What Does It Mean To Say "Know Yourself"? Ask Deepak Chopra!

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Description: Deepak Chopra addresses the question, What does it mean to say “know yourself”? In his new book, “God,” he approaches this from the perspective of Socrates, the great philosopher and teacher from classical history.* Socrates suggested that revelation lay in asking, “Who am I?” A deeper identity emerges when we ask ourselves this question. Deepak asserts that we are more than our bodies and more than our minds and personalities. When we go deeper and deeper with this question, we are left with pure consciousness.

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Vishnu Essoo says:

Thank you Mr Chopra for an eye opener very well explained. Namaste

Gerrit Duplessis says:


John Rountree says:

Very well done!

James Cropper says:

Thank you for being here with me Deepak. Great timings.
Much Love.

Reverend Eslam says:

🐟 10. EGO (THE “I” THOUGHT):

The Latin pronoun "EGO" is one of the most misused words in the English language, especially in spiritual circles, where it is used as a noun, although it is a poor translation of the Sanskrit "ahaṃkāra", which is more accurately a verb.

"Ahaṃ" simply means "I/Ego", and "ahaṃkāra" means "Creating the I/self" or "Activating the sense of self".
As an aside, some Sanskrit scholars have noticed that the word "ahaṃ" is formed of a+ha+ṃ, a triad of Śiva (a), Śakti (ha) and bindu (ṃ). The whole Sanskrit alphabet is enclosed by those two syllables, just as the Greek tongue begins and ends with "alpha" and "omega", respectively. "I am the Alpha and the Omega!", said God in the book of Revelations. The palindrome of "ahaṃ" is "mahā", meaning "GREAT".

False egoity (ahaṃkāra) is an errant conception of oneself. In other words, it is the idea that “I am an independent agent, with the volition to freely think, feel and behave as I choose”, instead of simply an unqualified “I AM” (”ahaṃ”, in Sanskrit) or at the very least, “I am all-encompassing existence” (”ahaṃ brahmāsmi”, in Sanskrit).

The most accurate definition of "Ego/I" is: "the self, which is a conscious PERSON". A human person is the Stainless Consciousness of Source acting through a particular body-mind complex (which in turn is an ever-morphing biological organism).
Therefore, whenever the word "ego" is heard in practically any spiritual/religious context, it is not to be taken literally ("I") but in the sense of "ahaṃkāra" (an exaggerated sense of self-importance).

So, when the true self (which is Brahman, the TOTALITY of existence) misidentifies itself with the temporal body-mind, it is "false ego" (ahaṃkāra) but when the self/Self identifies with Conscious Awareness (Brahman), acting through the body-mind organism, it is the "real ego" (”ātmana/Paramātmana”, in Sanskrit).

Humans usually believe that they are the body-mind organism. Those who have awakened (or at least spiritually aware) consider themselves to NOT be their body-mind. One who is truly enlightened knows for certain that he is both a human being on the relative level, but quintessentially the very ground of being in the Absolute sense. When properly analysed, the phrase "I am Spirit" or "I am All" (”ahaṃ brahmāsmi”, in Sanskrit) means "I, the ego (the relative persona) am Nothing/Everything/All/Brahman/Tao/Spirit (the Absolute Ground of Being)”.

Finally, it could be argued, with some degree of merit, that since the English language already has a word for oneself ("I"), that we ought to keep using the ENGLISH dictionary definition of "ego" (as the false sense of oneself). However, because the great majority of advanced religionists and spiritual practitioners outside Bhārata (India) who speak of these concepts, base their language on Sanskrit and/or Pali, it is far more accurate to separate "ego" (ahaṃ) from "false egoity" (ahaṃkāra). The literal translation should be paramount, to avoid ambiguity.

“The first and foremost of all thoughts, the primeval thought in the mind of every man, is the thought ‘I’. It is only after the birth of this thought that any other thoughts can arise at all. It is only after the first personal pronoun, ‘I’, has arisen in the mind that the second personal pronoun, ‘you’, can make its appearance. If you could mentally follow the ‘I’ thread until it led you back to its source you would discover that, just as it is the first thought to appear, so it is the last to disappear. This is a matter which can be experienced.”
Venkataraman Iyer,
(AKA Śri Ramana Maharshi),
South Indian Sage.

“If we are not humble, if we arrogantly think we already know everything, and we think we are God (because the ego believes that it is God…) – that has to be humbled in order for us to realize that we really ARE God.
But what we are is God who forgot it was God, and then creates an ego that pretends it is God. And so the ego of the false pretence that it’s already God must be ‘popped’, so that the Real God emerges.”
Robert “Shunyamurti” Shubow,
Sat Yoga Institute, Costa Rica.

Veena Srinivasaperumal says:

Respected sir, Thank you.

Anders Teie says:

Well said Deepak❤🍀👍😊

Anders Teie says:

So TRUE !!!❤🍀👍😊

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