We are here now- Ram Dass lecture

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Karolina S says:

Hey y'all, I'm selling Ram Dass stickers, t-shirts, and other worldly possessions on RedBubble. Check em out if you like πŸ™‚ https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/56192636

Squash Bash says:

when does he say "be here now"

Oriya says:


GoodxJ says:

Root Beer for the win!!!

I drank one and then he said that as I'm listening. Ha ha!!!! In sync.

GoodxJ says:

peace & blessings to all!

keep going, keep growing!Β 

sending love, cheers!

Thenew52 Superman says:

Ego, self and awareness…

Ψ§ΩŠΨ§Ω… ΩˆΩ„ΩŠΨ§Ω„ΩŠ says:

Shooooot me
If I got anything from this

Lethargic Goblin says:

Thank you for uploading this. ☺️

Jesters_Thorny_Crown says:

Thanks for putting this up. Every few months I have to spend an hour searching YouTube for the single brave soul whos turn it is to pick up the torch and light it again.

Charlotte Powell says:

I just realized that Ram passed away December 22nd 2019 which was a day that was very significant in my life . I moved to Colorado and started a new Life πŸŒ„

Charlotte Powell says:

I love you Ram and you also have a great sense of humor . I listen to your lectures every morning and it helps me thru out the day . Charlotte πŸŽ†

Mark Pavlik says:

woohoo Van LIFE!

synchromorph says:

I've heard the voice of "God" three times in my life and according to my former transpersonal psychology teacher, "God" is the neocortex.

synchromorph says:

Consider Leary and Dass in contrast with today's role models. Completely opposite value structure.

Cole Lehner says:

I'm 24 evolving through some problems in my life I just found ram dass a few weeks ago it's bringing hope and light back into my life I'm grateful wish I could have went to one of his talks why he was still alive I feel love when I hear this man speak whether you believe what he speaks or not he is seeking understanding something alot of us have lost

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