We have God all wrong – Neale Donald Walsch – 3 Magic Words Movie

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Neale Donald Walsch talks about our perception of God in an interview for the movie 3 Magic Words. https://3magicwordsmovie.com/

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Rik says:

I see GOD as a Data center. It collects from every individual source. GOD is learning too.

Darren Young says:

How do we detach from needing romantic love? money and fame craving are easy, but love is extremely difficult

Darren Young says:

REALLY URGENT QUESTION – I cant let go of jealousy trauma toward Tokyo and the girl who broke my heart inconceivably badly who lives there now living her dream life while mine is comically falling apart at the seams as I am ripped from the world into this utterly hellish at times awakening. I ache in the ego separation toward Tokyo and this girl that bring me STRAIGHT back into pain and duality and a hostile, EXTREMELY DEEPLY wounded, cut up ego.

A permanent dormant thorn in my ego, and anything remotely associated with the pain complex. It is the ultimate place of uncomfortably comfortable addiction for me.

The trauma has led me through alcoholism, taking many drugs, CRUSHINGLY FUTILE HOLLOW one night stands and extreme low self esteem and unworthiness, addiction to a girl that was my massage therapist who has the same mannerisms as her, etcetera.

Darren Young says:

I was rejected by my Twin and it wasnt mutually felt, and the heartbreak sparked my awakening. I am unsure whether she was a true twin and in our contract she was to reject me and break my heart to catalyse my awakening, or if she was a false twin?
Very confusing!!!

Starseed Films says:

T555p: There are many of the passages and parables made by Jesus in the New Testament. According to the esoteric writings and many spiritual teachers, Jesus was preaching something entirely different from that of the literal interpretations of the church. In the Bible, Jesus speaks of himself as the Son of man and the Son of God. According to the Indian Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda “the son of man” is referring to the physical body of Jesus.  The “Son of God” is referring to his unity with Christ Consciousness. He explains that it was not the body of Jesus but the state of Christ Consciousness that was the only begotten son, and those who received this communion with God could also become sons of God.  Why did Jesus talk in such confusing parables? Yogananda says that to the receptive, Jesus revealed many spiritual truths but for the masses he cloaked them in parables so that a future generation could discover their meaning at a future time when they are ready to receive it.

“As many as received him(The Christ Consciousness), to them gave he power to become the “sons of God.”

Yogananda says that Jesus never meant that he was the only savior for all time,

God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,( Christ Consciousness) that whosoever bealieveth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. .

“He that believeth on me, (Christ Consciousness) the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do” .” (Become united with Christ Consciousness and beyond)

“The Kingdom of Heaven is within you” (the path to higher consciousness lies within us, not outside us. The “Spark” of God lies within our soul.)
“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.”It is only by achieving Christ Consciousness that you can join in union with God.

t555p says:

Jesus is saying “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.”
The words of Jesus:” He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:18.
Before that : “ For God so loved the world that He have His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Instead of speculating and believing what this guy says… Ask Jesus Christ yourself. Take it up with Him personally.
If you were to ask Neal Walsch who Jesus is you will get a completely different answer from the words spoken by Jesus in the Bible.
God in Christ and through the Holy Spirit offer the most amazing, beautiful free gift. Don’t listen to this guy.

New Thought says:

Actually, the message from God is "You've got me mostly wrong".

Rashawnda Holmes says:

The All… the Source

67 LegendAries says:

Well said brother.
We have nowhere near the capacity to know “God” in all infinite creation so yes,… that question would most definitely be of greatest value to all humanity, it’s creatures and the earth it’s self.

Dahlia Heart To Heart says:

I always felt this🙏✨

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