did your thougjts create your reality dr dyer, how did you attract cancer,
with all that money. With the ability to buy, and To eat all the right
foods.. since your so enlightened….

Los Angels says:

Conman..nothing else.

Jan Manimoi says:

Wayne Dyer’s Leukemia & John of God’s healings on…:

truth has eyes inward says:

Go sell all your things, give it to the poor, and follow.. live with some
starving indians.. and learn the truth mr,. 2 faces Dyer ,Learn to be led.
Stop coning people , into believe you walk truth when you do not. Your on
the black road.. the road of greed..since when does a master go to all the
rich people…..???????????…..

Nina Daniel says:

First, learn how to write the word “legit”, buddy!
Next, if you don’t believe in anything SPIRITUAL and how deeply it affects
our physiology, just go over and look at yourself in the mirror. No
offense intended, but you WILL find something unhealthy – whether the angry
expression on your face, or all the resentment you’re holding so you feel
compelled to lash out on other people and their Youtube postings, or your
weight, or something inside your body. You have created all that, with
your thoughts. And if you don’t believe in this, just get off your
computer and go do something else with your time, will you? Why are you
watching this if it doesn’t work for you? Got to run…and good luck to

Ray of the Sunshine says:

I loved to listed every second of this so profound wisdom. Thank you guys
for creating this material <3 <3 <3

Gary Sellars says:

From 7:22 to 7:42 Dyer reveals why he is a false “prophet” and *should be
dismissed and ignored*. Like many, he takes the name of God and feigns to
believe Scripture, but in that 20 second span he reveals that *he is in
darkness*, for he has rejected the most important reason Jesus came. Jesus
showed the light and revealed the nature of the Father and light and truth,
but *His main purpose was **that He came to suffer and die for our sins**
and all who accept His substitutionary death (according to Rom 10:9-10)
have passed from death to life*. *Thankfully, Dr. Dyer clearly revealed
that he has not found life* and for all his words, the net result is
*vanity* for he is leading people astray.

Jan Manimoi says:

Wayne Dyer’s Leukemia & John of God’s healings on…:

Kathy Norton says:

Thank you for sharing you blessings and experiences with John of God. I
like to explore new avenues of spirituality and consider going. Recently,
60 minutes of Australia did an news show on this popular healing. Is this
just negative energy in this reporter, or is their some truth?

FIRSTconcentrate says:

Does Wayne have insecurities about his baldness? He’s always wearing that

catmusicgirl says:

very inspiring.. thank you

truth has eyes inward says:

Me me my my… me ism at its greatest .. a man with a golden tounge and a
horn ….

Jan Manimoi says:

Wayne Dyer’s Leukemia & John of God’s healings on…:

Alida Epremian says:

This man is helping by sharing his experiences. I appreciate him sharing
his experiences. This is inspiring to me. Thank you Wayne.

Abel Smith says:

Mumbo jumbo nonesense

Dionne says:

Because of yours and mine and all of our consciousness. Keep thinking like
you are doing and they will continue. Open your heart and be the change you
want to see in the world (Gandhi) and all will be transformed… AGREED!!

kazfoley says:



Opinion JJ I

nabella chater says:

verry good 

Paula Sky says:

ENTER HIS BODY ? DEMONIC TO ME. ( You don’t need to do rituals when a
person is with The SON OF GOD JESUS CHRIST ! ) 

Sarah FortuneK says:
katndognco says:

$17,000.00 watch – he was aware of the ridiculousness of it; I saw it – so
did you.

dennisisawesome says:

Here for boobs

lismoynan Mairead says:

I am that I am

Rach and Dave says:

GOD, for god’s sake!! Yes, they are nice people, yes we are here to help
each other, but this is just nonsense and I am a HSP…you must be psychic
then,….no, I can just see how everything is interconnected, and
everything is always is a state of change, but there will not be an
everything shortly because Obama and his psycho buddies are going to nuke
this planet if you do not put a stop to these despots…and that is 100%
certain…because they cannot back down but cannot win

florilege2 says:

Je crois que l’étape suivante de votre carrière est de vous décider à
mettre enfin des sous-titres en français dans vos interviews. Après tout,
vous êtes francophone à la base. Le monde n’est pas juste anglophone.

truth has eyes inward says:

He truly makes me puke….. no avatar no spiritual awakened soul would
flaunt this kinda crap…and to think i usta believe he knew, and walked
the talk….

Maria Gomes says:

This video wad an inspiration to my answers..i have been struggling with
some things and this was the answer i received to my questions in
meditation. ..thank you continue to do what you do ..

Dionne says:

I have already been healed from one Illness and the other is in Progress
because I chose to BELIEVE..

Sammy G says:

What a crook!!! Good luck with this!!


What Dyer teaches is way wrong & not Biblical. NOT ALL ARE SAVED. It seems
obvious he doesn’t know his Bible and very most likely NOT a true
Christian. A whole lot of indicators of that fact

sarper behdjet says:

Check out this video on YouTube:

Barbara altman says:

I am a big fan of Wayne Dyer.

justme2nu3 says:


J. Michael Christophre says:

So Beautiful Wayne & Lilou!!! Thank You.

Aaron Morgan says:

I am takin it easy. Uve got ur keys in all caps as if you are yelling at me
lol I I’ve said good things in my comment and blessed all. I’m straight
with what I have said and stand by it. Again peace and blessings to ALL.
Not just to those who agree with me. Peace.

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